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Church Events in 2006

This page preserves links to church events that have already occurred in 2006 for reference purposes. Look at the News and Events page for future events.

Christmas WreathNew Year's Eve

8:15am and 9:30am

Worship Service

Worship led by the Youth
"The Last Word "
Message by Rev. Nick Nicholas
Scripture: Psalm 148, Samuel 2:18-20, 26, Colossians 3:12-17, Luke 2:41-52

  • There will be no Sunday school.
  • Nursery care will be available.

Christmas Eve Worship Services

Nativity Scene8:15am, 9:30am, and 11:00am

Worship Services

"Song of Hope"
Message by Rev. Debbie Fisher
Scripture: Luke 2:39-45


Children & Family Worship

"The Christmas Story "


Candle-light Service of Carols and Communion

Music by the Connection


Candle-light Carol Service

Music by the Chancel Choir


Candle-light Carol Service

Music by the Chapel Choir

7:00pm, 9:00pm, 11:00pm

"What Child is This?" ~ Message by Rev. Jonathan Dean
Scripture: Luke 2:1-20

Childcare will be available in the nursery suite for the 7:00pm service.

Chapel Choir Alumni

All Chapel Choir Alumni are invited to sing with the Chapel Choir on Christmas Eve at the 11:00pm service. Arrival time for rehearsal is 10:00pm in Fellowship Hall. Seating will be limited so please call the church office at 968-7120, ext. 110 if you plan to attend. We will also have our traditional alumni reunion after the service. Come and see your old friends and maybe even make a few new ones.

Sunday School

December 24

  • At 9:30am, the three year old class, four & five year old class and kindergarten class will be signed in at their normal classroom. Their teacher will then escort them to the gym for a Christmas party. First through fourth graders will go directly to the gym where the first through third graders need to be signed in by a parent. Parents are asked to pick up their children (three year old to fourth grade) in the gym following worship.
  • At 11:00am, the children will be escorted for a special Sunday school following the children's sermon.
  • There will be no Bible Bonus at 9:30am or 11:00am.

Nativity Scene

Living Nativity

Sunday December 17, 5:00pm

Experience the Christmas story in the front garden of church. Our dramatization will be complete with stable and live animals.

PHYG in London

Post-High Youth Group
Informational Meeting

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Following the highly successful mission trip in 2005, PHYG will return to the Parish of Putney to help spruce up the church of St Mary, July 5-16, 2007. In addition, we will:

  • Worship at Wesley’s Chapel, Westminster Abbey & St Paul’s Cathedral.
  • Shop at Harrods, Covent Garden & Portobello Road.
  • Visit Hyde Park & The British Museum.
  • Go to the start of the Tour de France.
  • See Harry Potter premier and Spamalot!

Join us for lunch on Sunday, December 17 in Chapel Hall at 12:30pm to find out more about the trip.

RSVP to Nick at nick@dgfumc.org or (630) 968-7120 ext 123.

|PHYG Mission Trip Brochure|

Blue ChristmasBlue Christmas

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Christmas is not a completely joyfilled occasion for everyone. Some have lingering grief because of a death, job loss or divorce. Some are experiencing acute loneliness. Others may have moved to the area recently and are missing familiar people and places.

In recognition of this we are offering a worship service on December 16th at 5:30pm in the Chapel. If Christmas is going to be a less than joyous time for you this year, you are invited to our Blue Christmas worship service.


Guatemala Trip Meeting

Thursday, December 14, 2006

There will be an open meeting of the Guatemala committee on Thursday 14th at 7pm in Room 202 (Jonathan's office). Please come, to hear about our plans for next year's trip, to talk to those who went this year, and to share your thoughts or questions with us about our link with the UPAVIM women's co-operative in Guatemala City. Coffee and cake will be served.

|Guatemala Mission Trip Photos|

Christmas Celebration & Potluck

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Young at HeartThe Young At Heart group for senior adults will have a Christmas Celebration and Potluck for their Wednesday, December 13th activity. The Celebration will be in Chapel Hall with the potluck beginning at noon. Each one attending will be asked to bring a dish to pass. Following lunch we will have a Christmas presentation by Archie Benfield (our resident actor) and we will have some carol singing accompanied by Marilyn Gillham. You may sign up in the parlor on Sunday morning as to what dish you would like to provide or contact Marilou Welch through the church office (968-7120).

O Holy Night...Christ is Born

Chapel Choir
The Chapel Choir

Sunday, December 10, 2006 - 4:00 & 7:00pm

A musical mosaic of contemporary and traditional sounds,
directed by Belford Hernandez.

Featuring more than 80 students from 11 area high schools
plus a 10-piece band!

Buy your tickets early, we anticipate being sold out! Tickets are $7.00 and are being sold by choir members. The proceeds help to pay for their Spring Tour.

Saturday Night Live

Christmas Party

December 9, 2006

Let's celebrate the Season with good friends and good cheer! You are invited to Saturday Night Live's Christmas Party on Saturday, December 9, 2006 7:00pm.

Join us at the home of Diane Hires and Bill Crowther for a potluck dinner. Bring either a main dish (to serve 8-10), an appetizer or a salad.

Each person is asked to begin a beautifully wrapped gag gift to be exchanged RSVP by December 4 to Sharon in the church office 968-7120.

Tea pot and cupsChristmas Tea

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

All women of the church are invited to the parsonage for a Christmas Tea on December 5 at 1:00PM. Join us for tea, cookies, and fellowship and see what UMW (United Methodist Women) is all about!

Please RSVP by visiting or calling the church office at 968-7120.

United Methodist Women

Holiday Happening

Sunday, December 3, 3:00-7:00pm

GingerbreadThis is an annual opportunity to let the kids have a great time at church while adults get a chance to shop or even relax. Drop the kids off for an afternoon of movies, pizza, crafts, and games while you take time off to do whatever you want. All children from birth through 6th grade are welcome.

The cost is only $5.00 per child with a maximum of $15.00 per family. Children will be divided in to groups by age so they can do age-appropriate activities. We always have our regular childcare workers in the nursery and many of the other rooms as well. This is really a great time for everyone!

Registration deadline: November 26.

Call the office (968-7120) or email john@dgfumc.org to register.

Parents of Preschool Children

2007-2008 Registration

It is time to register your child for the First United Methodist Preschool for the 2007-08 school year. Our preschool serves children who will be either 3 or 4 years old by September 1, 2007. Classes meet on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings or afternoons from mid-September through mid-May.

For further information, contact Deb Howard through the Church Office.

Preschool PaintingChurch Member Registration

Sunday, December 3, 2006

10:30-11:00am Room 101

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

2:30-3:00pm Room 101

Open registration

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

3:00-4:00pm Room 101

A $60.00 non-refundable registration fee and completed application is required to secure a space.


Church member registration dates are strictly adhered to. If you miss the church member registration dates you must register at open registration.

Carols for Christmas

Join the ADVENTure

An Advent Family Devotion

Preparing for AdventThe four Sundays before Christmas are called Sundays in Advent. December 3rd is the first Sunday in Advent. The church marks these days by the lighting of an advent candle each Sunday. On the first Sunday, we light one candle, on the second we light two candles, and so on.

This is an important act of worship to do in community but is also an important act of worship to do as a family at home. I have prepared packets to guide you through the lighting of an advent wreath as a family in your home. Each packet includes a reading, a prayer and a discussion topic for the four Sundays in advent.

The packets can be downloaded below or picked up in the church office. I would suggest that lighting the advent wreath at home will make our Christmas celebrations more meaningful. The readings will help us to remember what Christmas is all about as we enjoy all the fun cultural stuff of Christmas. Let us, as a church and as families, journey together through Advent by lighting the advent wreath each Sunday!

Rev. John Smoke

|Advent Family Packet (PDF)|

Candy CaneCandy CaneCare and Share

December 2, 2006

Sponsors are needed for the Care and Share program on Dec. 2 from 12:30pm-3:30pm at Faith United Methodist on 59th St. We still have 3 families without sponsors. A sponsoring family/group will provide cleaning supplies, a holiday meal, and a gift for each family member.

Volunteers are also needed to provide cookies and juice for the event. Please contact Christy Greenblatt through the church office for more information.

United Methodist Youth MinistryHigh School Youth Retreat

Brian da Vinci of Montreal?

Wesley Woods Conference Center
December 1-3, 2006

|More Details|

All Church Conference

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Everyone in the Congregation is encouraged to come! Our Annual Church Conference with our District Superintendent will be held at 7:30pm in Chapel Hall. This yearly conference will review our congregation's missions and ministries, review candidates for ordained ministries, set clergy compensation, and other items required by the conference

Preparing for AdventJoin the ADVENTure

Advent Family Workshop

Sunday, November 26 from 3-6pm
There will be all sorts of fun things to do as a family in preparation for Advent. Each family will have an opportunity to make an advent wreath to be used at home and an advent calendar type craft (along with other crafts). There will also be a food station and a chance to watch a Christmas movie. Crafts are most appropriate for children between 3 and 12 yrs old but all are welcome. Cost is $10/family. Also, please bring a donation of men's or women's winter hats, gloves or socks for our PADS homeless ministry.

Registration deadline: November 19.

Call the office (968-7120) or email john@dgfumc.org to register.

The Giving TreeThe Giving Tree

The Giving Tree is now up in the Parlor. You have the opportunity to choose tags from ChildServ, Marcy Newberry or PADS.

  • We have 90 tags this year for ChildServ. They provide a wish list for each child. Each gift tag has suggestions as well as the child's age and gender.
  • We have 56 elementary age and 74 teenagers from Marcy Newberry. The tags provide us with ages and sizes, so clothing is a good choice.

Please select tags and put your name on the sign-out sheet. Please follow the instructions on the tags as to due date, wrapped or unwrapped.

The Children and Family Ministries Work Area and the Church and Society Work Area sponsor the Giving Trees project. We hope that you will be able to help.

Thank you!

tacoPHYG Taco Dinner

Let Them Eat Tacos!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

PHYG (Post High Youth Group) will gather at the home of Tony and Trudy Chelmecki (618 Hitchcock in Lisle) on Saturday November 25, 6:00-10:00pm for an evening of Mexican food, laughter and fellowship. There will be no TURKEY.

Bring a friend. RSVP to Nick by Sunday November 19.

A Christmas Tapestry 2006

The Handbell Ensembles of
First United Methodist Church

Sunday, November 19 at 7:00pm

Sharing a sparkling glimpse of the upcoming Christmas season will be the Westminster Handbell Ensemble, the Chancel Ringers, and Chicago Civic principal harpist, Julie Barnes Spring. Stories of delightful Christmas traditions from around the world will excite your imagination.

Tickets are $6 in advance and $8 at the door. Be sure to buy early. Child care provided.

Celebration of Women in Ministry!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Bishop Sharon RaderBishop Sharon Rader (Retired United Methodist Bishop from the Wisconsin Conference) will be our honored guest of the day as we celebrate women in ministry, lay and ordained. Men and Women and their families are all invited to hear her profound and inspiring message. Come to worship, stay for lunch, and join in open dialogue with Bishop Rader after the meal.

