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Church Events in 2008

This page preserves links to church events that have already occurred in 2008 for reference purposes. Look at the News and Events page for future events and the sidebar for archives of previous years.

Services to Close the Year

Student Sunday

December 28 - 10:00am

Our youth and young adults lead us in worship as they share stories of leaving home. Nursery care is available at this service.

Watchnight Service

December 31 - 11:30pm

At 11:30pm, join with others as we welcome 2009 with words of gratitude and Communion. We will celebrate Holy Communion at 12:00 midnight, with the service concluding by 12:15am. What a great way to start the year!

Christmas Eve Worship Services

Nativity Scene4:00pm

Family Service

The Children's Choirs present
"The Christmas Story"


Service of Carols, Holy Communion & Individual Candle Lighting

Music by the Connection Choir
Message by Rev. Jonathan Dean


Service of Carols & Individual Candlelighting

Music by the Chancel Choir
Message by Rev. Tom Ostrander


Service of Carols, Scripture & Individual Candle Lighting

Music by the Chapel Choir

Join us for a night of praise, prayer, and glorious music as we remember Christ’s birth and our salvation. Bring your family, your guests and your neighbors as we prepare for Christmas day.

Warmth from God

Making Blankets for the Homeless

The 5th and 6th Grade Sunday School class has a mission project this winter called Warmth from God: Making Blankets for the Homeless. We will be making blankets to donate to the PADS shelter and we would love to have your help! There are four different ways that you can help:

  1. Make a fleece blanket (there are instructions in the Church Office and in the Parlor between services). Please get them to the church by December 21, 2008.
  2. Or purchase two yards of fleece and bring it to the Church Office or to our table in the Parlor between services by December 21, 2008.
  3. Or offer a donation of money (to the church office or to our table in the Parlor between services) to help with this project by December 21, 2008.
  4. Or come to the church on Tuesday, December 30, 2008 anytime between 9:00am and 1:00pm to help us make the blankets. We will provide a pizza lunch!

Your assistance will make our mission project a success.

Thank you!

Koinonia Family Christmas Caroling

Sunday, December 21, 2:00pm

Gather at the church on December 21st at 2:00pm for a fun, spirit filled afternoon of Christmas Caroling to our FUMC homebound family. We will conclude in time to participate in the Live Nativity at the church.

Chapel Choir Christmas Concert

Sunday, December 14, 2008
4:00pm and 7:00pm

A concert of contemporary and traditional sounds of Christmas presented by the Chapel Choir, featuring more than 70 voices of students representing 10 area high schools under the direction of Belford Hernandez.

Tickets are $7 and are available from choir members or the church office. Get them early because both concerts are expected to be sellouts. Proceeds from this concert will help offset the cost of the 38th Annual Spring Break Tour to New Orleans next March.

Young at HeartChristmas Celebration

December 10, 2008

The Young At Heart group for senior adults is planning a special Christmas celebration when we will travel to White Fence Farm for lunch and a Christmas Musical by Bob and Lori Mesta who will be joined by their son, Elliot. The date is Wednesday, December 10 and we will meet in the church parking lot at 11:15am and car pool to White Fence Farm. Lunch is at noon followed by the program.

Cost is $34.00 per person and reservations may be made in the Parlor on Sundays or by calling Marilou Welch at church - (630) 968-7120.

UMW Christmas Tea

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tea pot and cupsAll women of the church are invited to the parsonage for a Christmas Tea on December 9 at 1:00pm. Join us for tea, cookies, and fellowship and see what the United Methodist Women is all about!

United Methodist Women

2008-2009 Preschool Registration

Church Member Registration

Sunday, December 7, 2008

10:30-11:00am Room 101

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

3:00-3:30pm Room 101

Open registration

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

3:00-4:00pm Room 101

A $100.00 non-refundable registration fee and completed application is required to secure a space.


Church member registration dates are strictly adhered to. If you miss the church member registration dates you must register at open registration.

Christmas Treble Clef

The Chancel Choir Presents

Christmas Treble Clef

Festival of Lessons and Carols

Music of Jonathan Willcocks

Sunday, December 7, 2008
9:30 and 11:00am Worship Services

The annual Chancel Choir Christmas cantata will herald the upcoming season with an opportunity for everyone to participate. A Festival of Lessons and Carols presents familiar carols in new arrangements by renowned British composer Jonathan Willcocks. Our own British Jonathan Dean will serve as liturgist, with prayers and lessons to warm our hearts in this blessed Advent season. Diane Hires will direct the Chancel Choir, and Brett Goad will lead the congregational singing. Pattie Barnes will display her virtuosity in this work which includes formal organ accompaniment.

Featured carols include O Come, O Come, Emmanuel, All Creatures of Our God and King, Good Christian Friends, Rejoice, What Child Is This, Angels from the Realms of Glory, Angels We Have Heard on High, Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee, Silent Night, and other seasonal favorites.

A Festival of Lessons and Carols will be presented on Sunday, December 7 at both the 9:30 and 11:00am services. Plan now to attend and invite friends and family members to join you in ushering in the Christmas season. Our joyous service of song is a Christmas present certain to fit every budget.

Candy CaneCandy CaneCare and Share

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Each year four area churches, including First United Methodist, provide 32 Head Start families with essential holiday items. (Head Start is a national school readiness program in the United States that provides comprehensive education, health, nutrition, and parent involvement services to low-income children and their families). Each family receives a Holiday Meal Box and a laundry basket filled with toiletries/cleaning supplies. In addition, parents receive a set of sheets or towels and each child receives clothing and toy.

If you are interested in helping to support a Head Start family or participate in any way (there are opportunities to provide cookies or juice for the party) please contact Tiana Cigrand at through the church office. The party is scheduled for Saturday, December 6th, from 1 to 3pm.

Peace and Pizza

Saturday, December 6, 2:00-5:30pm

The Children and Family Ministry Work Area invites parents of children birth through 6th grade to our annual program called PEACE & PIZZA. On Saturday December 6th from 2:00-5:30pm there will be programs and professional childcare providers. This will be the PEACE for parents. You can go home and take a nap, go to dinner, go shopping or do whatever you would like in this busy season.

At 5:30, families will eat PIZZA together and celebrate the season. Each family will get an Advent Candle with a daily devotional for the days leading up to Christmas. Cost will be $5 a child for the PEACE portion of the program (max per family: $15). Cost for dinner will be $10 per family. Register by November 30! Forms are available in the office.

Alternative Gifts

Heifer - Church World Service - Sister Parish
Sundays, November 30-December 21

Gift CardDo your Christmas shopping right here in our Parlor on Sunday mornings from Thanksgiving to Christmas.

  • Choose from a barnyard full of animals to honor that special person who has everything but a flock of chickens! From sheep to cows and water buffalo your gifts to Heifer Project's alternative gift program will help purchase both income and food producing animals for families in developing countries.
  • Or... you may choose to give well equipment, fishing nets and sewing machines, or help disaster victims with blankets and tents through Church World Service. When you make your donation in honor of a friend, family member or co-worker you will receive a card for presentation. With your gifts, you will bless the under-served in developing countries all over the world.
  • And... The women of our Sister Parish, the UPAVIMAs, have once again produced an array of hand crafted items for us. These beautiful pieces have sold very quickly in past years. All proceeds will benefit our Guatemala Mission.

