Church Events in 2010
This page preserves links to church events that have already occurred in 2010 for reference purposes. Look at the sidebar for archives of previous years.
Christmas Eve Worship Services
Family Worship
A worship celebration especially geared for children, with music provided by the Chorister, Cherub and Angel Choirs.
Communion & Candlelight Service
Music by the Connection Choir
Message by Pastor Greta McDonald
Traditional Candlelight Service
Music by the Chancel Choir
Message by Pastor Jim McDonald
Communion in the Chapel
Traditional Candlelight Service
Music by the Chapel Choir
Message by Pastor Jim McDonald
Join us for a night of praise, prayer, and glorious music as we remember Christ's birth and our salvation. Bring your family, your guests and your neighbors as we prepare for Christmas day.
Service of Christmas Peace
This ecumenical service is open to all that are seeking a quiet opportunity to gather a sense of inner peace amidst the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. Perhaps 2010 has not been the best year for you or someone you care deeply about. Loss of employment, a severe illness or death, or just simply the burdens of everyday life may be feeling a bit too heavy, this is a place for you. It will be a place of tranquil music, readings and prayer as we try to put it all in perspective with the birth of Jesus Christ.
A Piece of Peace
Sunday, December 19, 2:00-5:00pm
Parents, take the opportunity to grab a Piece of Peace o nSunday, December 19 from 2:00PM– 5:00PM. The church will be open and members of the Children and Family ministries will be entertaining children from the ages of birth to 6th grade with activities and crafts.
Call or visit the church office to sign up. The deadline is December 13th. Thank you! Cost is $5 a child or $10 for 2 or more children.
The Chancel Ringers and
The Westminster Handbell Ensemble
"Bring a torch, Jeanette Isabella!"
"Willie, bring your little drum, Robin bring your fife and come!"
An accompanying narrative will set the scene for our celebration as we play this overture to your season and offer the Hanging of the Greens.
Tickets are $7 in advance; $9 at the door. Child care is provided.
Online Purchase
Purchase online through PayPal using any major credit card by clicking on one the buttons below. You do not need to have your own PayPal account.
You can buy more than one ticket at a time.
After completing the PayPal transaction, please click on the link to return to this web site where you will be asked to provide further registration details. If you don't, we will contact you to request the information.
All Church Charge Conference
with Potluck Supper
Our annual Church Conference is to be held on November 14th at 7:00pm. This annual gathering of the church is meant to be a time to celebrate the past year and prepare for the new. This year's church conference will be led by our district superintendent, the Rev. Diana Facemyer.
There will be a potluck supper before the conference at 5:30pm, to which all are invited.
- What to bring
- Those whose last names begin with A - H dessert, I - Q main dish, R – Z salad or vegetable
There is a $2 charge per person to cover beverages. Childcare is available. Please let the church office know if you are coming so we can plan accordingly.
The Giving Tree
The Giving Tree will be up in the Parlor beginning Sunday, November 14th. You have the opportunity to choose tags from several agencies in order to purchase gifts for both children and adults. The tags are marked with the name or initials of the agency.
The gifts for all the agencies other than PADS should be returned with the tags firmly attached NO LATER THAN NOON ON SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7th. Gifts for PADS will continue to be collected into December.
Over 300 gifts go to needy children, youth, and adults in our township and across the Northern Illinois Conference. We hope that you will be able to help.
All Saints Day
We will honor our recently deceased members, or relatives, of the congregation on Sunday, November 7 at all three services; 8:15, 9:30 and 11:00am. Where available, their pictures will be shown on a screen as the names are read.
October 24 is Bible Sunday. All current 3rd graders will be receiving their Bibles during the 9:30 service. We are encouraging all members, joining in worship that day, to bring their 3rd grade Bibles or favorite Bible from home. Join us in celebrating this wonderful church tradition.
Thursday Evening Bible Study
The Thursday Evening Bible Study will begin October 21, meeting from 6:30-7:30pm in Room 202. We will be studying the Gospel of John. All teens and adults are welcome. No weekly preparation is required.
Pastor Greta will guide the study.
Methodism comes to America
The Bristol Connection
David Worthington
David Worthington, manager of The New Room/ John Wesley’s Chapel (the oldest Methodist Chapel in the world!) and Charles Wesley’s House will telli the amazing story of John Wesley's ministry in Bristol, England, which began in 1739 and continues today.
This year is the 25th anniversary of the South DuPage CROP Hunger Walk, a 5 walk in support of the international programs of Church World Service (CWS) and local charities, such as our own PADS site. CWS works in more than 80 countries - combating hunger and helping to provide tools of hope that empower people to meet their own needs.
Please join us in helping to alleviate hunger and poverty throughout the world. You can obtain a donation envelope from the sign-up desk in the Parlor on Sundays.
- PLACE: Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Grant & Main
- TIME: Registration at 1:30pm - Walk at 2pm.
If you cannot walk, please sponsor someone who can. Our senior, associate and youth pastors are all walking this year. You can sponsor them online using the links below.
| Sponsor or join the DGFUMC team |
Sweet Repeat Resale
Come and shop for clothing, housewares, jewelry, books, etc. Drop into the Sweets 'n Such Café for coffee and homebaked treats. All proceeds benefit the United Methodist Women missions that help women and children around the world.
Sale Times
- Friday, October 15th, 9am-2pm & 5pm-8pm
- Saturday, October 16th 10am-12pm: $3 Bag Sale
Gently used items can be dropped off in the church's Fellowship Hall from 9am to 2pm, Monday thru Wednesday, October 11th–13th, and from 5pm to 8pm, Tuesday thru Wednesday, October 12th–13th. Receipts for tax purposes will be available.
A new season of the Sunday School for adults, Foundations, will start on September 12 at 9:30am in Room 213. We are hoping that it will be "a place to share, explore and inspire."