Sharon Zimmerman Rader served in the Northern Illinois and Western Michigan Conferences before being elected Bishop and assigned to the Wisconsin Conference in 1992. She retired from there in 2004 and became Bishop-in-residence at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in Evanston, where she gives lectures and serves on the board of trustees. She also serves on several other boards and assignments within and on behalf of the United Methodist Church.

9:30 & 11am Services
Bishop Rader will preach at both services.
Lunch: fried chicken, catered by White Fence Farm
Cost: $5 (Free to All United Methodist Women)
Open dialogue with Bishop Rader about women in ministry.

Please plan on attending the worship and lunch on Sunday November 19th. Sign up on Sundays in the Parlor or in the church office, or email John Smoke.

UMW & Adult Education

Blood Drive

Fall Blood Drive

Monday, November 13, 2006
3-7:00pm, Fellowship Hall

FUMC is sponsoring a Blood Drive for Heartland Blood Centers Monday, November 13th from 3:00 to 7:00pm. If you would like to donate, we will save a spot for you. Come to the Parlor on Sunday and we will get you signed-up. Our community is in constant need of blood products. Let’s do our part to keep blood supplies readily available.

Blood Donation Saves Lives.

Health and Wellness

LiFTDinner and Game Night

Sunday, November 12
6:00 to 8:00pm

Join LiFT (formerly TnT) at church for a potluck dinner and game night. We will also have a short planning meeting to talk about upcoming activities. Childcare will be available. If you have never attended LiFT, this is a great chance to come and see what we are all about!

Please RSVP to Kent and Lynda Frederick at LIFTFUMC@aol.com.

Visit to Oak Park

November 8, 2006

Young at HeartThe Young At Heart group of senior adults will be taking a bus to Oak Park on Wednesday, November 8 to tour the historical Frank Lloyd Wright homes. We will leave from the church parking lot at 9:00 AM and after arriving in Oak Park will tour one of the homes and then take a bus tour around Oak Park to see some of the other Frank Lloyd Wright homes. Before heading home we will have lunch at Peterson’s Restaurant and Ice Cream Parlor.

The bus, lunch and tour will cost $45.00 per person. You may sign up in the Parlor on Sunday mornings or by calling Marilou Welch at (630) 968-7120.

Environment Illinois

Global Warming: A Blueprint for Action

9:30am ~ Sunday, November 5, 2006 ~ Chapel Hall

Rebecca Stanfield, Director of Environment Illinois will talk about global warming, its significant consequences and what can be done to address the problem. Rebecca StanfieldEnvironment Illinois launched a campaign this summer to get our state to adopt policies limiting CO2 emissions from major sources including power plants and automobiles. Specifically, Environment Illinois is seeking a 10% reduction by 2017 and an 80% reduction by 2050. In mid-November, Environment Illinois will issue a blueprint for achieving this target through a combination of energy efficiency, renewable energy and other regulatory measures. Her presentation will preview the findings of this report.

  • At least 279 species of plants and animals are already responding to global warming, moving closer to the poles.
  • Deaths from global warming will double in just 25 years to 300,000 people a year.
  • Global sea levels could rise by more than 20 feet with the loss of shelf ice in Greenland and Antarctica, devastating coastal areas worldwide.

Please do your part to reduce global warming. Protecting the environment is everyone's responsibility.

All Saints' Sunday

October 29, 9:30 & 11am

We will honor our recently deceased members, or relatives, of the congregation on Sunday, October 29. Please submit your deceased’s picture to Sharon in the office no later than Monday, October 23. The pictures will be shown on a screen in the Sanctuary as the names are read. All pictures will be returned.

Understanding Mental Illness

Thursday Evenings at 7pm

The Mental Health Ministries invites you to a Thursday night series in room 216, exploring the important subject of mental illness.

Thursday, October 26

High and Low: Bipolar Disorder
Dr. Ralph Cusick

Bipolar disorder, also know as manic depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in a person's mood, energy and ability to function. "It is an illness that is biological in its origins, yet one that feels psychological in the experience of it; an illness that is unique in conferring advantage and pleasure, yet one that brings in its wake almost unendurable suffering and not infrequently, suicide." Kay Redfield Jamison, PhD .

Dr Ralph Cusick was Chairman of Psychiatry and Inpatient Medical Director at MacNeal Hospital for 10 years, and former Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Illinois.

Thursday, November 2

A Mind of Distress: Anxiety Disorders
Patrick B. McGrath, PhD

Anxiety Disorders affect about 40 million American adults in a given year, causing them to be filled with fearfulness and uncertainty. There are several different types of anxiety disorders including: phobias panic disorder obsessive, compulsive disorder generalized anxiety disorder post-traumatic stress disorder Each anxiety disorder has different symptoms but all the symptoms cluster around excessive irrational fear and dread that interferes with daily living.

Patrick B. McGrath, PhD is the author of "Don't Try Harder, Try Different" and the Clinical Manager of Anxiety Services at Linden Oaks Hospital.

Thursday, November 9

Why Bother and Who Cares? Depression
Dr. Brendan Beresford

A depressive disorder is an illness that involves the body, mind, and thought process. It affects the way a person feels about himself and others and his sleeping and eating habits. Depression originates in the brain and may be triggered by life events or illness, although in many cases there is no precipitating event. Depression descends out of the blue. Depressive illnesses interfere with normal functioning and cause pain and suffering not only to those who have a disorder but also to those who care about them. Serious depression can destroy family life as well as the life of the ill person.

Dr. Brendan Beresford is the Medical Director of Geriatric Psychiatry at MacNeal Hospital and a faculty member of the University of Chicago.

Thursday, November 16

Beside Myself: The Divided Family ~ Personality Disorders
Carol J. Lysne, MS LCPC

Personality disorders are pervasive, chronic psychological disorders that affect an individual’s family, social and work life. They range from mild to severe and are characterized by several distinct features: self image and relationship problems, inappropriate emotional responses and difficulties with impulse control. People with personality disorders tend to be self centered, lack empathy, feel misunderstood and misunderstand others, feel victimized and engage in manipulative behaviors. They are unable to cope with normal stressors. Families are often confused and upset by the feelings and behaviors of the personality disordered person. They may find themselves in conflict with each other over how to help their family member.

Carol Lysne is the Director of Mental Health Ministries and has 32 years experience as a counselor in the mental health field.


South DuPage CROP Walk

October 22, 2006

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church

CROP WalkThe South DuPage CROP Walk is a 5 km (3.1 mile) walk held annually, with participants asking friends and family to sponsor them. All the money raised supports both the international programs of Church World Service (CWS) and local charities, such as our own PADS site. CWS works in more than 80 countries, combating hunger and helping to provide tools of hope that empower people to meet their own needs.

If you can walk:

  • Pick up a donation envelope from the sign-up desk in the parlor on Sunday and get people to sponsor you on the walk.



  • All walkers will receive a CROP Walk water bottle.
  • If you bring $150 or more in donations on the day of the walk, you will also receive a cool CROP Walk baseball cap.

Wear red to show you are a member of the DGFUMC team!

If you can't walk:

  • Sponsor someone who can when they ask (or even if they don't).


Sponsor Debbie or Jonathan

The pastors, Debbie and Jonathan, are both walking this year. Their challenge for 2006 is this:

  • If Jonathan raises more money than Debbie, he will provide wonderful British Treats for Coffee hour the first two Sundays in November.
  • If Debbie raises more money than Jonathan, she will bring homemade chocolate chip cookies and brownies for Coffee hour those first two Sundays of November.
  • If they each raise $1,000, they will both bring treats for all FOUR Sundays in November!

| Sponsor Debbie | Sponsor Jonathan |

Calling All Youth

Julie Stone will bake a dozen cookies for each DGFUMC youth that walks with $30 in pledges. That could mean over 1000 cookies!

We would love everyone to take part in the South DuPage CROP Walk – either by walking, pledging or praying for good weather. You can find out more details (including times and route maps), on the South DuPage CROP Walk Page.

2006 South DuPage CROP Walk: Results | Photos

Crazy Closet

Friday, October 20
9-2pm Full Price ~ 5-8pm Half Price

Jacket for saleWhat is Crazy Closet?

Crazy Closet is a service project sponsored by the United Methodist Women. The purpose is to offer quality clothing and household items at low cost. The profit made on the sale goes to a variety of organizations that support women and children. Last year we raised over $4,000.

Start cleaning out your closets, basements, and attics!

SELLER Registration

  • Sunday October 1, 2006 after the 9:30 and 11:00 services, in the gym.
  • Tuesday, October 10 from 5:00pm until 8:00pm in the Parlor.

If donating 100% of the profits, you do not need to register. You can pick up Gold tags in the church office. OTHERWISE, THE PROFITS WILL BE SPLIT 60/40.

United Methodist Women

Seeking Justice and a Bed

October 16-22, 2006

Tomato PickerA group of farm workers from Florida will be visiting the Chicago area in the week of October 16th-22nd. They are members of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, and come as representatives of a wide coalition seeking justice in the pay and conditions of tomatopickers in that region. You may remember a successful campaign to persuade Taco Bell to increase the price it paid for tomatoes; this gave those who pick the tomatoes a fair price for their labor. The workers are coming to raise awareness in this area of the deep inequalities and injustices to which they’re still subjected.

One of the visitors will briefly share something of their situation in worship on Sunday 22nd. Additionally, we’re looking for hosts to offer a bed for the night to one or two of them on the evening of Thursday October 19th. Can you help by showing your solidarity with their cause in this way? We need to accommodate about 15 in total. Please email the church office if you can help.

LiFTOctober at Morton Arboretum

October 15, 2006

Join LIFT (formerly TNT) as we enjoy the autumn colors at the Morton Arboretum on Sunday, October 15 from 1-4pm. Meet us at the entrance to the Visitor Center and then we'll tour the Maze Garden that's been specially adapted for fall with actors presenting seven of the Grimm's Fairy Tales in the maze's rooms. We can also tour the Scarecrow Trail around Meadow Lake or take the Tram tour through the Arboretum, and of course, taste the wonderful fall treats, including taffy apples, gourmet popcorn, and an ice cream parlor in the outdoor food court.

Admission to the Arboretum is free for members, and it's $7/$5/$4 for adults/seniors/children for non-members. Please RSVP to LIFTFUMC@aol.com by October 14.

DGFUMC Welcoming Statement

God, as known to us in Jesus Christ, welcomes all.

We welcome people of any race, national origin, ethnicity, Shaking Handsgender, sexual orientation, age, social or economic status, employment status, or life situation;
including people with physical or mental illness or disability.

We practice loving acceptance of each person and respectful discussion of our differences.