When you give an alternative gift, you not only warm the heart of a loved one, you will also warm the heart of someone who needs your help. Look for the Alternative Gift tables in the Parlor, Sunday, November 23 through Sunday, December 21.

ThanksgivingThanksgiving Eve Service

7:00pm, November 25, 2008

Message by Rev. Nick Nicholas

Music by the Chancel Choir

The Hanging of the Greens

The Chancel Bells and the
Westminster Handbell Ensemble

Sunday, November 22 at 7:00pm

There's music in the air, a bright star in the sky, poinsettias in bright array, wreaths on the doors... No? Wait! You're not ready for Christmas? Then come join the handbell ensembles for an evening of sparkling handbell artistry followed by refreshments and fellowship as we prepare our hearts for Christmas.

Tickets are only $7 in advance, sold in the Parlor on Sunday between services; $9 at the door. Soooo... buying in advance is a bargain! Child care is provided.

Cross and FlameAll Church Charge Conference

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Our annual Church Conference is to be held on November 16th at 1:15pm. This annual gathering of the church is meant to be a time to celebrate the past year and prepare for the new. This year's church conference will be led by our new district superintendent, the Rev. Diana Facemyer. She was appointed to this position by last year's cabinet and has had a long time relationship with our church

Please join us as we welcome her to her first formal meeting here as our DS, and have a chance to reconnect with her as a friend. We will have sandwiches and beverages in Chapel Hall after worship beginning at 12:00 noon. Call the church office to reserve a sandwich.

The Nuclear Energy Option

Sunday, November 16, 2008

NucleiWe know we must reduce the amount of carbon we produce while generating electricity so that we can slow climate change. But how? One option is to build new nuclear power generating stations. What are the pro's and con's of using nuclear energy? How clean is it? How safe is it? And what can be done with nuclear waste?

Argonne nuclear engineering researchers, Dr. Laural Briggs and Dr. Phil Pfeiffer, who are both members of our church, will help us sort out fact from fiction surrounding these issues at 9:30am in Chapel Hall. Come, learn about the latest developments in nuclear engineering.

Sponsored by the Environmental Stewardship Committee.

Childhood Exercise and Nutrition

Facts and Myths

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Health and Wellness Work Area invites you to attend a presentation by Dr. Jackie Janecek, of Downers Grove Pediatrics at 12:15pm in Room 212. During this informative lecture, Dr. Janecek will discuss the facts and myths regarding exercise and nutrition for toddlers and children.

Bring your questions and join us for this interactive program.  No preregistration necessary.

Sponsored by the Health and Wellness Committee.

The Giving TreeThe Giving Tree

The Giving Tree will be up in the Parlor beginning Sunday, November 16th. You have the opportunity to choose tags from several agencies in order to purchase gifts for both children and adults. The tags are marked with the name or initials of the agency. All gifts going to PADS should be UNWRAPPED, but with the tag firmly attached.

Gifts to the other agencies work a little differently. Please select tags and put your name on the sign-out sheet. All gifts for Marcy Newberry and the Bridge families should be wrapped. Child Serv gifts should be unwrapped. Please read the note on the tag to see which kind you have chosen. Please don’t wrap gifts marked “unwrapped” or volunteers will have to unwrap them before giving them to the agency.

The gifts for all the agencies other than PADS should be returned with the tags firmly attached NO LATER THAN NOON ON SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7th. Gifts for PADS will continue to be collected into December.

The Children and Family Ministries Work Area and the Church and Society Work Area sponsor the Giving Tree project. Over 300 gifts go to needy children, youth, and adults in our township and across the Northern Illinois Conference. We hope that you will be able to help. Thank you!

Model Trains

November 12, 2008

Young at Heart Remember the model trains you had as a child? Model trains is a wonderful hobby for millions of people. The Young At Heart group for senior adults will learn more about this fascinating and sometimes expensive hobby when Wallace Kurtz comes to talk to us on Wednesday, November 12.

We will begin with lunch in Chapel Hall at noon. The cost per person is $10.00. You may make your reservation in the Parlor on Sunday mornings or by calling Marilou Welch at church (630.968.7120).

Blood Drive

3:00-7:00pm, Monday, November 10, 2008

Blood DriveHeartland Blood Centers will be visiting our church for a blood drive on Monday, November 10 from 3:00pm to 7:00pm in Fellowship Hall.

Patients in our community need our help, as the need for blood never goes away. Please consider giving blood as all blood types are needed and utilized. It is easy to sign-up: Call the church office (630) 968-7120 or come to the Parlor on Sunday to reserve your slot. Walk-ins are also welcome.

Thank you for your donation.

"for the BIBLE tells me so"

7:00pm, Thursday, November 6, 2008

for the Bible tells me so Can the love between two people ever be an abomination? Is the chasm separating gays and lesbians and Christianity too wide to cross? Is the Bible an excuse to hate?

Through the experiences of five very normal, very Christian, very American families — including those of former House Majority Leader Richard Gephardt and Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson — we discover how insightful people of faith handle the realization of having a gay child. Informed by such respected voices as Bishop Desmond Tutu, Harvard's Peter Gomes, Orthodox Rabbi Steve Greenberg and Reverend Jimmy Creech, For the Bible Tells me So offers healing, clarity, an understanding to anyone caught in the crosshairs of scripture and sexual identity.

The film has won many awards and accolades, and viewing will be followed by discussion. All are welcome.

All Saints' Sunday

November 2, 8:15, 9:30 & 11am

We will honor our recently deceased members, or relatives, of the congregation on Sunday, November 2 at all three services; 8:15, 9:30 and 11:00am.

We invite you to send a picture of your deceased loved one to be included in the power point presentation no later than Wednesday, October 22. The pictures will be shown on a screen as the names are read.

If at all possible, the best way to send the picture would be by email to Sharon@dgfumc.org. However, a picture in any format is welcome and will be returned.

Sunday, October 26, 2008
3pm in the Sanctuary

Discover the Unseen War in Northern Uganda!

The Children Need Your Help!

Come for an afternoon of music performed in the Sanctuary by students of Downers Grove North High School and members of FUMC. A screening of the film Invisible Children will be shown followed by refreshments in the Parlor. $4.00 per person donation will be taken at the door. 100% of donations will go to the Invisible Children Organization.

Some of the content of the movie may not be suitable for young kids, so students will be available to take care of your kids in the nursery if needed.

Harvest Festival

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Harvest ThanksgivingCelebrate Fall with friends, food, and fellowship in the Gym following the 11:00am worship service. Come share a meal with old friends and make some new ones.

Bring a friend – the more the merrier!

Register your family in the Parlor beginning Sunday, October 5th. There is no charge for the meal - each family is asked only to bring a side dish to share and a baked good for the Cake Walk.

Last name starting with:

  • A-H Bring a DESSERT to pass
  • I-P Bring a VEGETABLE or SIDE dish
  • Q-Z Bring a SALAD or FRUIT dish

When was the last time you bobbed for apples? Well, that’s too long!

Bible SundaySunday, October 26, 2008
9:30 Service

October 26th is Bible Sunday, where the current third graders will receive their very own Bibles from the pastors at the 9:30 service.

We are encouraging all members of the church to come to worship on Sunday, October 26th with their Bibles from home. Even better, try to locate the Bible you received from your church when you were a child. What a great testament to the young members of our church as to how important our Bible are to us.