- Sept. 12: Religion and Culture in American Society
- Led by Fred Conger, who served as Senior Pastor at FUMC for 20 years.
- Sept. 19: Language as a Social Justice Issue
- Led by Donna Adler, who pursues both public interest and for-profit legal work in the areas of immigration and nationality law, labor and employment law, and combines her theological interests with her legal background in the arena of social justice. She received her B.A. in Linguistics in 1981, her J.D. in 1984, her M.A. in Divinity in 1993, her M.A. in Philosophical and Systematic Theology in 1997, and her Ph.D. in Philosophical and Systematic Theology in 2002.
- Sept. 26: Understanding the Dark Side of Capitalism
- Led by Dr. Adler.
- Oct. 3: Stages of Social Development: Cultural Dynamics that Spark Violence, Spread Prosperity, an Shape Globalization.
- John Gillham received his divinity degree froLed by John Gillham, who received his divinity degree from Yale in 1961 and served as a Pastor until he retired in 2001.
To honor the 175th Anniversary of First United Methodist Church of Downers Grove and its commitment to community outreach, Second Sunday Quilters present:
Project 175Q
- Goal
- To make and distribute 175 handmade quilts to members of our community who are in need or in distress
- When
- By November 1, 2011
- How
- By giving quilts to private and community organizations who work with those in need.
- What You Can Do
- Make a crib, child or lap quilt to donate to the project (download pattern below)
- Make a quilt top that SSQ can finish - Tops must be finished by September 4, 2011 (download guidelines below)
- Donate quilting cotton or batting to SSQ
- Donate 6 1/2 inch quilting cotton squares to SSQ
- Contribute toward the purchase of fabric and batting
Contact Kay Frank or Julie Stone if you have any questions. Donations may be dropped off at the church office.
| Download Guidelines & Patterns |
In the midst of global economic uncertainty, Faith and Your Money is a timely forum that you don't want to miss. Led by theological educator and author, Ched Myers, Faith and Your Money will explore the ways we invest, spend, give, and yes, even waste our money.
Myers will lead us in a thought-provoking discussion about Jesus' teachings and the urgent need to act for local and global economic justice. Divided into three distinct sessions, beginning Friday evening with Jesus, Money and Justice and culminating with the Sunday morning sermon, Myers will enlighten and challenge us as we explore our beliefs and habits about money.
Don't miss this opportunity to evaluate your own perception of money and what it means to make socially responsible investments in both our local and global communities.
| More Details |
DuPage United Delegate Assembly
Come to learn, listen, relate, and celebrate
DuPage United is a non-partisan "Organization of Organizations." Individuals participate through organizations to which they belong. Current member organizations include congregations, synagogues, mosques, education associations, and civic organizations. At this evening's event, held at DGFUMC, there are three items on the agenda:
DuPage county board chairman candidates Carole Cheney and Dan Cronin will answer questions.
DuPage United Listening Action Report on priority issues identified by DuPage United member institutions.
Updates on other DuPage United actions: Water commission, College of DuPage, local housing, 10% is enough!
The Missions Work Area has reserved 30 places on Saturday, October 2, 2010 at 9:00am at Feed My Starving Children, in Aurora, IL. For those of you not familiar with FMSC, they are a non profit organization who's mission is: "Feeding God's Starving Children Hungry in Body and Spirit." It is a very fulfilling and rewarding experience to give the gift of your time to this organization.
FMSC is located at 555 Exchange Court, Aurora, IL 60504. Last year some people car pooled together, and some went directly to the site. If you would like to join us for this event please contact the church office (630-968-7120) with your name and number of people you will be bringing. We look forward to seeing you at this event!
Thank you, Jim Gracey
We are called to be compassionate as our God is compassionate (Luke 6:36). What does the compassion of Christ look like in the modern world? How do I become a more compassionate person? The JustFaith program is an intensive thirty-week program that helps to answer these questions through reflection, study, prayer and community.
Information sessions will be held in September for daytime and evening groups starting mid-October. Contact the church office (630-968-7120) or Claire Marich for details.
UMW General Meeting
The next General Meeting of the United Methodist Women is Thursday, September 30th, 2010. There will be a lunch at noon in Chapel Hall followed by the program. Julie Stone and Verla Boyle will present a program titled Creating A Sacred Space based on what they learned at the Northern Illinois Conference UMW spiritual retreat last year. You do not have to be a UMW member to attend. Hostesses will be Mary Elizabeth Circle and Ruth Circle.
Put September 30th on your calendar and plan to spend a couple hours with the United Methodist Women.
Methodist Open Golf Outing
Join us for our combined Men's and Women's "Annual Golf Outing." We will have all sorts of fun prizes for golfers of all abilities. You may also wish to invite some of your friends to join us as your guests.
The outing will be held at the Downers Grove Golf Club, with tee-off times beginning at 1:00pm. The Registration Fee, which includes green fees and prize fund, is $25 per person.
Deadline for registration is Thursday, September 16th. You may drop off or mail your registration, payable to Bruce Swanson, to the church office at: First United Methodist Church, 1032 Maple Ave, Downers Grove, IL 60515 Attn: Bruce Swanson. Registration forms are available in the church office.
Rally Day
On Rally Day, we celebrate the return to the Fall, Winter, and Spring schedule of three services at 8:15am, 9:30am, and 11:00am, and the resumption of regular Sunday School at the two later services.
Sunday School
On September 12th, we will be starting a new year of Sunday School. Every child is welcome to attend and we encourage all parents to come and register their children on Rally Day.
Work Area Fair
At 10:30am and noon, there will be a fair in the Gym so that you can see what your church work areas are doing!
Rally Day Lunch
At noon, everyone is invited to come to the Gym to enjoy lunch together. The menu will be hot dogs, fries, fruit, cookies and lemonade. The cost will be $4/adult and $2/child (12 and under). Please sign up in the Parlor or by calling the Church Office by September 5th.