Our Welcoming Statement

Sundays at 9:30am

One of the goals of the Adult Education Work Area is to support the adoption of the church welcoming statement by providing educational opportunities for each aspect of inclusion covered. In October there will be a three week series to address National Origin, Ethnicity and Employment Status. The series will be offered through the Koinonia Sunday School class that meets at 9:30 every Sunday.

October 15 ~ Room 218
Claire Marich will share her experience of the 75 mile migration march she participated in this spring. She will be addressing issues of the borderlands economics, hospitality, and migration. The presentation will include a PowerPoint with pictures from the march.
October 22 ~ Chapel Hall
A group of farm workers from Florida are coming as representatives of a wide coalition seeking justice in the pay and conditions of tomato pickers in the region. They will speak to us about the working conditions and systems that keep migrant farm workers in the cycles of poverty. A part of the presentation will be to inform us with ways to stand in solidarity with those in the struggle.
October 29 ~ Chapel Hall
Matthew Soerens, Citizenship & Outreach Coordinator from World Relief DuPage will speak about how church can be involved with immigration issues.

Please come to one or all of these special educational opportunities. Contact John Smoke, Discipleship Pastor, with questions or comments.

Adult Education Work Area

UMW Green Team

Environmental Speaker Series

Water at Issue

October 15, 2006

Discover what we can do to preserve that most precious resource we can’t live without but take for granted ~ fresh, clean, inexpensive water. While we expect that we will always be able to just turn on the tap and it will be there ~ it may not; just as it is not for an estimated 2/3 of the world’s population. Without preservation, we can expect more illness, suffering, and wars to occur over it in the future.

Come and hear what Karen Hewitson has to tell us about how we can become better water stewards on Sunday, October 15th at 11:00 in Chapel Hall. Ms. Hewitson is the National UMW Go Green Team Representative and has a wealth of knowledge to share.

United Methodist Women

Saturday Night Live

Progressive Dinner

Saturday, October 14, 2006

The first event of the season is our Progressive Dinner on October 14th at 6pm. It's a fun evening and a perfect time to meet and dine with old and new friends in our congregation. There will be one location to enjoy appetizers, several for dinner and one location for dessert. If you do not wish to be a host, we ask that you bring a dish to share.

The menu will be simple and made available when you RSVP to Sharon at the Church Office (968-7120) by September 29th.

Saturday Night Live is a fellowship group in the church for anyone who is past the age for our young adult group, LiFT, and not quite ready for Young at Heart.

African Safari

October 11, 2006 ~ 12pm

Young at Heart"An African Safari", a travelogue by Mr. and Mrs. Chapek, will be the special program of the Young At Heart group for senior adults on Wednesday, October 11. This not your usual travelogue and as the Chapeks have been to Africa a number of times they have many interesting and unusual things to share with us. We will start with lunch in Chapel Hall at noon followed by the program. The cost per person for this activity will be $10.00.

You may sign up in the parlor at Sunday mornings or call Marilou Welch at 968-7120 (church).

Let's Go To The Theater!

Planning Meeting

October 9, 2006

DramaReturning by popular demand! A wonderful evening of dining and seeing local live performances.

Our planning meeting will be on Monday, October 9 at 7:00pm. All suggestions are welcome. Bring your calendars to set the dates. If you can’t make the meeting, contact Diane Kerr in the church office 968-7120 or email diane@dgfumc.org to sign up.

Methodist Open Golf Outing

Saturday, September 30, 2006
Start Time: 1:00pm

golferJoin us for our combined Men's and Women’s "Annual Golf Outing." We will have all sorts of fun prizes for golfers of all abilities. You may also wish to invite some of your friends to join us as your guests.

The outing will be held at the Downers Grove Golf Club with tee-off times beginning at 1:00pm. The registration fee, which includes green fees and prize fund, is $25 per person.

If you need more details, contact Bruce or Linda Swanson. Deadline for registration is Monday, September 25th. You may drop off or mail your registration, payable to Bruce Swanson, to the church office. Attn: Bruce Swanson.

Tex Sample

"Getting the Story and Practices Right"

September 29 to October 1, 2006

Tex SampleWe are pleased to welcome Dr. Tex Sample, a wonderful storyteller and down-to-earth theologian to our church.

Over the course of his life, Sample has worked as a cab driver, as a laborer, and as a roust-about in the oil fields. In addition, he pastored churches for eight years and served three years as the Director of Social Relations of the Massachusetts Council of Churches. In this last capacity, he was the lobbyist for the Council and worked actively in the civil rights and peace movements.

Sample has authored several books: Blue Collar Ministry, Ministry in an Oral Culture: Living with Will Rogers, Uncle Remus, and Minnie Pearl, White Soul: Country Music, the Church and Working People, and The Spectacle of Worship in a Wired World.

This southern "down home" sounding preacher can challenge us to enter "God's story," as well as enlighten and amuse with his stories. Be sure to mark your calendars for this unique opportunity to get to know him on the last weekend in September.


Friday, September 29
7:00 to 7:30pm: Coffee and refreshments & books for sale.
7:30 to 9:00pm: Tex will be speaking in the sanctuary.
    "Getting the Story and Practices Right"
9:00 to 9:30pm: Book sale and book signing in the parlor.
Saturday, September 30
8:30 to 9:00pm: Coffee and bagels.
9:00 to Noon: Tex will be speaking in the sanctuary.
    "Proclaiming Good News to the Poor"
Sunday, October 1
8:15, 9:30, and 11:00: Tex will be preaching.
    "The Power of Gathering", Scripture: Acts 2:1-15.

There is no charge for any of the sessions. Please come and bring a friend! Tex will inspire us to connect our faith with everyday living.

Adult Education Work Area


Stewards of Our Earth

Kay McKeen, Director of SCARCE

Sunday, September 24, 2006 12:15-1:30pm

Practical information on becoming better stewards of our Earth.

The 3 R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

You will be amazed at what happens to our garbage, the problems it creates, and how we can reduce it.

You're invited to the Chapel Hall on Sunday, September 24, from 12:15 – 1:30pm to hear Kay McKeen, founder and director of SCARCE, an environmental education organization. She will be assisted by Ms. Deanie LaConte.

Ms. McKeen has chaired the Wheaton Environmental Improvement Commission since 1987, and has developed courses, programs and exhibits for College of DuPage, Benedictine University, the Children's Museum, the Field Museum and Shedd Aquarium. She started the Book Rescue Enter in 1991, and in 1993 developed and established the DuPage County Solid Waste Education Center. A recipient of many awards, Ms. McKeen has been instrumental in environmental education in our schools, in establishing Illinois Clean Air and Asthma Awareness Day, establishing a diesel vehicle idling ban (including our school buses), and is leading efforts to develop a comprehensive policy for composting of organic wastes in Illinois.

Lunch Provided (no reservation needed).

Church & Society, United Methodist Women & Koinonia

Bring a Friend for a Sundae

September 24, 2006

SundaeEach year during the month of September the United Methodist Church runs Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors TV commercials inviting persons to come back or give the church a try. I don't believe that a commercial by itself will bring people into the church (I know there are some exceptions). I believe that a commercial along with a personal invitation is what will bring someone to church. This is true with adults and kids.

The Pathfinders Sunday school will be participating in a "Bring a Friend for a Sundae" on September 24th. Children and youth from preschool through high school are invited to bring a friend to Sunday school on September 24 at 9:30 or 11:00. On that Sunday I will be visiting each classroom and if you have brought a friend, I would like you to introduce him or her to the class. Once you do that, I will give you and your friend a coupon for free ice cream at Every Day's A Sundae!

Let us invite others to experience the blessing of a Christian community with Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors. Please bring a friend for a Sunday and enjoy a Sundae!

John Smoke, Discipleship Pastor

10th Annual Olduna Cow Works

September 23, 2006 ~ 4:00 p.m. to ??
22 W 421 Oldswoods Drive, Woodridge

Have you "herd"?? It's time for the 10th Annual Chapel Choir Fundraiser: The Olduna Cow Works.

Holy CowJoin us for a Fabulous Food Fest:

  • Slow-cooked, Rotisserie Roast Beef
  • Grilled Corn on the Cob
  • Caryl's Famous Baked Beans
  • Notable Baked Potatoes
  • Luscious Lemon Shakeups
  • Snappy Salads
  • Delectable Desserts

Make up a table of your friends and neighbors if you'd like, or join the general partygoers for a memorable event of food and fellowship.

Registration in the Parlor on Sunday or Church Office. Adults 21 and over. Suggested donation $20.

The Joys and Challenges
of Families and Teens

"Our youth now seem to love luxury. They have bad manners and contempt for authority. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble their food and tyrannize their teachers." ~ Socrates 470 - 399 BC

Shelly Zabielski BSN, MAT will be in room 203 every Wednesday at 6:30pm. Discussion on various topics promoting resilience and maturity in teens will begin at 7:00pm.

September 20
Identifying and Utilizing our Assets as Parents
September 27
Gaining Perspective - Do you Remember When?
October 4
Helping Teens be R.I.C.H.E.R. with Positive Values
October 11
Responsible Homework Help for Teens

Shelly brings with her a wealth of experience. She is the mother of three grown daughters, worked as a nurse at Hinsdale Hospital for seven years and as a teacher for fifteen years in Westmont Unit District 201. She is completing her clinical Psychology degree at Benedictine University by working here for a year.

Woman To Woman

Death by SuburbFrom September 20, 2006

The "Woman-To-Woman" book group will start up again on Wednesday, September 20 at 9:30am. We will be discussing the book Death by Suburb, written by David Goetz. Books will be available in the church office in September.

"Woman-To-Woman" meets on the first and third Wednesdays of the month and is open to any woman of the church who is seeking spiritual renewal or nurture. Debbie Fisher and Sheila Hallmann facilitate the group.

Church Chat

Listening to the Parables

with Fred Conger
Wednesdays, 7:30-9:00pm ~ Room 218

Jesus was a great story teller. The parables of Jesus, found in the Gospels of Mark, Luke, and Matthew, are without a doubt authentic words from Jesus, stories told by him many times during his short ministry, easily remembered, and not changed too much by the intervening years before they were written down in the Bible.

These stories use ordinary events in the life of first century Jews as a instrument for Jesus to expound a higher spiritual truth about God and life. They are gifts to the imagination, challenges to the way that the people were living, and a call to a higher spiritual understanding of life. In our class we will give everyone a chance to listen to these stories, hopefully with a fresh mind, open to the Word of God that comes to us through the ordinary experiences of people who lived in the first century and became the actors of these powerful stories. The response to the meaning of these stories is in each one of us. The question we will ask is " What was Jesus saying to the people of his day in this parable and what is he saying to me today?"