Commitment Sunday

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Commitment Sunday is a very important Sunday in the life of our church. It is a day of rallying around our future. You have been hearing me say in several places "In faith we are. . by faith we can!" It is our hope that these words will carry us into the new year as a point of challenge and pursuit. We have responded to God’s call through Christ to a faith that has claimed us, called us and given us an identity. We are people who have at our heart an understanding that the love revealed in Christ is a way to promote and reveal peace, establish a climate for bridge building and to reveal here and now what the Kingdom of God looks like. That faith brings hope to us and offers alternatives to a world that is often shadowed or subverted by human greed and selfishness. Our challenge is to let our faith speak about who we are and to know that, as Paul has said so well in Philippians 4: 13, "we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us". We can through faith change, or affect, our "sphere of influence" by claiming who we are through faith and knowing that through that faith we can make a difference.

Our 2009 financial campaign is all about claiming our faith in challenging times and demonstrating what we know about the life changing effects of love practiced on a daily basis. We can make a difference because of what we have been given. "Treasures of a Transformed Life" speaks about the challenges that faith allows us to accept. It speaks of using all of who we are to develop Kingdom goals personally and as a church. Your financial commitment, even in these days of challenge, is our only way to keep our programs of hope going. Our forbearers made great sacrifices in previous seasons of financial struggle to keep the message of Christ flowing from our doors into the world. They challenge us to know that by faith we can too.

If we can all join together on Commitment Sunday, October 26th, and take a stand in faith through our financial gifts we will be making a statement about how far we are willing to trust God to lead us. At all three services there will be opportunities for us to make that commitment. I hope that all of us will be present to show our solidarity. I am looking forward to making my commitment to our future. I hope that you are too. We need what God is calling you to offer. Thanks for your prayers, your service, your gifts, your presence and your witness. Please make a point of being in church on this very important Sunday.

Rev. Tom Ostrander

Crazy Closet

Friday, October 24
9-2pm Full Price ~ 5-8pm Half Price

Jacket for saleWhat is Crazy Closet?

Crazy Closet is a service project sponsored by the United Methodist Women. The purpose is to offer quality clothing and household items at low cost. The profit made on the sale goes to a variety of organizations that support women and children. Last year we raised over $3,000.

Start cleaning out your closets, basements, and attics!

SELLER Registration
Tuesday, October 14, 2008 from 5:00pm until 7:30pm in the Parlor.

If donating 100% of the profits, you do not need to register. You can pick up Gold tags in the church office. Otherwise, the profits will be split 60/40.

Note: House wares, toys, crafts will be accepted this year.

United Methodist Women

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The South DuPage CROP Hunger Walk is a 5 or 10km walk held annually, with participants asking friends and family to support them. All the money raised supports the international programs of Church World Service (CWS) and local charities, such as our own PADS site. CWS works in more than 80 countries - combating hunger and helping to provide tools of hope that empower people to meet their own needs.

Please join us on a pleasant Fall afternoon walk and help us reach our goal of 100 participants. You can obtain a donation envelope from the sign-up desk in the Parlor on Sundays and show our commitment to ending hunger and poverty in the world.

  • PLACE: Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Grant & Main
  • TIME: Registration at 1:30pm - Walk at 2pm.

If you cannot walk, please sponsor someone who can. Our senior, associate and youth pastors are all walking this year. You can sponsor them online using the links below.

| Sponsor Tom | Sponsor Jonathan | Sponsor Nick |

Dine Away HungerEat out for the PRC

Wednesday, October 15

All DGFUMC members are encouraged to eat out on Wednesday, October 15. On that day, all participating restaurants will donate 10% of their sales for the day to the PRC Food Pantry. Diners need not present any forms or coupons for participation. All money raised from "Dine Away Hunger" will go to buy food.

Participating restaurants include:

Downers Grove

  • Ballydoyle
  • Dali's Café
  • The Cellar Door


  • Papa Passero's
  • Travelers Café
  • Uncle Bub's BBQ
  • Vincitori

Oak Brook

  • Braxton Seafood

Haunted Corn Maze

Sunday, October 12, 2008

All High School and Junior High Youth
A trip to the Haunted Corn Maze in Malta IL.
Sunday October 12, 2008, 4:30-9:00pm
$8 each (please bring cash)

Contact Nick (968-7120) if you want to go.

Feed My Starving ChildrenTwo-Hour Mission

October 11, 2008

Come join us at "Feed My Starving Children" on Saturday, October 11th from 9 to 11am for a wonderfully fulfilling opportunity. Your two hours of work will actually feed hungry children throughout the world for a year. Come see how.

Space is limited. Reservations are required. Contact Kay Miller of the Missions Work Area through the church office (630.968.7120).

Hindu Temples

October 8, 2008

Young at HeartHave you ever been going South on Lemont Road and passed the Hindu Temples on the east side of the road? These Temples are one of the largest Hindu places of worship this side of India and is admired for its architecture. The Young At Heart group for senior adults will be touring the Hindu Temples of Greater Chicago on Wednesday, October 8th. We will tour the Temples at 11:00am and then go to the Pancake Cafe in Lemont for lunch.

The cost per person for this activity is $15.00 which includes the tour and lunch. You may sign up to attend this event by stopping in the Parlor on Sunday mornings or by calling Marilou Welch at church (630.968.7120).

The Huddle of Downers Grove

Tuesdays, October 7 to February 24

We are getting ready for another session of the Men's Huddle with our first meeting on Tuesday, October 7th. We will start at 6:15am in the Gym. The morning will conclude around 7:20am. Coffee and light refreshments will be served.

Optional workbooks for the year are available for $10 each. This program is 16 sessions long.

  • October 7 - November 25 (first 8 weeks)
  • No meetings in December
  • January 6 - February 24 (second 8 weeks)

Mark your calendars - invite your friends - and let's Huddle up!

For more information please contact John Smoke.

Environmental StewardshipCandidate Forum

October 5, 2008

The Environmental Stewardship Committee is hosting an informational forum on climate change and U.S. energy policies. The candidates running for the U.S. House of Representatives for District 13 have been invited. The meeting will take place on Sunday, October 5th from 4-6pm in Chapel Hall at the church. There is no charge for the event.

Church members, passionate about our planet’s precarious situation and the role our country plays as a major consumer of energy, began meeting about two years ago to both educate the larger congregation and make some differences on the community level.

Stewardship Class

Thursdays at 3pm, starting September 25, 2008

What is stewardship? How do we respond to God’s call to give, share and do the work of "stewardship"? Each week, using the book Treasures of the Transformed Life, we will cover the major themes presented and begin to understand how stewardship in all of its various understandings can change lives. This class will coincide and culminate with our fall stewardship campaign.

Join in the learning and the challenges that stewardship brings. There will be reading and conversation, led by Tom Ostrander, on Thursdays at 3pm from September 25th until October 23rd.

Sign up in the church office today or call the office at 630.968.7120 during the week. .

Wednesday Faith Forum

Starting September 24, 2008

IcthysThis is a small group for faith-seekers and all wanting to explore their faith journey with honesty, mutual respect and openness to one another. This year, Rev. Jonathan Dean will lead discussions on three books that will guide our reflections and sharing.

September 24th – November 19th 2008
'The Spirit Searches Everything', by Frederick Borsch
January 14th – April 1st 2009
'A Place to Pray' by Roberta Bondi
April 29th – May 20th 2009
'Tokens of Trust', by Rowan Williams

There are two opportunities to meet; at 10am in Room 202 or 6:30pm in Room 16 (during Family Fellowship).