Rally Day Movie
We will finish the day with a movie at the Tivoli. Everyone that attends church and/or Sunday school on Rally Day will receive a free ticket to the movie How to Train Your Dragon that will be shown at 1:30pm. Each child (12 and under) will also receive a coupon for a kid pack (box with popcorn and drink). The concession stand will also be open for anyone wanting to purchase snacks. The doors open at the Tivoli at 1:00pm.
Lend A Hand!
Church-Wide Day of Service
Church and Society, Missions, and Environmental Stewardship Work Areas invite everyone to join in a church-wide Day of Service 8 to noon, Saturday, September 11th, at one of four sites.
- People's Resource Center
- At People's Resource Center in Westmont, volunteers will serve as "personal shoppers" for PRC clients, guiding them through the food pantry. Others will stock shelves, help clients find parking, or push carts to and from cars. Children 10 and up are welcome if accompanied by an adult. Contact Julie Stone for more information.
(12 Volunteers needed)
- Downers Grove Park District
- Help improve our local natural resources! From 9 to noon, at a site to be announced the week before, volunteers can help tidy up a local park. Families welcome! Youths 9 to 18 years old are welcome with an adult. All workers should bring gardening gloves, and will need to sign a waiver. Volunteers under 18 must have a parent or guardian sign the waiver. Contact Tom Roose with questions.
(15 volunteers needed)
- Friendship letter writing
- Volunteers will write letters to FUMC members who cannot make it to church, reminding them that they are with us, and we are with them. If your child is a budding artist, this is an event for them! 9 to noon in the parlor.
(7 adults + children needed)
- Child Serv
- Lend a hand with Fall lawn and garden cleanup and spring bulb planting! Please bring garden gloves and hand tools. Volunteers at this site, a youth home on Highland Ave. in DG, near the Tivoli Theater, must be at least 18 years old.
(6 volunteers needed)
Sign-up sheets will be available before and after services. Please lend a hand in community service!
Wash and Worship
9th Annual Youth Car Wash
The 9th Annual Youth Car Wash will take place again on Sunday, August 15, from 8am to 11:30am.
Cost: ANY donation
Proceeds to support the Youth Mission and Chapel Choir.
Young-at-Heart Riverboat Cruise
This group of senior adults plans to carpool to St. Charles on Wednesday, August 11th and take a Paddlewheel Riverboat Cruise. During the cruise a chicken dinner will be served buffet style. We will gather in the church parking lot at 10:45am and carpool to Pottawatomie Park in St. Charles. The Cruise will be from Noon to 1:30pm. The cost will be $25.00 per person.
Sign up is in the Parlor on Sunday mornings or by calling Marilou Welch at church (630.968.7120). Come and join the fun and fellowship.
Pakistan Floods
All of us have seen the news reports showing the devastation caused by heavy monsoon rains in Pakistan. It is estimated that over 14 million people have been affected with over 1600 deaths. As the floods have spread southwards down the Indus River, a population already afflicted by poverty and ravaged by conflict is now battling homelessness and water-borne disease.
Please consider supporting the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) who are on the ground providing clean drinking water, food, temporary shelter, and medical aid. They are working in conjunction with the Church of Pakistan, Church World Service, and GlobalMedic.
Beyond flood and natural catastrophe,
we ask for peace and daily bread
for the impoverished people of the Swat Valley
— people who again are without homes,
who again face the future with empty hands,
so soon after last year's war, bloodshed.
A prayer of petition offered by the German NGO Bread for the World, translation by Jim Dwyer
| Donate to UMCOR Pakistan Emergency Relief |
Vacation Bible School
At the Galactic Blast Vacation Bible School, your children will gain a new perspective on our planet Earth, and learn easy "green" earth tips they can practice at home. Children will continue to build their faith while having fun!
Children entering Kindergarten through 6th grade
Cost: $10/child or $25/family with 3 or more children
Please consider volunteering to help; it's fun and the children love having their parents there.
| Registration Form (PDF) |
Our New Facebook Page
Stay Connected!
We have a new Facebook page that will be used by the staff to provide the most up-to-date news from the church. You don't have to be a Facebook member to view it, but we encourage all those who are to click the
button so that they can contribute to the online community. Please note that this is not the "group" that was set up a few months ago. The group will no longer be maintained so, if you belonged to it, please take a moment to join ("like") the new page.
For those who prefer tweets, we also have a new Twitter page. News posts to the Facebook page are automatically posted there as well.
Welcome the New Pastors!
On Sunday, July 4, we will be welcoming our new senior pastors, Rev. Jim and Greta McDonald, to First UMC in a reception in the Fellowship Hall following the 10am service (Note: there will be only one service). Please join us in celebrating the start of their new ministry with us.
Rev. Jim & Greta McDonald

The Reverends Jim and Greta McDonald have been married since 1977, and each of them has 34 years of pastoral experience. Jim grew up in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. He received his BA with a double major in Sociology and History from the University of Manitoba. Greta grew up in northern Illinois, graduated from Dixon High School, received a BS in Communications-Journalism from the University of Illinois at Champaign, and served in 1974-75 as a part-time Senior High youth minister at Downers Grove First UMC.
Greta and Jim met at Iliff School of Theology, a United Methodist seminary in Denver, Colorado, where they both received Masters of Divinity degrees. Following seminary, Jim served the Hanover, Illinois UMC 8 years while Greta served the Elizabeth, Illinois UMC. They were both appointed as associate pastors to Libertyville UMC, where they served for 13½ years. For the past 11 years, they have served as co-pastors of the New Lenox UMC.
They have two adult children. Their daughter, Danica, is a pediatric intensive care nurse at Hope Children's Hospital in Oak Lawn. Her husband, Dave Johnson, is a middle school teacher at Hinsdale, and they are parents of a 20-month old son, Kellen. Danica and her family live in New Lenox (guess what Greta's and Jim's favorite hobby is these days!). Their son, Colin, is completing his Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing degree, at Hamline University in St. Paul, Minnesota.