  • September 13 Mark 4:3-20
  • September 20 Luke 15:11-33
  • October 11 Luke 10:25-37
  • October 25 Luke 19:11-27
  • November 8 Luke 12:13-34
  • December 13 Matthew 25:31-46

Adult Education

Onward Bound 2006-2007

Registration: September 13, 2006

Claim the NameOnward Bound is our Youth Ministry for Junior High students. Through OB we hope to lead and support the students as they explore and develop of their faith and their relationships with God, with each other and with their community of faith. We do this through our Wednesday night meetings, Pathfinders on Sunday morning, special fellowship events and service to our church and the community throughout the year. For most students this leads to joining Downers Grove First United Methodist Church at the end of their 8th grade year.

|More Details|

Young at HeartYoung at Heart

Fourth Anniversary

September 13, 2006

Young at Heart, a group of senior adults, will be celebrating their fourth anniversary on Wednesday, September 13. We will have a picnic lunch with Don Safford grilling hot dogs, hamburgers and brats. We will have several salads and for dessert we will have a special anniversary cake. Miss Emeline has promised to come visit with us and we will have a sing-a-long of the golden oldies.

Lunch will begin at noon in Chapel Hall. All of this for $5.00 per person. Sign up is in the Parlor on Sundays or by calling Marilou Welch at 968-7120 (church.)

LiFTBear vs Packers

September 10, 2006

Join LIFT (formerly TnT) for the Bears/Packers football game at the Saffords' house on Sunday, September 10th at 3:00 PM. Snacks will be provided, and there is no cost to attend.

Please RSVP to Kent and Lynda Frederick at LIFTFUMC@aol.com.

Run the Race...Keep the Faith!

Sunday, September 10th

PathfindersRally Day is the day each fall when we start the "race." It is the day to register for Pathfinders Sunday School and begin a new year of fun and learning.

We are planning a very exciting Rally Day this year. Our church has reserved the Tivoli movie theater for our Rally Day celebration. Everyone that attends church and Sunday school will receive a free movie ticket. The movie Racing Stripes will be shown at 1pm on September 10th. zebraThe movie is about an abandoned zebra who grows up believing he is a racehorse, and, with the help of his barnyard friends and a teenage girl, sets out to achieve his dream of racing with thoroughbreds. A line from the movie states, "His stripes made him an outcast. His heart made him a hero." It is a wonderful movie for everyone.

When you attend church and Sunday school on Rally Day, you will not only get a ticket to the movie, you will also have a chance to meet a real live zebra (it might even be a relative of Stripes!). The zebra will be at our church from 9:00am until noon.

Rally Day is a wonderful time to begin a new year and enjoy time together as a faith community. Please make plans to attend September 10 and keep your afternoon open for the movie.

Pathfinders should receive through the mail a packet of registration materials for Pathfinders Sunday school, for all the choirs, and for the family fellowship program. If you would like a packet, please contact the church office at (630) 968-7120 or email dgfumc@dgfumc.org.

On September 10th, let us begin to


Twelve Hour Prayer Vigil

Friday, September 8

candlesOn Friday, September 8 from 6:00pm, there will be a twelve hour Prayer Vigil. Each of you is invited to participate at some point during the twelve hours. You may sign up in the Parlor after worship services or by calling the church office. When you select the 30 minute time period in which you will be praying, you will be given a list of names of people within the congregation.

Please pray for each person on the list during the 30 minutes. Ask God to bless them in special ways; ask that God touch them at their point of need. During the weeks following the prayer vigil, if you happen to see someone on your list, please don’t hesitate to say: "I prayed for you".

So, on September 8th, I suggest that you find a comfortable place in your home or go to your favorite pew in the sanctuary and have a "chat" with God. You don’t have to use fancy phrases. Pray in your own words and from your heart. Our goal is that every person within our church family has at least one other person praying for them that night. It will be a powerful experience both for the one who is praying and the ones for whom the prayer is offered.

Chapel Choir 2006/2007 Season

Chapel Choir

Details of this year's Chapel Choir season are now available. There will be an informational meeting on September 6 at 7:30pm in Chapel Hall, which all parents or guardians of Chapel Choir youth are encouraged to attend.

|Chapel Choir 2006/2007|

The Rev. Debbie Fisher and the Campaign Finance Committee of the First United Methodist Church invite you and your family to be their guest at a

Kick-off Jazz Brunch for our
Growing Together Campaign

featuring Belford Hernandez & the 537 Band

August 27, 2006

Growing Together

Join us for a complimentary brunch (thanks to an anonymous donor) and catch the excitement as we launch The Growing Together Building Campaign!

The Jazz Brunch begins at 11:30 at the Carriage Greens Country Club, 8700 Carriage Greens Drive, Darien, IL.

There will be no solicitation of pledges.

Free childcare is available at the church. Movies, crafts, lunch and games will be provided to entertain your children.

RSVP by August 21, to the church office at 630-968-7120 or email dgfumc@dgfumc.org. We are limited to the first 350 people so don't delay.

Living in Faith Together

TnT has a new name... LIFT

LIFT = Living In Faith Together

LiFTOur new name better describes who we are as a group. Not bound by an age range, we are a group of younger adults, who get together for social activities, conversation and sharing, and community service projects. If you have never attended, we would love to have you join us for any of our activities. We even offer child-care during many of our events.

Our next event will be Saturday, August 19 at 2:00pm. We will play "Lost Mountain Adventure Golf" followed by treats at Coldstone Creamery. Lost Mountain is located at 1535 75th Street in Woodridge. The cost for miniature golf is $6.95 per person. Childcare will be provided at the church.

Please contact Kent and Lynda Frederick at LIFTFUMC@aol.com to RSVP or to learn more about LIFT and join our e-mail list.


Youth Mission Trip
$tockholders' Dinner

August 16, 2006

$tockholders don’t forget the $paghetti Dinner on Wednesday, August 16, at 6:30pm. It will be followed by a slide show to share our experiences working in Pascagoula.

MS $tock Certificates are for $ale $10 a $hare
in the Church Office

Break bread with us; see and hear about our trip! The impact of our Youth Mission Team went far beyond the roofs and dry walling we replaced in Pascagoula, Mississippi. Lives were touched, friendships made, and we had the comforting sense that our sweaty, sore muscles were not in vain. The dedication of the 60 youth and 19 adults to help the victims is impressive. Yet, it is undeniable that it will take years to recover from the hurricane damage.

Stock is still available in the church office; come, eat with us and share our Mission experiences.

Blood DriveBlood Drive

Monday, August 14, 2006
3:30pm – 7:30pm
Fellowship Hall

Heartland Blood Centers will be visiting our church for a blood drive on Monday, August 14, from 3:30pm - 7:30pm in Fellowship Hall. Patients in our community need our help, as the need for blood never goes away. Please consider giving blood as all blood types are needed and utilized.

All donors will receive a MOOLA card, preloaded with a free quart of Oberweis Ice Cream.

Contact Char at (708) 342-9770 or cgromala@heartlandbc.org to reserve your slot. Please bring a photo ID with you.

Thank you for your donation!

Young at HeartYoung at Heart

The Lipizzans

August 9, 2006

Have you ever wanted to see the Lipizzans and their show at Tempel Farms in Wadsworth, Il.? This is what the Young At Heart Group of seniors will be doing on Wednesday, August 9. We will take a bus to Tempel Farms for the 10:30 AM show. After the show we will enjoy a box lunch, tour the grounds, before coming back to Downers Grove. All this for $40.00 per person.

Reservations are now being taken in the Parlor on Sunday morning or by calling Marilou Welch at (church) 630 968-7120 or (home) 630 968-4136. Reservations are limited to 36 persons and our list is filling fast.

Vacation Bible School

August 8-10, 2006

Grab your passport, Pack your bags

Trading PlacesHold the dates for Vacation Bible School for children from 4-12 yrs old. We're taking an Around-the-World trip!

We have a fun new program this summer called, Trading Places.

We'll learn about Bible stories where people made major changes in their lives - trading one place in life for another. At the same time we'll learn about what it would be like to trade places with children that live in other parts of the world. We'll learn how they live, what they like to do, and try out some fun foods.

Vacation Bible School meets from 9:00-Noon each day. Also hold Thursday evening at 6:00 for our VBS picnic. The cost is $10.00 per child or $25.00 for families registering more than two children. Download a registration form below and hand it into the church office.

Registration Form: MS Word | PDF

|View Photo Album|


Youth Mission Trip

Pascagoula, Mississippi, July 22-30, 2006

Pascagoula is in the southwest corner of Mississippi. Last year, it took a direct hit from Hurricane Katrina and sustained severe damage to homes and businesses. In July, 2006, Senior High and Post High School Youth groups will join together on a mission trip to Pascagoula to help the residents in restoring their communities.

|More details|

TnTTnT July Activity

The Jim Guter Big Band

7:00pm on Tuesday, July 18
Free Concert in the Park

Hear one of Chicago's most exciting groups performing jazz, big-band, Latin, and swing. Bring your lawn chair or blanket for a free concert at the Fishel Park band shell (located across Grove Street from the back of the church).

No need to RSVP; we will just meet at the park.

Mission Trip to Guatemala

July 16-24, 2006

UPAVIMWhat are the lives of our neighbors like that share the same hemisphere? What do we have in common? How are we different? In an effort to understand the lives of the Guatemalan people, and they of ours, seven 1st UMC members are preparing to live with members of the Unidas Para Viver Mejor (UPAVIM) Christian community in the impoverished outskirts of Guatemala City, July 16-24.

UPAVIM craftsUPAVIM is a group of 66 women from marginalized areas. Some are widows, some were abandoned by their husbands, and some are dealing with alcoholism in their families. Many are sole providers of economic support for their families. They began helping themselves and their community in 1988 with a Healthy Baby program, then decided to create products to sell to generate funds. They are now working in a number of ways to achieve better housing, clean water, better education and health care for their people.

This mission trip, sponsored by the Missions Work Area, is different from the adult mission trips our church has taken in the past. For the first time, we are going beyond our borders, and we are going, not to build buildings, but a long-term relationship. UPAVIM BuildingAs Christians, we are charged with reaching out in understanding. In the Beatitudes we are told to put ourselves in "the other person's shoes." Because our world is so diverse, we need greater understanding of cultural traditions, religious practices, trade, sharing resources, reducing pollution, and peaceful ways of resolving conflict. And, as Christians, we need to stand in solidarity alongside one another in the problems we face.

Our delegation needs your support in a number of ways to build this long-term relationship. First, please pray that God will open channels of understanding through us; second, if you would like to make a monetary donation, please earmark your gift for the Guatemalan trip and send it to the church office; third, if you would like to take part in a development committee, we need your ideas; and finally, have open ears, eyes, minds and hearts when the group returns to share information about our new sister community there.

|Photo Album|

Bucket and spongeWash and Worship

5th Annual Youth Car Wash

July 16 & August 13, 2006

The 5th Annual Youth Car Wash will take place on Sundays, July 16 and August 13, 8am-11:30am. Buy tickets on Sundays, July 9 and August 6, or on the car wash Sunday.

Cost: Any donation

Proceeds to support the Youth Mission and Chapel Choir.