Max and Erma's
Fundraiser for Youth Ministries

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Youth Mission Team invite you to eat at Max & Erma's in Woodridge on Tuesday, September 23. Download the Coupon below and print it off or pick one up from the church office and the Youth Mission Team will receive 20% of your lunch, dinner or carry-out sales to benefit Youth Ministries.

Purchase with a PurposeAt the same time, you can help raise money for the United Methodist Women's missions by paying for your meal with gift cards purchased through UMW's Purchase with a Purpose program. $25 gift cards are available for purchase in the Parlor on Sunday.

|Max & Erma's Coupon|

Thank You for your help! Bon Appetit!

Trinity United Methodist Church

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Aurora Superintendency Committee wishes to invite everyone to a welcome celebration for new the Aurora District Superintendent, Reverend Diana Facemyer on Sunday, September 21, at Trinity UMC, 2505 Boomer Lane, Yorkville, IL 60560.

  • 4pm ~ Meet and Greet
  • 5pm ~ Celebration Fiesta
    A short program including words of welcome, singing, laughter and fun and a few surprises!

| Driving Directions |

Visit by Lisl Heymans-Paul

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Agape UICWe’re pleased to welcome Rev. Lisl Heymans-Paul on Sunday, September 21. She’ll be sharing about her work as UMC Campus Minister at UIC. Being a part of a vibrant, welcoming campus ministry helps students deepen in their faith, belong to a loving community, serve others and have fun.

Agape House Christian Ministry is a United Methodist Campus Ministry at the University of Illinois at Chicago. We can help fulfill its mission by providing the names of current undergraduate and graduate students at UIC who would benefit from its ministry.

Lisl will be in the Parlor between services.

For Christians in the 21st century, nothing can be more important than understanding how the Jesus of the 1st century relates to us now. This is not an academic question but one that affects every aspect of how we live our lives in faith.

We are fortunate to welcome two of the most renowned scholars in this field, Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan, who have a gift for transforming the results of historical research into a new and vibrant appreciation of what it means to follow Jesus today.

All are invited to share in this exciting opportunity to deepen our faith and renew our vision of Christ in the 21st century.

| Borg/Crossan Weekend |

Rally Day

Sunday, September 7, 2008

"A person is a person no matter how small"

Horton Hears a WhoRally Day Sunday School

On September 7th, we will be starting a new year of Sunday School. Every child is welcome to attend and we encourage all parents to come and register their children on Rally Day. There will be a registration table near Room 115.

There will be the following classes during the 9:30am service:

At 11:00am, there will be two classes:

  • Preschool through Kindergarten in Room 103.
  • 1st through 6th grade will start in the Sanctuary and then leave following the children's sermon.

Rally Day Lunch

At noon, everyone is invited to come to the new Gym to enjoy lunch together. The menu will be pulled pork sandwiches, grilled cheese, fruit, chips, cookies and lemonade. The cost will be $4/adult and $2/child (12 and under). Please sign up in the Parlor or by calling the Church Office by September 3rd.

Rally Day Movie

The Children & Family Work Area has reserved the Tivoli movie theater from 2-4pm for our Rally Day celebrations. Everyone that attends church and/or Sunday school on Rally Day, September 7th, will receive a ticket to the movie Horton Hears a Who that will be shown at 2:00pm. Each child (12 and under) will also receive a coupon for a kid pack (box with popcorn and drink). The concession stand will also be open for anyone wanting to purchase snacks. The doors open at the Tivoli at 1:30pm.

Rally Day Food Drive

The Mission Work Area asks that you please help in one or both of the following ways!

  • Donate any of the items below to feed people in need. Bring them to church on Sunday, September 7th, preferably in a brown grocery bag.
  • Join the caravan after the 11:00 service. We will load our cars with the donations and drop them off at the Southeast DuPage People’s Resource Center in Westmont. Then, we’ll enjoy cookies and punch as we tour the new facility. Just meet us in the church parking lot to join the fun!!

List of Critical Needs

  • Baby Food
  • Hamburger Helper
  • Baby Formula
  • Jelly
  • Baked beans
  • Larger Diapers size 4, 5, 6
  • Brown paper grocery bags
  • Laundry Detergent
  • Cake Mixes
  • Paper towels
  • Canned Frosting
  • Peanut Butter
  • Canned Fruit
  • Rice
  • Canned Juice/Juice boxes
  • Rice-a-roni
  • Canned Pasta (Spaghettio’s)
  • Salsa
  • Canned Vegetables
  • Soup
  • Cereal
  • Spaghetti sauce
  • Cleaning products
  • Toilet Paper
  • Coffee
  • Toiletries-shampoo, deodorant, etc
  • Crackers
  • Tuna
  • Dried Pasta
  • Ziploc bags

The Mousetrap

A Play by Agatha Christie

September 6, 2008

Join On the Town for Agatha Christie's classic play "The Mousetrap". This "who done it" is full of mystery, intrigue, and plot twists.

The play is at the Western Springs Theater on Saturday Sept. 6th at 8:00pm.

Tickets are $18.00 each. Money is due to the church office no later than Friday August 22nd. If you have questions, contact Kent and Lynda Frederick.

"On the Town" is a fun new social group for adults of all ages. Our purpose is to spend time together, get to know each other, and have some fun! We will meet for a social activity approximately every other month. Everyone is welcome!

|Driving Directions|

Handbell Explosion

July 27, August 3 & August 10, 2008

HandbellsIf you have ever wondered what it is like to ring handbells, here is your opportunity to learn! It is challenging, but accessible, an explosion of fun and always captivating. Playing bells has a system like everything else. You could learn our secrets by staying behind after the 10am service on these three Sundays!

Interested? Please contact Pattie Barnes through the church office.

Youth Mission Trip

Reelfoot Rural Ministries, Obion, Tennessee

July 20-26, 2008

Reelfoot Rural Ministries is a mission program of the Memphis Conference of The United Methodist Church located in rural, Northwest Tennessee. Our four-county service area includes Lake, Obion and Dyer Counties of Tennessee & Fulton County Kentucky. This rural area surrounding Reelfoot Lake is an area of extreme poverty. Lake County, for instance, has the lowest per capita income of any county in Tennessee. The combined lasting effects of farm mechanization and a lake culture have left economic scars difficult to erase.

The youth will be working in all the ministries that Reelfoot Ministries is involved in. These include home repair, painting, delivering meals to shut-ins, working in the thrift store and working in the kitchen at the center. Be prepared to work on any of the tasks given to us. Remember that we are there to serve our brothers and sisters.

If you plan to come on this trip, please register by May 11 with a $50 deposit.

|More Details|

Blessing of the Animals

Sunday, July 13, 2008

"Wild animals and all cattle, creeping things and flying birds…let them praise the name of the Lord!"
(Psalm 148)

We've been thinking a lot lately about all of God's creation, and our responsibility towards it. On Sunday, July 13th, we'll turn our attention to the animals: specifically, to our pets. The 10am service will take place outside, in Fishel Park, and we're inviting you, and your friends, and our community to come, and bring their furry or feathered friends for a service of celebration and blessing. St. Francis taught us to see the birds and animals as our sisters and brothers in God's creative action, and to remember that they praise God, too. So, for one Sunday, we'll worship together.