College Scholarships
College students and High School graduates may apply for The First United Methodist Church of Downers Grove Scholarships. Each applicant must be a member of the choir or youth program. All applications are due by July 1, 2010.
| Download Application (PDF) |
Summer Camp
Wesley Woods, June 28-July 2, 2010
What Is A Hero?
In the movies and fairy tales, heroes are those who leap tall buildings in a single bound, save damsels in distress, or thwart the powers of evil in climactic, spectacular battles. However, being a hero for God is different, although not nearly as dramatic.
In this year's summer camp, campers will consider the ways in which being a hero for God takes courage and bravery, requiring them to step out in faith and take risks for the sake of others. Being a hero calls them to trust God to use what they can offer and to equip them for welcoming, befriending, including, giving, rejoicing, and sharing the good news. Campers will leave camp knowing that it takes more courage and faith to be one of God's heroes than it takes to simply leap off tall buildings in a single bound!
| More Details |
Wash and Worship
9th Annual Youth Car Wash
The 9th Annual Youth Car Wash will take place on Saturday, June 26, from 10am to 2pm and Sunday, June 27, from 8am to 11:30am.
Cost: ANY donation
Proceeds to support the Youth Mission and Chapel Choir.
Father's Day
Ice Cream Sundae
Join the Membership Development Work Area for our Annual Father's Day Ice Cream Social!
This year it will be combined with the Farewell Reception for Tom and Gayle Ostrander on June 20 in Fellowship Hall at 11:00 am. Enjoy free ice cream which will be served with a piece of delicious cake. Bring the entire family for ice cream!
Farewell to Our Pastors
Rev. Tom Ostrander's last Sunday with us will be on June 20th and Rev. Jonathan Dean's last Sunday with us will be on June 27th. Staff Parish will be sponsoring a farewell reception after both services in Fellowship Hall on both Sundays. Please plan on joining Tom and Jonathan on their respective day and wish them well.
Young-at-Heart Miniature Golf
Young At Heart will be enjoying the great outdoors when we will travel to McCollum Park Miniature Golf Course, 6801 S. Main Street, Downers Grove, to play miniature golf on Wednesday, June 9th. Play begins at 11:00am. Cost is $3.00 per person. Afterwards we will have a buffet lunch at Home Run Inn, 7521 Lemont Rd., Darien. Each person attending will pay for their own meal which will be approximately $11.00 for the buffet. This includes tax, tip and one drink.
Sign up is in the Parlor on Sunday mornings or by calling Marilou Welch at church (630.968.7120). Come and join the fun and fellowship.
On Thundering Wings
by Ermalou Roller
On Thundering Wings by Ermalou Roller has just been published and on June 6th from 11:15am to 12:30pm the Adult Education Work Area will be sponsoring a book signing, discussion, and question and answer period. Coffee and rolls will be served.
On Thundering Wings: Homosexuality, Love and the Church on Trial by Ermalou Roller has just been published. In 1999, Roller’s life intersected with that of Greg Dell, a Methodist minister put on trial by the church for performing union ceremonies for gay members of his congregation. The trial was held in the sanctuary of First UMC of Downers Grove. As Dell's colleague, Roller began to see and to write about the connection between his public ordeal and her own personal trials.
Books will be available for purchase in the office beginning Sunday, May 30th. Roller retired eight years ago from active ministry as a pastor in the Northern Illinois Conference of The United Methodist Church where she served for 25 years.
Wacky Wednesdays
The Children & Family Work Area is excited to announce a new summer program for children going into 1st grade through 6th grade called Wacky Wednesdays! The mission of this program is to bring children together for a lot of fun and a good message. Every child is welcome. Invite your children, grandchildren, children in your neighborhood, and children of friends---ALL CHILDREN ARE WELCOME! The program will meet from 6:30 to 8:00 and there is NO cost!
- June 9: School is out…let's party!
- A Hawaiian Dance! Coach Josh from the park district will be our DJ for the evening. Wear your fun Hawaiian clothes and come ready to party.
- June 16: The 2010 Downers Grove Summer Olympics
- Come play some fun games, get some exercise and maybe win a gold medal!
- June 23: Family Night at the Fire House
- Kids of all ages along with their parents/grandparents/guardians are invited to go on a trip to the new firehouse on Main Street. We will meet at the church and walk to the firehouse together.
- July 7: Magic Show and Carnival
- Magic Matt will be doing a magic show and then making balloons animals for us. There will also be many carnival type games with prizes and yummy treats!
- July 14: Mystery Night!
- Come to be surprised with a fun evening!
- July 21: Family Night and Water Fun
- Kids of all ages along with their parents/grandparents/guardians are invited to the church for an evening of fellowship and some fun with water. There will be a dunk tank with Pastor John in it along with other fun water games.
- August 4: A Roundup
- Every child attending is invited to wear a hat—any kind of hat (if you have a cheese hat – wear it). JD Allen from Minnesota, a cowboy singing guitar player, will be leading our program called "Hats On – Hats Off." The evening will conclude with a campfire and smores!
- August 11: An Evening of Storytelling with Oba William King
- Mr. King has been a storyteller on the Polar Express event through the park district. All kids will enjoy his great stories!
- August 18: Family Night and Picnic
- We will have the grill cooking hotdogs and hamburgers. All you have to do is bring a salad or dessert to share. There will be picnic games. Kids of all ages along with their parents/ grandparents/guardians are invited to an end-of-summer picnic!
There is no registration necessary! Come to one Wednesday OR come to them all — Whatever fits your schedule! For more information, contact John Smoke (630-968-7120).
| Download Brochure (PDF)|
A New Pictorial Directory
Did you know that in 2011 we will mark the 175th anniversary of our church? To kick off our celebration, we are producing a new pictorial directory. That means we need you to get your picture taken.