Back to Broadway

July 12, 2006

Young at HeartThis group of senior adults called "Young At Heart" will go Back To Broadway with Fred Moore for their July 12th get together. This program features Broadway music before 1921. We will learn about the Broadway music of which we might not have been aware. This will be a salad lunch and we will ask that those attending bring either a salad or dessert.

Our lunch and program will be in Chapel Hall beginning at noon and is open to all our church friends. Each person attending will be asked to pay $3.00 to cover costs. You may sign up in the parlor on Sunday mornings or by calling Marilou Welch at (church) 630 968-7120.

All Church Conference

Thursday, June 29, 2006

On Thursday, June 29th at 7:30pm, there will be an All Church Conference in our Sanctuary. Our District Superintendent, Rev. Danita Anderson will preside.

Building PlanWe have concluded our Focus Groups. The Building Committee has taken careful notes at each Focus Groups and on June 29th will show how changes that you have suggested have been incorporated into the plan. Preliminary architectural drawings, a preliminary financial estimate, and a preliminary financial plan will also be presented that evening. The Building Committee will have prioritized the project based upon your feedback and that information will also be available.

Finally, there will be a motion from the Building Committee to proceed to the next steps of the building project.

ALL church members have both voice and vote at this important meeting!

| Building Project Page | Church Conference Poster |

Heritage Fest

June 23-25, 2006

The fun and good times of Downers Grove Heritage Festival are just around the corner. That’s right, the corner of our parking lot on Grove Street! That’s where we will be setting up our food booths and serving the Best BBQ Ribs, Pulled Pork Sandwiches, Luscious Lemon Shake-ups and other enticing Festival Fare.

Heritage Festival runs from Friday, June 23 to Sunday, June 25. Come and meet your friends under our covered eating booth and support our Youth Missions at the same time!

It's fun to be a part of our Heritage Festival team! Adults and high school youth alike are encouraged to help. Lots of opportunities are still available to help in the food booth or parking lot; two of our major youth fundraisers. Contact Nick for details (630-968-7120).


Bright pink slips will identify you as a FUMC member if you put them on your dashboard to attend Sunday service on June 25. If you plan on staying for the Festival, our Youth Mission Trip Fund would certainly benefit from your parking donation. This year we are traveling to Mississippi to provide assistance to Katrina victims.

Thank you for your consideration. See You At the Festival!

Junior High Mission Trip 2006

Evanston and Chicago

June 19-20, 2006

Baha'i TempleWe will be visiting interesting worship sites and working with Hemenway UMC in Evanston, a lively multicultural church. Our tasks will include serving at a soup kitchen, painting and cleaning classrooms and hallways.

Metra and the "L" will be our means of transportation. The First United Methodist Church of Evanston will be our home for Monday night.

All students entering 7th or 8th grades are welcome to come.

|More Details|

Ice Cream SundaeFather's Day

Ice Cream Sundae

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Join the Membership Development Work Area for our First Annual Father's Day Ice Cream Social! Enjoy complimentary ice cream with toppings and cookies on this special day! The Father's Day Ice Cream Social will be held on the breezeway (porch between the Sanctuary and Chapel).

If you are planning on attending a Focus Group that morning, you will receive a special ticket so you will be permitted to go to the head of the line.

Bring Dad to Church and Share Your Love!

Summer Small Groups!

Call the Office - 968-7120, or email john@dgfumc.org to register.

Making Love Last a Lifetime

Whether you’ve been married 50 years or you are thinking of getting married in the future, everyone wants their marriage relationship to last forever. Yet it’s no secret that marriage can be stressful. Join us for an insightful, and sometimes humorous discussion on Biblical and practical suggestions for staying in love.

Leaders: Debbie Fisher, John Smoke

Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00pm, Parlor
July 12, 19, 26, August 2

Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith

Join this small group discussion on Ann Lamott’s much loved book by the same name. This book describes faith as it shows up in real life—a down to earth approach to living our faith. Books available in the office.

Leaders: Karla Gulley, Debbie Breihan

Thursdays 7:00-8:00pm, Room 203
July 6, 13, 20, 27, August 3

A Walk in the Park

Get off to a healthy start this summer by joining your church family members for a walk in various local Forest Preserves. This is great time to enjoy the beauty of our world, get to know some new people, and get a little exercise!

Leader: Ginger Sanders

Saturdays, 8:00-10:00pm, Parking Lot
June 17, 24, July 1, 22, 29

Just One More Story!

Especially for parents with pre-school children. Dress up the kids in their pj’s and come for a healthy evening snack. Then snuggle up to hear John Smoke read his favorite children’s books. Make story time special this summer!

Leader: John Smoke

Mondays, 6:30-7:30pm, Parlor
July 10, 17, 24, 31

Bucket Sundays

Sunday, June 11 & 18, 2006

BucketIt is Bucket Sunday time again. As we have done in years past, Church and Society Work Area and United Methodist Women will be passing out empty buckets on Sunday, June 4, after the worship services. We ask the congregation to fill the buckets with cleaning supplies and return them on Sunday, June 11 or June 18. The buckets are then delivered to local food pantries for distribution to their clients. Items such as soap and cleaning supplies cannot be purchased with food stamps and are greatly appreciated.

Church and Society & UMW

Revelation Choir

Revelation Youth Choir

7:30pm, June 12, 2006

The Senior High Revelation Choir from Custer Road United Methodist Church in Plano, Texas, will share their music ministry at FUMC on Monday, June 12 at 7:30pm. The choir is on a 10-day tour of the Midwest.

The 125 member chorus is made up of high school youth who lead the music at Custer Road’s 8:30am worship service every Sunday.

Under the direction of Rev. Tim Morrison, the 45 minute musical presentation revolves around the tour theme of "Everything By Prayer" through music, scripture and drama and will feature a variety of musical styles from classical to rock and gospel to pop.

Texas Handbell Ensemble

Another Dazzling Handbell Concert

East Texas Handbell Ensemble

Sunday, June 11, 7:30pm

The professional community group, East Texas Handbell Ensemble, directed by Arnold Sherman, is coming to FUMC June 11 at 7:30 p.m. to present the closing concert of their Midwest tour. You'll want to hear this renowned professional community handbell ensemble. A free-will offering will be taken.

Blood DriveBlood Drive

Monday, June 5, 2006
3:00pm – 7:30pm
Fellowship Hall

Heartland Blood Centers will be visiting our church for a blood drive on Monday, June 5th from 3:00pm - 7:30pm in Fellowship Hall. Patients in our community need our help, as the need for blood never goes away. Please consider giving blood as all blood types are needed and utilized.

Call the church office 630-968-7120 or sign up in the Parlor on Sunday to reserve your slot.

Thank you for your donation!

Farewell Reception

Sunday, June 4, 2006

Mary ZajacMary Zajac's last Sunday with us will be June 4th. She graduated from Seminary on May 12th and has been appointed as the Associate Pastor at First United Methodist Church in Plainfield.

The Staff Parish Relations Committee has planned a farewell reception for her, in the gym, immediately following the 10:00 AM worship hour on June 4th. We are encouraging children to stay for this reception so they may say their farewells to Mary.

United Methodist YouthInformational Meeting

Calling All Incoming Freshmen

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

All incoming ninth graders and parents are invited to attend an informational meeting Wednesday, May 31st. Youth are invited to come at 7:00 p.m. for the first half-hour of the Chapel Choir rehearsal. They will then join parents in Chapel Hall at 7:30 for an overview of youth activities and programs.

This important meeting will provide information about:

  • Summer and fall fundraising opportunities that will reduce the cost of missions trips and choir tours. These include Heritage Fest, car washes, tent rentals, bike and inline skating races, and the Olduna Cow Works.
  • Monday night summer youth activities. We always need homes for parties on Mondays.
  • Mission Trip
  • Chapel Choir
  • Methodist Youth Fellowship

Whether you plan to participate in some or all youth activities in senior high, this meeting will provide information and help answer some of your questions.

Revelation Choir

Two Visiting Choirs

May 30 & June 12, 2006


On Tuesday, May 30, CrossFlame, the youth choir of First UMC Dothan, Alabama, will present a concert in our sanctuary at 7:30 pm. They are on their first tour, with the theme "Many Gifts, One Spirit", which demonstrates their desire to worship God in the many ways available to all of us, through singing, band, hand bells, drama and dance. From Traditional to Contemporary Christian, there is an appreciation for many ways to worship through music. The group is directed by Mike and Shelley Keeley.

Come and share in the excitement of the very first CrossFlame tour.

Revelation Choir

The REVELATION youth choir from Custer Road UMC, Plano Texas, will be with us on Monday, June 12. Their concert will be at 7:30 pm. This 130 member youth choir made up of 6th-12th graders, will be needing places to stay. If you are able to host two or more youth please let Nick know.

Revelation provides inspiring music for the 8:30 am Sunday worship service. It also provides several additional concerts and tours throughout the year. All youth, regardless of experience or self-confidence, are invited to take advantage of this excellent youth and music program.

During our recent Chapel Choir Tour, we had audiences of 100 or more every night. Receptive, large audiences inspired our choir to do their very best. We know how much work it takes to take a large choir on tour. We were warmly welcomed everywhere we went. Please come and enjoy these wonderful youth choirs as they bring their message to our church.

Chancel Choir

Spring Ring XIV

A Walk in the Park

7:00 p.m. Sunday evening, May 21

The Chancel Ringers
The Westminster Handbell Ensemble
The Treble Ensemble of
Downers Grove North High School

"Spring unlocks the flowers to paint the laughing soil."
(R. Heber)

At First United Methodist Church, spring unlocks the scintillating sounds of our many bells, revealing a fresh musical garden, as we invite you on "A Walk in the Park." On the evening’s "royal garden tour," you will hear narratives about famous bells, big and small.

Concert repertoire will include Karen Buckwalter’s A Walk in the Park and Psalm 42, Kevin McChesney’s Passacaglia, Pinnacle by Bill Payn, Gypsy Song from Carmen, Praise and Adoration by Mary Kay Parrish, Allegro Glorioso and Grazioso by Arnold Sherman, Soon and Very Soon, and Sing for Joy and Be Glad by Hart Morris.

As a special treat the concert will feature the prestigious Treble Ensemble from Downers Grove North High School, whose director is Frank Piekarz.

Tickets are $6 in advance; $8 at the door. For $18 and only in advance, a special gold level ticket is available offering preferred seating, a long stemmed flower, and your choice of a DVD of this concert, or any of our CDs. Child care is provided. And tickets are available in the parlor between services.

Robin Williams has said, "Spring is nature’s way of saying ‘Let’s party!’" Will you join us for the festivities? Be sure to buy early. Please call the church 968-7120.

Bread for the World Initiative

Sunday, May 21, 2006

One You’re relaxed in your living room, watching TV when suddenly images of people with eyes, empty and wonton, flash across the screen in a news brief about a drought stricken land, victims of a natural disaster, or refugees displaced by genocide or civil unrest. Then you get that gut-wrenching feeling all over again. You would like to reach out to help them, but how? The situation is overwhelming, and you feel totally disconnected.