Of course, the 8.30am service will proceed as normal in the sanctuary. But please invite your animal-loving friends to come to worship with you at 10, and to stay for refreshments afterwards. We just ask that any pets that come are either caged or leashed!

"All creatures of our God and King, lift up your voice, and with us sing…Alleluia!"

Junior High Mission Trip

Rogers Park

July 13 to 15, 2008

United Church at Rogers ParkThe United Church of Rogers Park is a United Methodist Church at Ashland and Morse in Chicago. The name of the church came years ago when it was a united church having both United Church of Christ and United Methodist pastors. Rogers Park is a diverse community with great need. UCRP serves not only as a church but as a community center for the neighborhood.

This year, the Junior High Mission Trip is to serve the community of UCRP. The trip is open to incoming 7th graders through those going into 9th grade. On Sunday, July 13 we'll ride Metra and the "L", to Rogers Park. We will prepare and serve the Community Feast, the Sunday night meal for the neighborhood. On Monday and Tuesday we will paint and clean part of the church. We will sleep at Evanston FUMC on Sunday and Monday.

|More Details|

Lewis and Clark Adventure

July 9, 2008

Young at HeartAt our gathering on July 9th, our group for senior adults will welcome the return of Ted Rock as he presents the second half of the Lewis and Clark Adventure. We will gather in Chapel Hall at noon for lunch. Each one who signs up will be asked to bring either a salad or dessert. The fee per person is $5.00. You may sign up on Sunday mornings in the Parlor or by calling Marilou Welch at 630.968.7120 (church).

Some of the Young at Heart group are going to Branson MO with West Suburban Travel by bus, October 6-9. We will stay at the Radisson, enjoy six shows, some short side-trips, and eight meals. Contact the church office for additional information.

Wash and Worship

7th Annual Youth Car Wash

July 6 & August 10, 2008

Bucket and spongeThe 7th Annual Youth Car Wash will take place on Sundays, July 6 and August 10, 8am-11:30am.

Buy tickets on Sundays, June 29 and August 3, or on the car wash Sunday.

Cost: ANY donation

Proceeds to support the Youth Mission and Chapel Choir.

Mission to Guatemala 2008

July 1-9, 2008

Members of the third DGFUMC mission trip to Guatemala have now returned safely to Chicago after another visit to the women of UPAVIM and a glimpse into the troubled history of this beautiful country in Central America.

Jonathan Dean wrote in the online diary that we were "sad to leave a country we've come to love, admire and pray for deeply, but very glad to see family and home again. From here, it's the task of the whole church to reflect prayerfully on our friendship with these remarkable women and their wounded but extraordinary country, and to carry our relationship forward. We are involved in work that is promoting peace and deepening human dignity and faith, on both sides, and as a delegation we feel grateful to have had this amazing opportunity."

We will be posting more inforation about their experiences soon, but, in the meantime, you can read their daily diary and view some of their photos using the links below.

Mission to Guatemala 2008: | Diary | Photo Album |

Salt and Light

St. Andrew's UMC Youth Choir

June 29, 2008

On Sunday, June 29, the music at both the 8:30 and 10:00am services will be provided by the youth choir of St. Andrew's UMC, Plano, TX, Salt and Light. Made up of 36 6th-12th graders, Salt and Light has risen to be one of the finest youth choirs in the Dallas area, providing musical leadership in their church twice a month. Our church has had a long relationship with this choir, and we are delighted to welcome them back to lead our worship.

They will present a moving musical worship experience, For the Sake of Our Children. There will be a special focus on children within the program, so entire families are encouraged to attend.

June 21, 2008
8:00am to 4:00pm

Opportunities to help exist in painting, carpentry, electrical, general cleaning, and landscape maintenance. Please sign up by calling the church office so we can have enough food for breakfast and lunch.

Work all or part! Kids welcome!

Adult Education Survey

Where Shall We Go?

checkboxThe Adult Education Work Area needs your input to help them plan what future classes to organize. Please download the adult education survey by clicking on one of the links below and let us know what would most meet your interests and needs. It only takes a few minutes to fill out, but we'd love to get ideas from as many people as possible. Hand in completed surveys to the church office.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Adult Education Survey: MS Word | PDF

Ice Cream SundaeFather's Day

Ice Cream Sundae

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Join the Membership Development Work Area for our Annual Father's Day Ice Cream Social! Enjoy free ice cream with toppings on this special day! The Father's Day Ice Cream Social will be held on the breezeway (porch between the Sanctuary and Chapel).

Bring the entire family for ice cream on this special day!

Blood Drive

3:00-7:00pm, Monday, June 2, 2008

Blood DriveHeartland Blood Centers will be visiting our church for a blood drive on Monday, June 2 from 3:00pm to 7:00pm in Fellowship Hall. People in our community need our help, as the need for blood never goes away. Please consider giving blood as all blood types are needed and utilized. It is easy to sign-up: Call the church office (630) 968-7120 or come to the Parlor this Sunday to reserve your slot. Thank you for your donation.

Congratulations to our Graduating Seniors

High School Senior Recognition Sunday

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Graduation CapAt the 10am service on Sunday, June 1, all graduating seniors are invited to wear their cap and gown and share with us their plans for next year.

UMWUMW General Meeting

May 21, 2008

The United Methodist Women would like to invite you to attend our May General Meeting which will be held at Fairview Village on Wednesday, May 21. We will start at 7:00pm for social time and then at 7:30pm we will have a speaker from the Illinois Coalition for Immigration Refugee Rights.

Chancel Choir

Spring Ring XVI

A Composers' Gala

7:00pm Sunday evening, May 18

The Chancel Ringers
The Westminster Handbell Ensemble
also featuring Julie Barnes Spring
Principal Harpist of the Toronto Symphony

The Ringers of First United Methodist Church present a celebrative evening of handbell music, exploring a wide range of repertoire, including works by J. S. Bach, Maurice Ravel, Franz Liszt, Ken Alford, Twila Paris, and representing many well-known handbell composers. The concert narrative will feature the lives of the rich and famous composers ...well maybe not so rich... offering the sparkling beauty of bronze, but no clinks until punch is in hand at the reception!

Concert repertoire will include the following compositions: J. S. Bach's Passacaglia, Pavane for a dead Princess by Ravel, Commemoration of the Spirit by William Payn, Colonel Bogey March by K. Alford, How Beautiful by Twila Paris, Hungarian Rhapsody by Liszt, Soaring Praise by Anna Laura Page, and To Everything There is a Season by Arnold Sherman.

Tickets are $7 in advance; $9 at the door and are available in the parlor between services or in the church office during the week. Child care is provided.

Will you join us for the festivities? Be sure to buy early. Please call the church 968-7120.

All-Church Potluck Picnic

Get Outside and Get Connected!

May 18, 2008

Food, Fun, Fellowship
in Fishel Park
following the 11:00am Service.

Register in the Parlor after services on Sunday or in the church office during the week. Chicken and Biscuits will be provided for only $2 per meal ($10 max per family). Each family is asked to bring a dish to share:picnic

Last Name:
A—H Vegetable or fruit dish
I—P Salad – pasta or green
Q—Z Dessert

Games and activities after lunch. Bring a friend to church - stay for food and fun. Let’s celebrate Spring together!

Friday Night at the Movies

Chapel Choir High School Youth Information Meeting

May 14, 2008

Unithed Methodist YouthThis is a meeting for all students and parents interested in participating in Chapel Choir or Youth Ministry this summer. Incoming Freshman, non-choir members and their parents are invited to see where they might fit into Youth Ministry this summer and in the coming year.