Lifetouch will be here from May 25th through 28th and June 15th through 19th to take photographs. For every family that has its picture taken, Lifetouch will donate the cost of four meals to the People's Resource Center. In addition, if you bring in a donation to the food pantry when you get photographed, you will get a discount on your order. All participants will receive a complimentary 8 by 10 photo and a copy of the directory.
You can sign up online using the link below, or look out for our sign-up tables on Sunday mornings in the Parlor to make your appointment.
| Schedule an Appointment |
Spring Ring XVIII
Bells on Parade
There will be no rain on our handbell parade
Only vibrant rainbows of bell colors!
The Ringers of First United Methodist Church lead us through a rainbow of beautiful bell colors, from Rutter's Angels' Carol to J. S. Bach's My Spirit Be Joyful, Havah Nagilah to The Waltz from Serenade for Strings by Tschaikovsky. William Payn's Visions, Leroy Anderson's rollicking Bugler's Holiday as well as All-American Hometown Band will be featured.
Tickets are $7 in advance; $9 at the door and are available in the Parlor between services or in the church office during the week. Child care is provided.
Will you join us for the festivities? Be sure to buy early. Please call the church 630-968-7120.
FUMC Quartet Concert
The FUMC Men's Quartet comprised of Ward Feste, Brett Goad, Scott Hudson, and Mark Kostelny will perform their second benefit concert for Bridge Communities on Sunday, May 16th, at 2:30pm with a reception to follow. Tickets are $7 in advance (on sale in the Parlor on Sunday mornings) and $9 at the door.
All proceeds will go to Bridge Communities, an organization devoted to helping homeless families achieve long-term self-sufficiency. The concert will feature both sacred and secular tunes as only our Quartet can do them. An afternoon of wonderful music is guaranteed. Mark your calendar for Sunday, May 16th!
Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine:
Grant them eternal rest, O Lord,
et lux perpetua luceat eis.
and may light eternal shine upon them.
Completed in 1985, Requiem by John Rutter is a musical adaptation of the Roman Catholic Requiem Mass. This favorite of the choral repertoire is characterized by lyrical melodies and dissonant harmonies. Requiem contains seven movements in both English and Latin, each with its own distinctive sound; from somber funeral mass to the six-winged seraphim in the heavenly throne-room of God. Arise, Shine and A Clare Benediction, also by Rutter, will complete the musical offering.
Performed by the Chancel Choir in 1994, the group is pleased to revisit this musical treasure on its twenty-fifth year. These performances will be directed by Diane Hires accompanied by an ensemble of flute (member Chris Dortwegt), oboe, cello, harp, glockenspiel, timpani (frequent guest Justin Kono), and organ (organist Pattie Barnes.)
Please come to enjoy this wonderful music … and bring friends!
Interfaith Movie Discussion
Our next Interfaith event with the Mohammed Webb Foundation will take place on Sunday, April 25th from 5 - 7 pm in the FUMC Youth Center.
We will be sharing fellowship during a pot luck dinner and then watching and discussing the one hour documentary movie, "Talking Through Walls." Once again 6th graders through adults are welcome to participate. (There are some brief scenes of NYC photographed on 9/11).
Talking Through Walls
In the fall of 2003, Zia Rahman prepared to appear before the zoning board in his hometown of Voorhees, New Jersey. Rahman … finally had amassed enough funds to purchase a vacant building near his own upscale home. In his dream, this dilapidated structure would become a long awaited mosque for his Muslim neighbors. Rahman explains, "I thought we were going to beautify it and make a place where God's word is going to be spoken." Talking Through Walls, a Unity Productions Foundation-produced documentary, tells the inspiring story of Zia and the interfaith coalition that overcame the resistance of fearful Voorhees residents to finally build the mosque. It is a story that pits tolerance and intolerance in an uncertain world.
Please join us at this Youth Ministries and Adult Education work area sponsored event. Please RSVP to the church office or to Nick on Facebook or register below by April 20th. Questions? Contact Laura Temple.
| Event Registration |
A Rethink Church Event
This event is seeking justice for persons of all sexual orientations and gender identities. This exciting gathering will include:
Story telling that transforms the world
- Evangelism for progressives
- Celebrating stories of inclusive churches
- Opportunities for action in the local community
The event runs from 9:30am to 3pm and costs $10, which includes lunch. It is sponsored by the Reconciling Ministries Network. If you want to attend, please contact the Associate Pastor, Rev. Jonathan Dean (630-968-7120) or RMN Field Organizer, Audrey Krumbach (773-736-5526).
| Learn More |
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Reducing Our Environmental Footprint
on the Planet
Every choice you make contributes to the health of the planet, for better or worse. Creation Care 2010 has been organized to point the way to living healthily, sustainably and with greater concern for other inhabitants of this world. In response to the Northern Illinois Conference's adoption of the "Green Resolution," DGFUMC has taken the lead to host a variety of keynote speakers to coach us to live more socially responsible.
- Theological Reflection on the Creation and its Care
- Rev. Jonathan Dean, Downers Grove First UMC
- Current Climate Change Science and Politics
Jan Hessler, Ph.D., B.A.
- Renewable Energy Futures Here and Abroad
- Lee Schreiner, Rockford Urban Ministries
- Disaster Preparedness
- Christy Smith, UMCOR Disaster Consultant
- Managing Our Waste by Reusing and Repurposing for a Greener Economy
- Veronica Kyle, Faith in Place
- Sustainable Food Production
- Rev. Gary Hougen, Ravenswood Fellowship UMC
- Optional Post Conference Cooking Demonstration and Food Sampling
- Heather Bowler (chef)
| Registration |
Young-at-Heart Bingo
The Young At Heart group for senior adults will be having a Pizza, Salad and Bingo party on Wednesday, April 14th. We will meet at noon for Pizza in Chapel Hall followed by Bingo. Each person attending is asked to bring a wrapped white elephant gift marked (man) or (woman) to use as Bingo prizes.