Well, you have an opportunity to impact aid given by the U.S. Simply come to the Parlor on Sunday, May 21, and write a letter to one or more of your congressional representatives encouraging them to propose and vote for legislation that will alleviate hunger and poverty. Let them know how important it is to you that they appropriate dollars to help our neighbors.

Sample letters, paper, envelopes, and your representatives’ addresses will be provided by United Methodist Women. Missions Work Area will provide postage. We will even mail them for you! Please, come, take 5 minutes to write a letter and turn those empty eyes into eyes full of hope.

A Bread for the World Initiative

Focus Group Meetings

May & June, 2006

Scripture reports that Moses sent a party to investigate the land where God was directing his people to go. These scouts brought back a majority report that daunting obstacles stood in their way. Everyone returned with fears and reluctance - except Caleb - who "quieted the people and said it could be done!"
Caleb could see beyond where they were to where God wanted them to go

Building PlanAs part of our common effort to meet church building needs, you are invited to prayerfully join in weighing the promising alternatives before us. To achieve this, several Focus Group Meetings will be conducted. Following presentations, the floor will be open for candid inquiry and dialogue. Detailed records will be made of attendee observations and questions, from which our congregation will ultimately take direction and finalize a proposed building plan.

I urge you to attend one of these Focus Group Meetings to hear about the visition as it now stands and to share your heart on the issues. Meetings will be held at 9:00am, 10:30am, or 12:00pm on Sundays, May 21 and May 28. On Sundays, June 4, June 11, June 18, and June 25, they will be held at 9:30am and 11:00am.

To sign up for the Focus Group Meetings you may

Welcoming Heart

Our Welcoming Statement

I Was in Prison and You Visited Me...

Sunday April 30, 5:00-7:00pm

We don't specifically mention prison ministries in our welcoming statement. However, we do say that we welcome people of, "any social or economic status, employment status, or life situation." Many of these statements certainly apply to people who have been in prison, or who have had family members in the prison system.

Soup BowlOur speaker, after supper, will be Dorothy Yeoman who has been active in prison ministries for many years.

Adult Education will provide a free soup and salad supper. Registration required so we can know how much soup to prepare.

Malice in the Palace

Malice in the Palace

Sunday, April 30, 2006 9:30 & 11am Services

At the 9:30 and 11am services, the Connection, Chorister and Cherup Choirs will perform Malice in the Palace, a musical by Allen Pote and Tom Long. It is the story of Esther and includes all the ingredients for a great Hollywood thriller – a beautiful and spirited heroine, a dark-hearted villain, and a twisting plot full of danger and intrigue. And in the midst of this excitement we find a powerful message – the smallest person acting bravely can make an enormous difference, for God has placed us where we are for a reason!.

Max and Erma's
Fundraiser for the Youth Mission Trip

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Everyone goes out for lunch or dinner from time to time. The Youth Mission Team would like you to eat at Max & Erma’s in Woodridge on Tuesday April 25. Download the Coupon below and print it off or pick one up from the church office and the Youth Mission Team will receive 20% of your bill to back their Youth Mission Trip to the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

|Max & Erma's Coupon (PDF)|

Thank You for your help! Bon Appetit!

The Movie Lover's Festival

A New Vision of Film

April 21-28, 2006

Once upon a time... Film Reel

When we hear that phrase, we perk up because we know that something captivating is about to happen. Stories have been told around campfires, in tents, huts, and igloos all around the world, since time began. Stories take us to another place. We leave behind our experience of the world and enter into another's vision. We are mesmerized by the images that dance their way through our heads.

Movies offer us a combination of visions. There are the writers', producers', directors', actors', and the editors' vision. Movies are a collaboration of many visions. We have all seen good stories made into bad movies; a failure of collaboration.

We have also seen good stories made into good, even great movies, films we can watch over and over. These great movies are where many visions come together to give us a feast for our senses.

On Friday, April 21, we begin our Movie Lover's Festival. Sue Thornquist, Archie Benfield, Wilhelmina Schoger and Josh Larson will present classes to help us understand the different types of visions that go into the making of a movie. We will follow the class with a movie that demonstrates that particular vision.

|Movie Festival Page|

Maundy Thursday Communion

7:30pm, April 13, 2006

Music by the Chancel Choir

Good Friday Service

"The Garden of Gethsemane"

7:30pm, April 14, 2006

Includes a performance by Chancel Drama

The Resurrection Story

Sunday, April 16, 2006

"Get Real"

Message by Rev. Debbie Fisher

Service at 8am
Music by the Chapel Choir

Services at 9:30am, and 11am
Music by the Chancel Choir & Brass Choir

Chapel Choir

Chapel Choir Post-Tour Concert

Do You Need a Miracle?

April 9, 2006, 4:00pm & 7:30pm

Join us in welcoming home the Chapel Choir after their highly successful 35th Annual Spring Break Tour to Washington DC. During the tour, they performed to appreciative audiences at churches in Elyria, OH, Bedford, PA, Olney and Frederick, MD, and Burke, VA. Because this concert is always so popular, there will be two performances at 4pm and 7:30pm, each one followed by a slide show of the tour. No tickets are necessary - just come and enjoy their spirited rendition of "Do You Need a Miracle?"

Full details of the tour are available on the Chapel Choir Spring Tour page.

|Chapel Choir Tour 2006|

For the Beauty of the Earth

Chancel Choir Cantata

A Celebration of God in Nature

Palm Sunday, April 9, 2006
9:30 & 11am Services

The Chancel Choir, conducted by Diane Hires and accompanied by a chamber orchestra (string quartet, trumpet, flute and horn), will perform a choral celebration of God's creation, drawing on five centuries of music from Palestrina to John Rutter.

For the Beauty of the Earth
Words by F. S. Pierpoint
Music by Conrad Kocher
The Heavens Are Telling
Joseph Haydn
Sicut Cervus
Words from Psalm 42
Music by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
A Rose Touched by the Sun’s Warm Rays
Text by Maria Brubacher
Music by Jean Berger
The Moon is Distant from the Sea
Poem by Emily Dickinson
Music by David N. Childs
When Rooks Fly Homeward
Words by Joseph Campbell
Music by Arthur Baynon
This Day
Words by Norman Greyson
Music by Antonín Dvořák
Look at the World
Words and music by John Rutter
Hymn of Promise
Words and Music by Natalie Sleeth
Arranged by John Ferguson
The Earth Adorned (Psalm Of Summer)
Music by Waldemar Âhlen
This we know
Words by Chief Seattle
Music by Ron Jeffers
For the Beauty of the Earth
Words by F. S. Pierpoint
Music by John Rutter
All Creatures of Our God and King
Words by Francis of Assisi
Music from the Geistliche Kirchengesäng
Arranged by Mark Hayes

Saturday Night Live
Pirates of Penzance

Saturday, April 8, 2006

On Saturday night April 8th,this lively group will be going to Drury Lane in Oak Brook to see Pirates of PenzanceThe Pirates of Penzance, a Gilbert and Sullivan musical with swashbuckling comedy to boot.Dinner will be served at 6:30 and the show will begin at 8:30. Total cost for dinner and a theater ticket is $44 per person (includes tax and gratuity.)

Reservations and money must be received by March 12th. Kathy and Sandy Kreps will be available in the Parlor on Sundays between 10:30 and 11:00 to take reservations, specify dinner entree, and collect money. Checks may be made out to First United Methodist Church.

Church Chat

7:15pm - Wednesdays, April, 2006

Several members of our congregation went to Mississippi for a week in February to lend a hand, in labor and in friendship. Please attend Church Chat in April where they will share their story with those of us who stayed behind, holding them and the people they met in our prayers.

April 5

We will see a video of how hurricanes Katrina and Rita created terror for all who lived in the areas struck by these powerful hurricanes, and be introduced to the task of recovery.

April 12 and 19,

The mission members will share their experiences in words and pictures.

We meet from 7:15-8:30pm in Room 218. No registration necessary - please join us!

Come to Guatemala

Informational Meeting
Monday, April 3, 2006 7:00pm

UPAVIMAre you interested in meeting new people in a foreign land? Does really getting to know a new friend and understanding their life sound exciting to you? The Missions Work Area is gathering a group of up to ten people to travel to Guatemala City, July 16 to 24, 2006 to link up with UPAVIM, Unidas Para Vivir Mejor, translated, United For Living Better, a group of approximately 66 courageous Guatemalan women.

The purpose of this trip is to stand in Christian solidarity with other people of this world. We will not come with answers to their problems but rather as friends willing to spend time in another's life, sharing and caring. The possibilities that will come out of this relationship are only limited by our imaginations.

UPAVIM is an active community providing health and dental care, daycare, nutrition, education and employment opportunities in a country that sorely lacks all of these. Time spent with this group should be very energizing to one's soul.

If you feel you would like to come and share nine days of your life this summer in solidarity with another then come and learn more at an informational meeting on Monday, April 3, 7:00 PM in Room 201.

Taize CrossTaize CrossA Taizé Service

Actively Listening

April 2, 7:30pm

Lent is a 40 day period where we intentionally turn toward God and seek to hear God's voice through prayer, fasting, and other spiritual disciplines. In our busy lives it can be challenging to set aside quiet time to pray and to actively listen for the voice of God. If you seek a quiet space that is worshipful, consider attending our next Taizé service on April 2.

Taizé is a style of worship designed to help us pause, pray, and be renewed. Singing is an essential element of this service. Short songs offer a meditative character to worship which becomes a way of listening to God and praying even when you don't know what to say.

The service will be done in candlelight in the Chapel and will include communion.

For more information about Taizé, visit their website.

Voices of Praise

Voices of Praise Gospel Choir

Sunday, April 2, 2006
9:30 & 11am Services

North Central College's Voices of Praise Gospel Choir is a dynamic spirit-filled singing group spreading God's love on and off campus. The group provides students with an opportunity to worship God through traditional and contemporary gospel music.

Come and help us give them a great big FUMC Welcome!

Chapel Choir

Chapel Choir Spring Break Tour

Do You Need a Miracle?

March 25-April 1, 2006

The 35th Annual Spring Break Chapel Choir Tour will take place March 25 – April 1 and feature performances in Elyria, Ohio; Bedford, Pennsylvania, Olney and Frederick, Maryland, and Burke, Virginia. Full details are available on the Chapel Choir Spring Tour page.

|Chapel Choir Tour 2006|

Pre-Tour Concert ~ March 19, 2006

The pre-tour concert will be at First UMC in Arlington Heights at 7:30pm on Sunday, March 19. There will also be two home performances at 4pm and 7pm on Sunday, April 9.

|Pre-Tour Concert Driving Directions|

Potato Bar Lunch

Feed Yourself and Others

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Potatoes Join Missions Work Area for a delicious Potato Bar Lunch at 12:00 in the gym next Sunday. Fluffy potatoes are on the menu with lots of toppings like sour cream, cheese, bacon, broccoli. Okay – so if you don’t like broccoli – try salsa!