Items on the agenda include:

  • Wednesday night activities
  • Choir Tour 2009
  • Mission trip 2008
  • Fundraisers
  • New Youth Ministry opportunities for 2008-09.

  • Theatre of Western Springs

    Jack Philips, Artistic Director

    May 14, 2008

    Young at HeartOn Wednesday, May 14, Young At Heart, a group of senior adults will gather in Chapel Hall at noon for lunch and to hear a program by Jack Philips, Artistic Director of The Theatre of Western Springs. This community theater is a remarkable theatre founded in 1929.

    Cost per person will be $10.00. You may sign up on Sunday mornings in the Parlor or call Marilou Welch at church.

    Spring Cantata Sunday

    Rejoice in the Lamb

    Chancel Choir
    Sunday, May 4, 2008

    Johann Pachelbel: Magnificat

    Electo Silva: Misa Caribeña

    Benjamin Britten: Rejoice in the Lamb

    May 4th is Spring Cantata Sunday. The Chancel Choir will be offering us three diverse and fascinating responses to religious experience and liturgical texts.

    The Magnificat #13 of Johann Pachelbel (he of the famous 'Canon') dates from the late 17th century. It’s a glorious setting of Mary's song of praise in Luke 1, a triumphant celebration of God's faithfulness and justice. The Misa Caribeña of Electo Silva was written in 1997. It contrasts the ancient words of the Mass with a distinctive Caribbean style, as overlapping layers of melody create an 'impressionistic' sound. The piece moves through six sections: Kyrie (repentance), Gloria (praise), Credo (belief), Sanctus and Benedictus (God's holiness and humanity's response) and Agnus Dei (a prayer for peace, recalling Christ's death).

    The final work brings together two extraordinary Englishmen, the 18th century poet and mystic Christopher Smart and the 20th century composer Benjamin Britten. Smart, like many religious mystics, suffered spells of mental instability and was confined three times in a London asylum. His poem Rejoice in the Lamb is the product of one of those incarcerations. It is a kind of Benedicite, the canticle which calls upon all creation to praise God. Smart's poem reflects upon his cat, Jeoffry, and a mouse, on flowers and instruments and even the alphabet. He celebrates that each of them in its own amazingly various way fulfils God's purpose for it, and thus praises its Creator. Humanity is called to do likewise. Britten set Smart's words to music in 1943 for St. Matthew's Church, Northampton, England, which has a noble tradition of arts patronage. Britten, feeling marginalized because of his decision to be a conscientious objector in the war effort and his homosexuality, may have felt a particular affinity with Smart's social isolation. The cantata includes a moving declaration that the suffering Christ stands alongside the poet in his time of trial.

    Please join us for an inspiring and thought-provoking morning of praise, prayer and meditation on God's goodness and grace towards all creation.

    Rev. Jonathan Dean

    Mini-Mission Opportunity

    Saturday, May 3, 2008

    Feed My Starving ChildrenOn Saturday, May 3, we go to Feed My Starving Children, in Aurora, departing FUMC at 10:45am (work hours 11:30-1:30) returning around 2:00pm. Volunteers of all ages pack highly nutritious food for severely malnourished children.

    Please contact Cathy Mikes through the church office to reserve your spot.

    Offering of Letters

    Sunday, April 27, 2007

    Offering of LettersOn Sunday, April 27, between services, in the Parlor, the United Methodist Women will be encouraging our congregation to write letters to Congress. Each year we support Bread for the World's letter writing campaign to help end hunger here in the U.S. and abroad. Please join us.

    We will have a sample letter, envelopes and addresses of our elected officials available. We will even pay the postage and make sure the letters are mailed.

    Cleaning SuppliesBucket Sundays

    April 27 & May 4, 2008

    As we have done in years past, Church and Society Work Area will be passing out empty buckets on Sunday, April 27 and May 4 after the worship services. We ask the congregation to fill the buckets with cleaning supplies and return them on Sunday, May 11 or May 18. The buckets are then delivered to local food pantries for distribution to their clients. Items such as soap and cleaning supplies cannot be purchased with food stamps and are greatly appreciated. At the request of the pantries and to be kinder to the earth, please do not include products that contain bleach or ammonia.

    Thank you!

    Seeking the Light
    God and You in Working Partnership

    Women's Retreat
    April 19-20, 2008

    This year's Women’s retreat Seeking the Light — God and You in Working Partnership led by Carol Lysne and Shelly Zabielski is scheduled for Saturday, April 19 at 9:00am until Sunday, April 20 at 3:00pm at the Clubhouse Inn, Westmont, Illinois.

    To save your space a $50.00 deposit is due now and the $75.00 balance will be due on April 9. Limited to 28 people.

    Northern Illinois Conference
    Climate Change Event

    April 19, 2008

    Environmental StewardshipOur church will host The Northern Illinois Conference an informational seminar on Global Warming in response to the current scientific data indicating that climate change will have a significant impact on human kind. Anyone interested in understanding more about global warming are invited to attend.

    An array of subject matter surrounding the issue will be presented by well qualified speakers.

    Participating in a panel discussion with a question and answer session will be Rebecca Stanfield, Environment Illinois, Lonnie Morris, Sierra Club, Rev. Clare Butterfield, Executive Director of Faith in Place, and Dave Schulz, co-chair of the Environmental Stewardship Committee at DGFUMC.

    The event will be held on Saturday, April 19, 8:30am—1:00pm. It is free of charge, but attendees are asked to pre-register for planning purposes by calling the church office, 630-968-7120.

    Friday Night at the Movies

    Max and Erma's
    Fundraiser for the Youth Mission Trip

    Tuesday, April 15, 2008

    Everyone goes out for lunch or dinner from time to time. The Youth Mission Team would like you to eat at Max & Erma’s in Woodridge on Tuesday, April 15. Download the Coupon below and print it off or pick one up from the church office and the Youth Mission Team will receive 20% of your bill to back their Youth Mission Trip this summer.

    |Max & Erma's Coupon|

    Thank You for your help! Bon Appetit!

    Rescue in the Night

    The Story of Daniel in the Lion's Den

    The Connection, Chorister, and Cherub Choirs

    In the lion's denSunday, April 13, 2008
    9:30 & 11:00am Services

    Join our children's choirs as they share this lighthearted but faithful rendition of the Biblical story of courage and obedience.

    General Conference Forum

    Come! Listen! Discuss! Learn!

    Sunday, April 13, 2008

    Approximately 1000 delegates — half lay and half clergy — will meet in Fort Worth, TX, April 23-May 3 for the General Conference of the United Methodist Church. They will be looking to revise the Book Of Discipline and the Book Of Resolutions with new or revised resolutions.

    October 26, 2007 was the deadline for submitting resolutions to be considered. The petitions were assigned to one of 13 legislative committees. Each delegate was assigned to one of the committees where they will discuss the resolutions and vote to adopt, reject or refer.

    United Methodist Women will be following closely the resolutions submitted by the Women’s Division. Some examples are as follows:

    • Protecting Children from Mercury-Containing Drugs
    • Resisting Hate, Fear and Scapegoating and Transforming the Context of Hate in the United States
    • The Abolition of Torture
    • Sudan: A Call to Compassion and Caring

    The Women's Division has also submitted 9 newly revised resolutions which can be read in their entirety on the web.