Cost is $5.00 per person. Sign up is in the Parlor on Sunday mornings or by calling Marilou Welch at church (630.968.7120).
Wednesday Faith Forum
Wednesday Faith Forum is a small group for faith-seekers and all wanting to explore their faith journey with honesty, mutual respect and openness to one another. Rev. Jonathan Dean leads two groups, at 10:00am and 6:30pm respectively, who meet in Room 213 (our newly-refurbished Adult Education center) for discussions on books that can guide our reflections and sharing.
Servitude and Freedom
by Jonathan Dean
A second chance to challenge, grill and critique the author!
Rev. Jonathan Dean's book Servitude and Freedom deals with the complicated history of the Church: and how contemporary Christians should receive and interpret it today.
Finding Our Way Again
by Brian Maclaren
Brian Maclaren's book Finding Our Way Again is a re-examination of Christian spiritual disciplines that have their origins stretching back to the time of Abraham to see how they can transform our contemporary lives in Christ.
Post-Tour Concert
The Chapel Choir train is coming. Please join us on Sunday April 11th at either 4:00pm or 7:00pm in the Sanctuary for the Chapel Choir home concerts. The choir will be performing "People Get Ready," a blend of Contemporary Christian, Worship, Gospel and Spiritual music designed to deliver a powerful message about our faith and relationship with Jesus Christ. Hope to see you there!
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Mary Magdalene
On April 11th and April 18th at 9:30am, we will explore the complicated relationship between Mary Magdalene, Jesus, history and the Church. We will also explore the Gospel of Mary (a Gnostic Gospel).
Session I
What is the first image that comes to mind when you think of Mary Magdalene? What does the Bible actually say about her? What picture does the Gospel of Mary (a Gnostic gospel) display? What view of change in the church does this Gospel present? Join us to explore these issues.
Session II
Join us for an examination of Mary Magdalene's historical image as seen in artwork through the ages, as well as her view of spirituality and its place in our own world and church.
The Fourth Annual
Free Throw Shooting Contest
$10 a person-10 Free Throws-1 Life Saved
100% of your registration fee will go to buy a net to save a life by preventing malaria in Africa. Registration forms are available in the church office. If you cannot participate, consider sponsoring someone for the contest. The mission event is planned and run by the 5th and 6th grade Sunday school class!

- Palm Sunday
- March 28, 2010 - 8:15, 9:30 & 11:00am
- Maundy Thursday
- Come and Go Communion
April 1, 2010 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm
- Good Friday
- Choral Tenebrae Service
April 2, 2010 - 7:30pm
In stillness, and darkness, we remember Jesus' death. The Chancel Choir will lead our meditations, and there will be readings and prayers from a variety of traditions and sources.
Christ is Risen!
8:00am | Chapel Choir |
9:30am | Chancel Choir and Brass |
11:00am | Chancel Choir, Brass & Angel Choir |
Celebrate the good news of the Easter angels!
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Mother-Daughter Tea
Our annual Mother-Daughter Tea will be held on Saturday, March 20th from 2:00 to 4:00pm in the Gym. Join us as we celebrate spring in Downers Grove.
Cathy Pearson, a writer who is a life-long resident of Downers Grove, will be reading some of her poetry and explaining her writing process. We will also have some fun spring craft demonstrations. We will have great food and wonderful fellowship. And yes, the chocolate fountains will be back!
Tickets are now on sale. Adults are $15 and children 12 and under are $8. We hope to see you there!
Fiction Book Group
The Fiction Book Group discusses a work of literature, and how it speaks to both the human condition and our search for God. Where are the intersections here between the story and our story, between the author's imagination, and the timeless questions all of us face? This year, a series of diverse works by mostly women authors, dealing with a common theme of finding our place and identity in a complex, fearful, and sometimes ruthless world.
The discussions, which will be in the Parlor starting at 7pm, are led by Jonathan Dean.
Alias Grace
by Margaret Atwood
On March 18, we will be discussing Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood. It's a powerful mixture of historical novel, love story and whodunnit, probing the dark depths of the human psyche, and the often cruel exclusion of human society. Join us for a conversation about this fascinating period piece.
All welcome! Copies of the book available from Anderson's bookstore or the library.
Geothermal Systems
We are fortunate that Mark Nussbaum has agreed to give us the low down on geothermal systems - the use of the earth's thermal properties to provide conventional heating and air conditioning. Mark Nussbaum's company, Architectural Consulting Engineering has designed and coordinated the ground-source-heat-pump for North Central College's newest building, a four story dormitory/recreation center, as well as historic Frank Lloyd Wright structures.
Learn from an expert on how geothermal system uses the clean, cheap, simple and renewable energy found in your own backyard! Join us on Sunday, March 14th at 9:30am in Room 213.
YAH: Buddhist Temple
Young At Heart will be going to visit the new Buddhist Temple located on Route 53 near Woodridge. Our visit will include a tour of the Temple to start at 10:30am. After the tour we will have lunch together at a restaurant. In a quote from one of their members who is a practicing Buddhist said, "Buddhism is not a religion, it's about knowing ourselves."
You may sign up for this event in the Parlor on Sunday mornings or by contacting Marilou Welch, through the church office 630.968.7120.
Midwest Mission Distribution Center
The Missions work area invites you join them in visiting the Midwest Mission Distribution Center in Chatham, Illinois. Tom and Gayle Ostrander will once again lead the group. The distribution center offers an opportunity to serve in our area and reach those in need around the world. With the recent disaster in Haiti, there is tremendous need for support, and the distribution center will be a hive of activity as critical supplies are gathered and prepared for shipment to earthquake victims in Haiti.