Admission? Just a 10lb bag of potatoes that will be donated to area food pantries. Members of the Missions Work Area will collect the potatoes as you arrive at church that day.

Missions Work Area

TnTNCAA Basketball

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Join TnT at Buffalo Wild Wings, 6450 Rt. 53 in Woodridge, near Seven Bridges, to watch the NCAA basketball tournament on Saturday, March 18th from 4:30 to 6:30pm. Childcare will be available at church.

For more information or to RSVP, contact Kent and Lynda Frederick through the church office.

Easter EGGstravaganza

Sunday, March 12, 2006

3:00-6:30pm in the Gym

This is a fun time for families to prepare for Easter with crafts, a movie, an Easter Egg hunt, and by making an Easter basket devotional to be used during Holy Week. Pizza dinner will be served so families can get to know each other and take a night off from cooking. Crafts and activities will be available for children between the ages of 3 and 12. The cost is $10 without dinner or $20 including dinner for the whole family.

Register in the Parlor between the church services.

Quilting Group

quiltsA few of the alums of the quilting class taught by Julie Stone thought, wouldn't it be nice if we could continue to meet, not as a class, but more like a "bee", to have some uninterrupted time to work on, and/or finish some of those projects that have been put aside because of other commitments?

Well, arrangements have been made to use room 218, the second Sunday of each month starting March 12th, from 1:30 to 4:00 PM to do this very thing. So pack up those ignored and abandoned projects and join us. You'll get acquainted with others in the congregation who have been bitten by the "quilting bug."

Any questions, please contact Laurie Seils through the church office.

Book Fair is Springing!

Sunday, March 12 & 19, 2006

Book SaleAs with the promise of spring, the Book Fair is returning. This year fill their minds as well as their Easter Baskets with good books for all ages. The Book Fair is being co-sponsored this year by both Adult Education and Children & Family Ministries, and we will have even more children’s books this year to complement the wonderful selection of adult titles.

Join us in the Children’s Library March 12th and 19th during and after services, as well as during Easter EGGstravaganza from 3-6:30pm on March 12th. For your convenience, we will also be selling books on Wednesday, March 15th during choir and Faith Files. Stop by the gym and browse through an exciting selection of fiction and non-fiction books for everyone!

HealthDigestive Health Fair

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Join us on Sunday, March 12th in room 101 from 9am to Noon to view healthy displays teaching us about colon health. Two registered dieticians, Kate Finn, from Benedictine University and Karla Gulley, chairperson of Health & Wellness, and two registered nurses, Arlene Guest and Sheila Hallmann from our church, will be there to answer questions and distribute handouts.

Refreshments (foods with fiber) will be served.

"Happy Birthday, Dietrich"

Sunday, March 5, 2006

Dietrich BonhoefferThe centennial celebration of the birth of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, theologian, spiritual writer and central figure in the Protestant church's struggle against Nazism, will be honored at our church with an outstanding speaker followed by discussion on Sunday evening, March 5.

Paul O. Bischoff, Ph.D.,whose doctoral dissertation was on Bonhoeffer and who is an Adjunct Professor of Theology at North Park Theological Seminary, will address the legacy of the theology of Bonhoeffer for the church of the twenty-first century.

There will be FREE soup and salad at 5:00pm and we will conclude our discussion by 7:00pm. Come learn what it means for us to stay recognizably Protestant in today's world.

Ash Wednesday

7:30pm, March 1, 2006

"Why Bother"

Message by Rev. Mary Zajac
Scripture: Joel 2:1-2, 12-17

The Ash Wednesday service is a solemn and ancient service of the Christian faith, a service of penance, communion and the imposition of ashes.

All Onward Bound students and their parents are invited to have supper at church and attend the worship service afterwards. The cost of the meal is $3.00 per person. Supper will be at 6:45pm, with the worship starting at 7:30 pm and concluding at around 8:15 pm. If you would like to join us, please download the form below and hand it in to the Church Office.

|Onward Bound Invitation|

Ten-Pin Bowling TnT

February 26, 2006

TNT is planning an afternoon of bowling at Tivoli Lanes on Sunday, February 26, from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM. The cost will be $3.50 per person for each game and $2.50 for shoe rental. Please RSVP to Kent and Lynda Frederick through the church office.

Women's Retreat

Flow: The Way To Go

February 25 & 26, 2006

  • Clubhouse Inn, Westmont, IL
  • Fee $125.00
  • Led by: Mary Zajac, Sheila Hallmann, and Carol Lysne.
  • Sign up now to reserve your space. Limited to 30.

Church Chat

Reconciling Ministries

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Shaking HandsIn February, the Adult Education Work Area is starting a yearlong program to facilitate understanding of the welcoming statement adoped by the Administrative Council in December, 2005.

On February 15 from 7:15-8:30pm in Room 218, we will meet with Sue Laurie, Northern Outreach coordinator of Reconciling Ministries Network. The RMN is a growing movement of United Methodist individuals, congregations, campus ministries, and other groups working for the full participation of all people in the United Methodist Church. Sue will talk with us about this ecumenical movement and tell us about churches that have become reconciling congregations. There is no registration required.

Core Base Camp

Adult Mission trip

Ocean Springs, Mississippi

February 12-18, 2006

The Missions Committee is organizing an adult mission trip to Ocean Springs, Mississippi to assist in the clean up efforts following Hurricane Katrina. Along with every town from Mobile, AL to New Orleans, LA, Ocean Springs experienced major damage from the storm. They need volunteers to come and help with the clean up.

We will be working with the group C.O.R.E. - Christians Organized for Relief Efforts. C.O.R.E. was established by two churches from Houston, Texas to assist in meeting the needs of people hit by Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf Coast area. Gateway Community Church and Gloria Dei Lutheran Church (both located in the Clear Lake area of Houston) partnered together to provide resources to establish the Base Camp that currently sits on the property of St. Paul's United Methodist Church.

Contact John Smoke (John@dgfumc.org or 630-9687120) if you have any questions or are interested in going on the trip. All skills levels are welcome and needed.

Mission Work Area

|View Photo Album|

Celebrating Missions

Sunday, February 12, 2006

On Sunday, February 12th, we will be celebrating our support of global and local missions. Join us as we welcome Rev. Margaret Ann Williams who will be preaching at all three services.

Rev. Williams is in charge of Church Relations for Marcy Newberry Association, a United Methodist Child Serving Agency in Chicago.

Chocolate FountainThere will be a Chocolate Fountain at 10:30 and noon in the Parlor! The Missions Work Area is providing a variety of wonderful food to dip in the chocolate fountain.

Missions Work Area

Saturday Night Live

Black Watch

Saturday, February 11, 2006

On Saturday, February 11th, at 8pm, the SNL group is planning an outing to see...

The pipes, drums and highland dancers of the


and The Band of Welsh Guards

Performance will be held at Edman Memorial Chapel on the Wheaton College Campus. Tickets are only $35 per couple (special two for one rate). Reservations MUST be made by February 1st, limited tickets available for this special performance at this special reduced cost.

Before the performance, we will gather at 6pm for a dinner buffet at Wheaton College.

Elizabeth Jacot Celebration

February 5, 2006

Elizabeth Jacot has announced that she is retiring as the Chapel Organist effective January 22, 2006. Staff Parish will be holding a celebration of her 65 years of ministry on Sunday, February 5, 2006, at 10:30am in the Parlor. Please join us in thanking her for her service.

Youth Ski Trips

Are you ready to go skiing??

Nick Skiing

That is what we will be doing on the weekend of February 4 & 5, 2006.

Senior High Ski Trip

Devil's Head, WI - February 4 & 5, 2006

Junior High Ski Trip

Alpine Valley, WI - February 4, 2006

Invitations are being sent to youth members of the church in the first week of January. If you do not receive one, call or email Nick Nicholas (968-7120 x 123).

A Welcoming Church

In February, the Adult Education Work Area is starting a yearlong program to facilitate understanding of the welcoming statement adoped by the Administrative Council in December, 2005. The statement is printed below.

  • February 3 at 7pm and February 4 at 6pm in Room 217 watching and discussing the movie, The Congregation. The Congregation is a documentary about the church in Philadelphia, PA where Beth Stroud was an Associate Pastor. Beth lost her clergy status after telling of her committed same-sex relationship.
  • Beth StroudFebruary 11 from 9-11:30am in the Parlor listening as Beth Stroud speaks on building congregations of hospitality and witness. Her talk will be followed by two workshop sessions, one on reconciling congregations and one on inclusive ministry.
  • February 15 from 7:15-8:30pm in Room 218 meeting with Sue Laurie, Northern Outreach coordinator of Reconciling Ministries Network. The RMN is a growing movement of United Methodist individuals, congregations, campus ministries, and other groups working for the full participation of all people in the United Methodist Church. Sue will talk with us about this ecumenical movement and tell us about churches that have become reconciling congregations. There is no registration required.

Please plan to join us in February!

DGFUMC Welcoming Statement

God, as known to us in Jesus Christ, welcomes all.
We welcome people
of any race, national origin, ethnicity, gender,
sexual orientation, age, social or economic status,
employment status, or life situation;
including people with physical
or mental illness or disability.
We practice loving acceptance of each person
and respectful discussion of our differences.

Disciple Bible Study

February 1, 2006

Disciple Bible StudyDisciple Bible Study, "Remember Who You Are" will be offered on Wednesday evenings, 7:00pm, beginning February 1st. This study will read the Prophets of the Old Testament, as well as, the Letters of Paul.

The class will study the prophets during the months of February, March, April and May. There will be a break during the summer months and class will resume in September to study the Letters of Paul.

Debbie Fisher will be the facilitator. If you have questions about the class please call her at 968-7120 x 102.

Adult Education Work Area

Woman to Woman

Having a Mary Heart in a Martha WorldWoman to Woman is a study group that meets in the church Parlor the first and third Wednesdays of the month at 9:30am. The group will begin studying the book: Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World on Wednesday, February 1st. The book illustrates that the life of a woman today is really not that different from that of Mary and Martha in the New Testament. We long to have a deeper spiritual life, but the demands of a busy world interfere. Like Martha, you love God and want to serve God, but yet there are daily struggles with weariness, resentment and sometimes feelings of inadequacy.

Copies of the book will be available in the church office.

Life from A to Z

Sunday, January 22, 2006

ABC BricksThe Wholly Health Group is sponsoring a one-day workshop on relationships and healthy living, with eight different subjects covered by professional experts.

All eight seminars are offered twice in the afternoon after lunch. Choose one for each session. Childcare will be available.