    The NIC delegation will be here on Sunday, April 13, at 7pm. They will share their priorities and vision with us, and answer questions. Following that, there will be a service of dedication and commissioning as they prepare to leave. This is a conference-wide event. We're proud to be able to offer hospitality, and hope that many church members will attend, and show their prayerful support for the work which these faithful people are undertaking on our behalf.

    A Funny Thing Happened
    on the Way to the Forum

    April 12, 2008

    Join us for Stephen Sondheim's hilarious musical comedy, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, Saturday, April 12 at 8pm at the College of DuPage's McAninch Arts Center. Tickets are $16.00. After the play, we will meet for dessert and a conversation with the play's Director, Alison Henderson. Details to follow soon.

    "On the Town" is a fun new social group for adults of all ages. Our purpose is to spend time together, get to know each other, and have some fun! We will meet for a social activity approximately every other month. Everyone is welcome!

    |Driving Directions|

    Fiction Book Group

    Thursday, April 10, 2008 - 7pm

    Through the course of the year, the Fiction Book Group will meet every two months, to discuss works of fiction. We seek to find the intersections between our reading and our lives, between the characters we encounter and our own experience. Most of all, we ponder the big questions posed by the book, and the ways in which they inform, or are themselves addressed by, our Christian faith and understanding.

    This year, stories by writers from four different continents, set in five different countries, which in various ways explore family relationships, the passage of time, and the struggle to live with integrity with ourselves, and those closest to us. The group will meet on the second Thursday of alternate months, at 7pm in the Parlor. All are always welcome! Led by Jonathan Dean.

    April 10: Affliction
    by Russell Banks
    BooksJune 12: Disgrace
    by J.M. Coetzee
    August 14: An Artist of the Floating World
    by Kazuo Ishiguro
    October 9: Midnight's Children
    by Salman Rushdie
    December 11: Rebecca
    by Daphne DuMaurier

    Copies of the books will be available at Anderson's Bookstore at 10% discount (20% for Anderson’s Book Club members).

    All-Church Conference

    Tuesday, April 8, 2008 - 7pm

    We're pleased — and excited — to report that we are close to making final decisions about the Growing Together Campaign renovations. At its March 11 meeting, Administrative Council unanimously endorsed a proposal which would set out a clear roadmap for the completion of the project. Significantly, the proposal also shows how remaining pledged funds can be used to complete almost all of the desired renewal work church members originally identified. The recommendations of the Growing Together Final Phase committee, along with diagrams of the proposed changes, are available online to view before the meeting.

    Adult Sunday School RoomThe proposal now needs discussion and ratification by a Church Conference. This will take place on Tuesday, April 8 at 7pm and will be led by Rev. Dan Facemeyer. It is open to all members. Please come, contribute, vote, and celebrate this important milestoned in our journey together. WIth approval on April 8, we hope to see significant progress by September 2008, and to begin a new program year with new hopes, new visions, new energy: and a renewed Building!

    | Growing Together Final Phase Committee |


    The All-Church Conference approved the recommendations of the Growing Together Final Phase Committee unanimously. The Building Committee is now charged with implementing those plans. You can review their progress in the minutes to their meetings, which will be posted on the Building Committee web page.

    | Building Committee |

    Chapel Choir Post-Tour Concerts

    Sunday, April 6, 2008 - 4pm & 7pm

    Fresh from successful Spring Break Tour to New York, the Chapel Choir will be performing their show, Walking with Jesus, at our church on Sunday, April 6, 2008. Their perfomance in Allentown, PA, was described as "a wonderful and moving concert." There are two opportunities to see it for yourself at 4pm and 7pm.

    You can read about their experiences on this year's tour in the Spring Break Tour Diary.

    Bean Bag Toss Contest


    Saturday, April 5, 2008
    1pm in Fellowship Hall

    $10 a person — 10 throws — 1 life saved

    100% of your registration fee will go to buy a net to save a life by preventing malaria in Africa. Look for the bright green registration forms in the narthex or in the church office. If you cannot participate, consider sponsoring someone for the contest.

    PopcornFriday Afternoon at the Movies

    April 4, 2008 1:30pm

    Sweet Land

    Inge, a 1920 Norwegian mail order bride describes her life in Minnesota to her grandson after her husband’s death in 1968. The film explores prejudice, personal strength, love, friendship, and love of the land. "A real treasure, a film of laughter and joy" say the reviewers.

    Church Movie Theater (Room 217).

    Guatemala Trip 2008

    Information Session

    April 2, 2008

    A delegation of men, women and young adults from 1st UMC is now forming for the mission trip to Guatemala, July 1-9. If you are curious about becoming a delegate to Guatemala, come to Room 218 at 7:30pm on Wednesday, April 2.

    Ten Reasons to Join the Delegation to Guatemala This Summer:

    • To get to know our Central American neighbors, not as "those people south of the border" but as individual human beings who work, laugh, cry, and care
    • To understand other customs and culture
    • To gain a new perspective on the history and current political climate of Central America
    • To learn about inequity
    • To witness and to love
    • To discover how people are taking charge of their lives rather than accepting victimhood
    • To give the gifts of compassion and encouragement
    • To receive the gifts of warmth and joy
    • To grow and share in the struggle of poverty
    • To make peace in the world

    Leaving ChurchSpiritual Growth

    Leaving Church

    April 2, 2008

    The Spiritual Growth classes, led by Jonathan Dean, resume on April 2nd, at 10am and 6.30pm. We continue discussing the work of Barbara Brown Taylor, this time her autobiographical Leaving Church.

    Copies are available in the church office, price $10. Please read as much as you can before the first meeting.

    Maundy Thursday Communion

    Come and Go Communion

    6:30pm, March 20, 2008

    This year, something new: between 6:30 and 8:30pm, we will gather in groups of 12 around the communion table, to remember the story of the night of Jesus' arrest, and to share a simple communion together as we remember his last meal with his friends. Please come when you wish, and go when you are ready.

    Good Friday

    Tenebrae Service

    7:30pm, March 21, 2008

    In stillness, and darkness, we remember Jesus' death. The Chancel Choir will lead our meditations, and there will be readings and prayers from a variety of traditions and sources.

    Christ is Risen!

    Sunday, March 23, 2008
    8:00am, 9:30am & 11:00am

    Celebrate the good news of the Easter angels.

    The Chapel Choir Pretour Show

    Walking with Jesus!

    March 16, 2008

    There is an opportunity for everyone to get a preview of the show "Walking with Jesus!" that the Chapel Choir are taking to New York. They will be performing at the United Methodist Church of Geneva on Sunday, March 16 at 7:00pm. The Chapel Choir will meet at 2:00pm to pack lights and sound and leave at 3:00pm.

    All are encouraged to come and support the choir as they make their final preparations.

    |Driving Directions|

    Friday Night at the Movies

    Sunday, March 9, 2008

    Invisible ChildrenOn Sunday, March 9, 2:00-4:30pm, High School students are invited to the Movie Room, Room 217, to see Invisible Children. This is a powerful documentary of the War in Uganda, particularly dealing with its impact on the children of Uganda, that everyone MUST see.

    At the end of the movie there will be time for discussion and Nick will share a new book by Brian McLaren, Everything MUST Change.