Last year our group prepared many things including shipments of equipment for a hospital in Ghana, school and health kits were packaged, and gowns were sewn for a hospital in Haiti. This year our help will be needed even more as United Methodists and the world reach out to aid the survivors of this catastrophic disaster in a country that was already struggling to survive.
This Trip is open to adults and family members 11 years of age or older. The Center is located on an 8 acre campus in Chatham, IL, 4 miles south of Springfield with overnight accommodations on site. We will leave in the morning Wednesday March 10th and return Friday evening. To reserve your spot or for more information about this upcoming trip contact the Missions Work Area chair, Jim Gracey.
It's our great privilege to be hosting one of United Methodism's best preachers and storytellers. Rev. Grace Imathiu will be with us on Saturday, March 6th. Grace is a pastor in Brown Deer, Wisconsin, and also enjoys a worldwide speaking ministry. Her interweaving of biblical material with insights from her native Kenya is unforgettable and beautiful.
Don't miss this chance to hear the gospel stories brought alive by Grace with her characteristic warmth and wisdom. Invite your friends too: it will be a day to cherish long in the memory.
| More Details |
Interfaith Book Discussion
In an exciting follow up to this Fall's Interfaith Youth Project, FUMC will be hosting an Interfaith Book Discussion of Three Cups of Tea on Sunday, February 28th. This will be for ages 6th grade—Adult. Everyone is welcome—even if you were not a part of the fall interfaith project.
Our partner group, the Islamic Webb Foundation expects to have 30 people in attendance. Many of them are from or have visited Pakistan and India so are personally familiar with the area and issues that are discussed in this wonderful book.
The 6th-8th graders will discuss the young adult version of Greg Mortenson's Three Cups of Tea. High Schoolers and Adults will discuss the original Three Cups of Tea and for those who have read it, his newly released sequel, Stones Into Schools.
Come to the new Youth Center from 5-7pm for a pizza dinner and a wonderful discussion of the book. Copies of the books are available in the office to borrow. RSVP to the church office (630-968-7120) or register online by February 22nd so we have a headcount for food.
Winging Our Way to Philly
Chapel Choir Fundraiser
All friends, family and supporters of the First United Methodist Church Chapel Choir are invited to participate in this fundraising event on Sunday, February 28, 2010; 11am-1am. Everyone is invited to gather at Buffalo Wild Wings in Woodridge (6450 Rt. 53) for lunch, dinner, or a snack.
20% of purchases accompanied by the certificate below will be donated to the DGFUMC Chapel Choir Tour to Philadelphia, March 27-April 3, 2010. Contact the church office for a coupon or download the PDF file below.
| Download Coupon (PDF) | Map Link |
My Search for Messiah
We are fortunate to have Mr. Bernarr ("Bernie") Newman, past President of Congregation Beth Shalom in Naperville, lead our Foundations class in Room 213 at 9:30pm. His topic will be A Jewish Perspective on Messiah.
This is a unique opportunity for us to learn the differences in Jewish and Christian understandings of messiah, and exchange ideas with a well informed Jewish leader. Bernie Newman is very open and receptive to questions and dialogue. So bring your Bible and join us.
To enrich and inform your journey through Lent, we are offering three classes and courses you can follow. Sign up in the office (places may be limited: so hurry!) for as many as you wish. May God bless your exploration and discovery as we approach Easter.
A Lenten Bible Study
Rev. Tom Ostrander will lead this course using the Irresistible Invitation material. We will consider the Gospel reflection on the nature of God, the teachings of Jesus, the meaning of the cross, what Jesus' life models as it relates to the shape of discipleship, and the glorious possibility that Christ lives in us and we are to be his presence in the world. There is a book and outside reading.
The course runs from February 24 to March 31.
Reading the Christian Tradition
A chance to challenge, grill and critique the author!
Rev. Jonathan Dean's book Servitude and Freedom deals with the complicated history of the Church: and how contemporary Christians should receive and interpret it today. We'll discuss it together.
The course runs from February 28 to March 21.
Mission Trips That Matter
"Instead of viewing their lives as a series of random, disconnected episodes, Christians are challenged to view their activities in relation to God's activity. Guiding folks into this way of thinking about life is at the heart of leading mission trips that matter."
Rev. Nick Nicholas will lead this course, using Don Richter's book as a guide. We will discover how we can connect our day to day lives to the experience of mission trips. We will find that all of life is mission and sacrament.
The course runs from March 4 to March 25.
Sign up online, in the Parlor on Sunday mornings, or in the Church Office.
2nd Annual Variety Show
Here are a couple of comments from people who saw last year's variety show:
"Wow!! Where else could I have seen a budding prima ballerina, an innovative rendition of "Take Me out to the Ballgame" and a rock duo performing an original song, all for the low price of …$0.00?!"
—Julie Stone
"If you missed last year’s talent show, you missed one of the most interesting and entertaining evenings of the year. This year's show promises to be even better. So put it on your calendar and keep the date—February 20. The price is right and the entertainment great!"
—Elizabeth Vaughan
The Children and Family Work Area would not only encourage you to attend this year variety show on Saturday, February 20th at 6:30pm, but we would like to have you in it! If you have some talent like juggling, singing, playing an instrument, dancing, ventriloquism or some other talent, we would love to have you participate in this year’s variety show. Please contact John Smoke (630-968-7120) for more information, or to sign-up.
Music: Connection Choir
Preacher: Rev. Claire Marich
Worship led by Rev. Jonathan Dean
Service includes ashing and communion
Soup & Sandwich Supper for the Soul
NIU Wesley Foundation Fund Raiser
College students from the NIU Wesley Foundation invite you to a Soup & Sandwich dinner fundraiser on Ash Wednesday at 5:00pm. They'll share pictures from their 2009 Spring Break mission work trip to Guatemala and donations will go toward their 2010 return to Guatemala!