Children: The Formative Years

Early Influences on Child Development
Nicole Tracy RD, LDN
Steve Hess MA LCPC
Free to Be: Helping Your Child Live Their Potential
Jeanne Dickerson LCPC, CPCC
Whose Homework Is This?
Nancy R. Soro PhD
You Can't Get Along! Parents and Teens
Ken Potts MS, DMin, LCPC, LMFT


Skills For Loving Relationships
Carol Lysne MS, LCPC
Steve Hess MA LCPC
Mastering Act III
Jacqui Neurauter
Brain Fitness
Judith Wolcott, LCSW
20 To 80 Aging by the Decade
Sheila Hallmann, R.N.

|More Details...|

Wholly Health Group

Israel/Palestine Conflict

The Purpose of Divestment

Sunday, January 22, 2006

The Adult Education Work Area invites you to a special educational presentation that will discuss proposals for the United Methodist Church to pursue a policy of divestment in response to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

Map of IsraelFor decades the United Methodist Church has been active in promoting a just and peaceful settlement of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Some of the more recent UMC Resolutions and Statements have requested that Israel cease its illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories. Why do many in the UMC now feel that its time for a phased, selective divestment of UMC investments in corporations and companies that profit from promoting violence against civilians or promote/sustain the occupation?

Following earlier presentations at Church Chat and Koinonia about the historical background of this conflict, Barry Miller and Jerry Moyar discuss how we should be responding at 9:30am in Chapel Hall. Please come along even if you were unable to attend the earlier meetings.

Adult Education Work Area

TnTTnT Dinner
at Buca di Beppo

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Join us at 5:00pm on Saturday, January 21, for a family style Italian meal at Buca di Beppo in Lombard. The cost will be approximately $20 per person.

Childcare will be provided at church. Space is limited, so please contact Kent and Lynda Frederick to RSVP.

|Directions to Buca di Beppo|

TnT are a group of young adults, single or married, who get together for fun activities, conversation, sharing, and community service projects.

Chapel Choir

Chapel Choir Tour Kick-Off

Friday, January 20, 2006

The 35th Annual Spring Break Chapel Choir Tour will take place March 25 – April 1 and feature performances in Elyria, Ohio; Bedford, Pennsylvania, Olney and Frederick, Maryland, and Burke, Virginia. We will also present a pre-tour concert in at First UMC in Arlington Heights on Sunday, March 19, and two home performances on Sunday, April 9.

The tour kick-off party is Friday night, January 20. It begins with a short rehearsal and distribution of paperwork at 7:00 in Fellowship Hall and concludes at midnight. Parents should plan to pick up their youth at the church (not the Tivoli as previously stated). Everyone is invited regardless of whether or not you will participate on the tour. Please call the Attendance line (968-7120, ext. 2027) or one of us if you cannot attend.

There are also three parent information meetings on January 18, 22 & 25. Find out the details in the Chapel Choir Tour page.

|Chapel Choir Tour 2006|

SunshineParents' Day Out

9-11am, Thursday, January 12, 2006

Take a break and brighten your January. Parents are invited to bring their children to the Nursery at Church and go and relax for 2 hours.

This event is sponsored by the Parents of Young Children group, which meets once a month at FUMC.

Church Chat

Martin Luther King, Jr

January 11, 18 & 25, 2006

In January, as we celebrate the anniversary of the birth of Martin Luther King Jr., Church Chat will welcome the Rev. Al Sampson from Fernwood United Methodist Church in Chicago. He has been the pastor there for over forty years.

Al Sampson was ordained by Dr. King in 1966 at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. He was an associate of Dr. King and worked as project director in the Southern Christian Leadership Conference under Dr. King.

Martin Luther King, JrForty-one years ago Martin Luther King Jr. gave this provocative thought to his followers, "Mankind must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love." Rev. Sampson will talk to us, in a biblically based presentation, about the seven steps of non-violence as put forth by Dr. King.

Please join us on January 11, 18, and 25 from 7:30-8:45pm as we learn and then talk together.

Adult Education Work Area

Church Chat

Why Do United Methodists Oppose
the Israeli Occupation of Palestine?

January 4, 2006

For decades the United Methodist Church has been active in promoting a just and peaceful settlement of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Some of the more recent UMC Resolutions and Statements have requested that Israel cease its illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories. Why do many in the UMC now feel that its time for a phased, selective divestment of UMC investments in corporations and companies that profit from promoting violence against civilians or promote/sustain the occupation?

Barry Miller will lead a presentation and discussion to answer these questions. Please join us at 7:15pm ~ no registration required.

Parents of Preschool Children

2006-2007 Registration

It is time to register your child for the First United Methodist Preschool for the 2006-07 school year. Our preschool is for children who will be either 3 or 4 years old by September 1, 2006. Classes meet on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings or afternoons from mid-September through mid-May.

For further information, contact Deb Howard through the Church Office.

Preschool PaintingOpen registration

Tuesday, January 3, 2006

3:00-4:00pm Room 101

A $60.00 non-refundable registration fee is required to secure a space.


Church member registration is now closed.

Christmas WreathNew Year's Day


Worship Service

"The Ultimate New Year's Resolution"
Message by Rev. John Smoke
Scripture: Matthew 25:31-46

New Year's Day falls on a Sunday this year. Since many families have family traditions or travel on this day, regular Pathfinders classes will not be held. However, there will be childcare available in the nursery suite. In addition, the worship service will be altered slightly for the holidays. If you are in town, this might be an excellent opportunity to attend worship together as a family.


New Years Eve Services

December 31, 2006

Christmas Eve Services

December 24, 2006

Living Nativity

December 17, 2006

PHYG Trip Meeting

December 17, 2006

Blue Christmas

December 16, 2006

Guatemala Trip Meeting

December 14, 2006

YAH: Christmas Potluck

December 13, 2006

Chapel Choir Christmas Concert

December 10, 2006

SNL Christmas Party

December 9, 2006

UMW Christmas Tea

December 5, 2006

Holiday Happening

December 3, 2006

Preschool Registration

December 3 & 5, 2006

Carols at Christmas

December 3, 2006

Advent Family Devotion

December 3, 2006

Care and Share

December 2, 2006

High School Youth Retreat

December 1-3, 2006

All Church Conference

November 28, 2006

Advent Workshop

November 26, 2006

Giving Tree

November & December, 2006

PHYG Taco Dinner

November 25, 2006

A Christmas Tapestry

November 9, 2006

Celebration of Women in Ministry

November 9, 2006

Fall Blood Drive

November 13, 2006

LiFT Dinner & Game Night

November 12, 2006

YAH: Visit to Oak Park

November 8, 2006

Global Warming: A Blueprint for Action

November 5, 2006

All Saints' Sunday

October 29, 2006

Understanding Mental Illness

Starting October 26, 2006


October 22, 2006

Crazy Closet

October 20, 2006

Seeking Justice

October 16-22, 2006

LiFT at Morton Arboretum

October 15, 2006

Koinonia Welcome Series

Starting October 15, 2006

Water at Issue

October 15, 2006

SNL Progressive Dinner

October 14, 2006

YAH: African Safari

October 11, 2006

Let's Go to the Theater

October 9, 2006

Methodist Open Golf

September 30, 2006

Tex Sample

September 29-October 1, 2006

Kay McKeen
Director of SCARCE

September 24, 2006

Bring a Friend for a Sundae

September 24, 2006

Olduna Cow Works

September 23, 2006

Joys and Challenges of Families and Teens

Starting September 20, 2006

Woman to Woman

September 20, 2006

Listening to the Parables

Starting September 13, 2006

Onward Bound Registration

September 13, 2006

Young at Heart Fourth Anniversary

September 13, 2006

LiFT: Bears/Packers Game

September 10, 2006

Rally Day

September 10, 2006

Prayer Vigil

September 8, 2006

Chapel Choir Informational Meeting

September 6, 2006

Growing Together: Kickoff Jazz Brunch

August 27, 2006

LIFT: Golf Outing

August 19, 2006

Youth Mission Trip Dinner

August 16, 2006

Summer Blood Drive

August 14, 2006

YAH: The Lipizzans

August 9, 2006

Vacation Bible School

August 8-10, 2006

Youth Mission Trip

July 22-30, 2006

TnT: Jim Guter Big Band

July 18, 2006

Mission to Guatemala

July 16 - July 24, 2006

5th Annual Youth Car Wash

July 16 & August 13, 2006

Back to Broadway

July 12, 2006

All Church Conference

June 29, 2006

Heritage Fest

June 23-25, 2006

Junior High Mission Trip

June 19-20, 2006

Father's Day Ice Cream Social

June 18, 2006

Summer Small Groups

June to August, 2006

Bucket Sundays

June 11 & 18, 2006

Revelation Youth Choir

June 12, 2006

East Texas Handbell Ensemble

June 11, 2006

Blood Drive

June 5, 2006

Mary Zajac Reception

June 4, 2006

Meeting for New Chapel Choir Members

May 31, 2006

Visiting Choirs

May 30 & June 12, 2006

Spring Ring XIV

May 21, 2006

Bread for the World

May 21, 2006

Focus Groups

May & June, 2006

Prison Ministry

April 25, 2006

Children's Cantata
Malice in the Palace

April 30, 2006

Youth Mission Trip Fundraiser

April 25, 2006

Movie Lover's Festival

April 21-28, 2006

Holy Week

April 9-16, 2006

Chapel Choir Post-Tour Concert

April 9, 2006

Chancel Choir Cantata

April 9, 2006

SNL: Pirates of Penzance

April 8, 2006

Church Chat: Mississippi

April 5-19, 2006

Guatemala Meeting

April 3, 2006

Taizé Service

April 2, 2006

Voices of Praise Gospel Choir

April 2, 2006

Chapel Choir Spring Break Tour

March 25-April 1, 2006

Potato Bar Lunch

March 19, 2006

TnT - NCAA Basketball

March 18, 2006

Easter Eggstravaganza

March 12, 2006

Quilting Group

March 12, 2006

Spring Book Fair

March 12 &19, 2006

Digestive Health Fair

March 12, 2006

Happy Birthday, Dietrich

March 5, 2006

Ash Wednesday

March 1, 2006

TnT Bowling

February 26, 2006

Flow: The Way to Go

February 25 & 26, 2006

Reconciling Ministries

February 15, 2006

Adult Mission Trip

February 12-18, 2006

Missions Sunday

February 12, 2006

SNL: Black Watch

February 11, 2006

Elizabeth Jacot Celebration

February 5, 2006

Youth Ski Trips

February 4 & 5, 2006

A Welcoming Church

February 3, 4 & 11, 2006

Disciple Bible Study

February 1, 2006

Woman to Woman

February 1, 2006

Life from A to Z

January 22, 2006

Israel/Palestine Conflict

January 22, 2006

TnT at Buca di Beppo

January 21, 2006

Chapel Choir Tour Kick-Off

January 20, 2006

Parents' Day Out

January 12, 2006

Church Chat - Martin Luther King, Jr

January 11, 18 & 25, 2006

Church Chat - Palestine

January 4, 2006

Preschool Open Registration

January 3, 2006

New Year's Day Service

January 1, 2006

Copyright © 2006 First United Methodist Church, Downers Grove. Please report any problems to webmaster@dgfumc.org.