Suggested donation is $6.00 and will be received at the door. If you would like to help the students serve this simple supper or if you have any questions, please contact the NIU Wesley Foundation Campus Pastor Kelli Beard. Thank you for your prayerful support and we look forward to being with you on Ash Wednesday.
Come to the supper and stay for the Ash Wednesday Service at 7:00pm.
Administrative Council
There will be a short meeting of the Administrative Council after the worship services in the Sanctuary so that the Finance Committee can present the 2010 budget. We will vote on the budget at the conclusion of the presentation.
All are welcome to attend.
Building Dedication Sunday
On Sunday, January 24, we will be celebrating the end of the Growing Together Campaign. In between each service, come and take a tour of the new spaces. Members of the Building Committee will be available to give more details of the transformation of the Gym, Fellowship Hall, Youth Center, and other parts of the church in the last three years.
Come and see how your financial support, combined with volunteer efforts, is going to enhance the life of the church.
Fiction Book Group
The Fiction Book Group discusses a work of literature, and how it speaks to both the human condition and our search for God. Where are the intersections here between the story and our story, between the author’s imagination, and the timeless questions all of us face? This year, a series of diverse works by mostly women authors, dealing with a common theme of finding our place and identity in a complex, fearful, and sometimes ruthless world.
The discussions, which will be in the Parlor starting at 7pm, are led by Jonathan Dean.
The Road Home
by Rose Tremain
The Road Home is the story of Lev, an immigrant in London recently arrived from Eastern Europe, who has left behind a daughter and mother. The book shows how he adjusts to a strange culture, new friendships, and the pain of separation from his old home. Liesl Schillinger, in the New York Times wrote that "Tremain elevates the subject beyond its outlines by making Lev not a statistic or a caricature or the standard-bearer of a trend but simply a man—fully embodied, his ignoble and noble acts presented without exaggeration, without excessive praise or condemnation."
Friday Night at the Movies
Our January movie will be "The Lives of Others," winner of the 2007 Academy Award for Best Foreign film as well as a Golden Globe award in the same category. Our discussion leader will be Sue Thornquist.
The fee is $2; popcorn, soft drinks, coffee and dessert provided. Please call the church office (630-968-7120) for directions to the Safford's home.
| Register Online |
Sing Them Over Again To Me
Young At Heart, the group for senior adults, will have some special musicians and accompanists from Fairview Village on Wednesday, January 13 who will present a program Sing Them Over Again To Me. This will include some "old" hymns and classical music. We will start with lunch at noon in Chapel Hall followed by the program.
You may sign up for this event in the Parlor on Sunday mornings or by calling the church office, 630.968.7120 to make a reservation. Cost per person will be $10.00.
Wednesday Faith Forum
Wednesday Faith Forum is a small group for faith-seekers and all wanting to explore their faith journey with honesty, mutual respect and openness to one another. Rev. Jonathan Dean leads two groups, at 10:00am and 6:30pm respectively, who meet in Room 213 (our newly-refurbished Adult Education center) for discussions on books that can guide our reflections and sharing.
An Altar in the World
A Geography of Faith
by Barbara Brown Taylor
The Wednesday Faith Forum resumes on January 13th with Barbara Brown Taylor's An Altar in the World: A Geography of Faith. Described by Marcus Borg as "elegant, wise, and insightful," this book reveals how Barbara Brown Taylor left parish ministry and learned to encounter the God who does not live in church.
Please join us for discussion. Copies of the book are available from the church office at a cost of $15. All are welcome!
Haiti Earthquake
We will be doing all we can as a congregation to respond to the earthquake in Haiti. Please come on Sunday 17th prepared to give generously to a collection, and to hear about ways to be more practically involved. Through the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), we can be sure that our help will get where it is needed.
The people of Haiti are among the poorest on the face of the earth. For decades, they have endured unimaginable poverty, political corruption and instability, and the brutality of some in power. It's devastating that now they should have to endure this also.
As further information becomes available about how our church can support the relief efforts in Haiti, we will post it here.
| Donate to UMCOR Haiti Emergency Relief |
The Enneagram
The Foundations adult class invites you to join them as they learn about the Enneagram (pronounced "ANY-a-gram"). This class will begin January 10th and continue through the first Sunday of February. The class will meet in Room 213 from 9:30-10:30am.
The Enneagram is a practical tool for use in our daily living. It reveals the unique spiritual challenges each of us deals with as we seek to grow closer to God and to one another. We'll be studying the nine basic personality types found in everyday life: the Reformer, the Helper, the Motivator, the Artist, the Thinker, the Loyalist, the Generalist, the Leader, and the Peacemaker. Each of us belongs to one of these personality types.
A basic premise of the Enneagram is that each personality type contributes something essential to the human condition. It also believes that no one type is superior to any other and that it is only as we look at the combined faces of all of the nine types that we can truly see the face of God. You are welcome to come to any of the Sundays the class is offered but you will receive the most benefit if you attend each session. The Rev. Ermalou M. Roller, a retired United Methodist pastor who is affiliated with our church, will teach the class. She has been certified to teach the Enneagram by the Riso-Hudson Professional Training program.
It will be very helpful for you to discover your personality type before coming to the class. The easiest way to do this is to go to the Enneagram website and click on Free QUEST Enneagram Test; then click on The Free Brief QUEST. It takes about 5 minutes.
Work Area Committee and
Board Leadership Training
Roger Curless, a lay leader of the Northern Illinois Conference, will be coming to meet with members of our church leadership team on January 6th, 2010 at 6:30pm. This time together will allow members of work areas and other committees to get to know each other and learn how to develop a faith-centered community. Please contact Sharon Harman to let her know if you will be attending.
Preschool Registration
Open registration for the 2010-2011 preschool class is on Tuesday, January 5. A $100.00 non-refundable registration fee and completed application is required to secure a space.
- Members: $145 per month
- Non-members: $165 per month