    Missions Sunday

    Meeting Christ in Guatemala

    March 2, 2008

    DGFUMC has a rich and generous tradition of lending financial support to a variety of local, national and international mission projects. We give to a variety of agencies that aid people in need of food, shelter, education, counseling, and medicine. Sometimes our mission work takes the form of a mission trip to build and repair homes or provide disaster relief. However, one of our mission projects is uniquely different. It involves a direct, long term relationship with another Christian community in another country.

    In 2006 we began building a relationship with about 75 women and their families in an impoverished community in Guatemala. Our mission: to stand in solidarity with these women as they struggle to rebuild their lives following 35 years of civil war. Through international sales of their crafts, a bakery business, and a soy business they work long hours to make a living and subsidize a school, a clinic, and a pharmacy serving their community.

    Worship on Sunday, March 2 will demonstrate why we are called to stand in solidarity with UPAVIM (Unidas Para Vivir Mjor or United for a Better Life). Some of our delegates who have traveled to Guatemala will share their experiences and lead us in worship.

    Guatemalan cookies and coffee will be served by the Missions Work Area following each service.

    Easter Eggstravaganza

    Sunday, February 24, 2008

    Dan LemonnierThe Children & Family Work Area is pleased to welcome Dan LeMonnier. Dan is a nationally known storyteller, having performed three times at the Smithsonian Institute, the 53rd Presidential Inaugural and hundreds of schools, libraries, art centers and churches throughout the Midwest. His recordings include Grimms in America, Prairie Visions and his newest release, Begin Again — songs for the whole family from the Children's Chat Series at Westminster Presbyterian Church where he is a Youth Leader, Deacon and Stephen Minister.

    Many people remember him for his nearly twenty years performing as Chicago Bulls mascot, Benny the Bull.

    Dan will lead a program called Heroes and Fools. This 45 minute program is designed to help children spiritually prepare for the celebration of Easter. To learn more about Dan please visit his website: http://www.banjotales.com/.

    Order of the Day

    Sign in and go to the Sanctuary
    Dan LeMonnier: Heroes and Fools
    Easter Craft and Pizza Dinner in Fellowship Hall

    The cost of this event will be $20 a family. Easter Eggstravaganza is designed for children ages 3-12. Please return the registration form to the church office.

    | Registration Form |

    Junior High Skating

    Sunday, February 24, 2008

    Figure SkatesAll Junior High students and their families are invited to a skating party at the Elmhurst YMCA. Steve Prazma, Taylor's Dad, plays hockey at the Elmhurst Y and has made the arrangements for us.

    Be at the at the Y about 2:45pm. We have the outdoor rink from 3:00-4:30 and a room inside the Y from 4:30 to 5:30. Skates and Skating are FREE!!! Hot chocolate will be provided, please bring snack to share.

    | Driving Directions from DGFUMC |

    Mother-Daughter Tea

    Saturday, February 23, 2008

    Tea SetThe Worship Work Area invites you to our fourth Mother-Daughter tea on Saturday, February 23 at 2:00pm in Fellowship Hall. Jennifer Conley and her teenage daughters Ellen and Nelle will entertain by singing for us and leading us in familiar songs. Bring your mother, daughter, sister, cousin, grandmother, or good friend with you for an afternoon of tea, goodies, and fellowship.

    Music PageTickets, which are $15 for adults and $7 for those 12 and under, will be available Sunday mornings in the Parlor. When you sign up, you can volunteer to be a table hostess to greet guests and help serve. If you have a teapot or two you would be willing to lend us, please let us know. Please contact Nancy Bifulco through the church office with any questions.

    This is a fundraiser for our music program. Space is limited since we are in a smaller room this year, so get your tickets early. We hope you can join us for this fun afternoon!

    | Festival Program |

    Rich Rubietta at Faith UMC, Lisle

    February 17, 2008

    Rich RubiettaRich Rubietta infuses music from the Catholic and Protestant traditions with irresistible fun and performs original, interactive songs about heros and heroines who inspire us to live our faith.

    You have an opportunity to hear Rich's music in worship at the 9:30am service of Faith United Methodist Church, Lisle at 5395 Westview Lane, Lisle.

    | Directions from DGFUMC |

    Friday Night at the Movies

    Young at HeartUMW General Meeting

    Israel/Palestinian Conflict

    February 14, 2008

    The United Methodist Women would like to invite all members of the congregation to join us at our next General Meeting. We will meet in Chapel Hall on Thursday, February 14 at 9:30am for breakfast and social time.

    Then at 10:00am, Barry Miller will be giving a presentation on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. If you have any questions, please contact Rebecca Paulsen through the church office.

    Pizza Lunch and Game Day

    February 13, 2008

    Young at HeartThe Young At Heart group of senior adults will celebrate Valentine's Day on Wednesday, February 13, with a pizza lunch and "Game Day". We will begin at noon with lunch in Chapel Hall followed by several fun board games. The fee for each person attending will be $10.00. You may sign up in the Parlor on Sunday morning or by calling Marilou Welch at church (630.968.7120).

    "How Then Shall We Live?"

    Our Journey Through Lent

    During Lent, we remember Jesus in the wilderness, praying and discerning his life’s purpose. Our sermons through Lent will focus on themes from that biblical story, and connect them to the modern world, and our own search for an authentic Christian life.

    Ash Wednesday, 6th February, 7:00pm
    Lenten Sermon SeriesPRAYER
    Preacher: Rev. Nick Nicholas
    Sunday, 10th February
    Preacher: Rev. Jonathan Dean
    Sunday, 17th February
    Preacher: Rev. Jonathan Dean
    Sunday, 24th February
    Preacher: Rev. Tom Ostrander
    Sunday, 2nd March
    Led by Rev. Tom Ostrander and our delegates to Guatemala
    Sunday, 9th March
    Preacher: Rev. Jonathan Dean
    Sunday, 16th March
    Preacher: Rev. Tom Ostrander

    Feeding the Beast

    Sunday, February 3, 2008

    NAMIFeelings of anxiety, irritability, confusion, loneliness, depression and mania can often be soothed and quieted with the consumption of alcohol. Alcohol is a form of medication used by many to relieve unbearable thoughts and feelings. People who rely upon alcohol to feel "normal" often fall in the trap of addiction.

    Dr. Mike Watrous, Acting Chief of Psychology at Elgin State Hospital, two speakers from the National Association of Mental Illness, and a 12 Step program speaker share their experiences with mental illness and alcohol on Sunday, February 3 at 1:00pm in Fellowship Hall. Come for lunch following the 11:00am service and stay to learn more about how addictions and mental illness go hand in hand in Feeding The Beast.

    Souper Bowl of CaringSouper Bowl is Back!

    Sunday, February 3, 2008

    On Super Bowl Sunday, February 3, we will be participating in a national collection for local food pantries. Please drop your monetary donations in the soup pans as you leave church. It will support the People's Resource Center in Wheaton, our partner in the Westmont Food Pantry.

    High School Ski Retreat

    February 1, 2, & 3, 2008

    Nick SkiingThe High School Ski Retreat to Devil's Head Ski Resort will take place on February 1 to 3, 2008.

    We will meet at DGFUMC at 6:00pm on Friday, February 1 to drive north to Baraboo WI. We will go directly to FUMC Baraboo for fun, fellowship and sleep. Saturday, we will spend the day skiing at Devil’s Head Resort, returning to FUMC Baraboo at 10pm. Sunday morning we will head back to Downers Grove arriving about 11:00am.

    Call or email Nick Nicholas (968-7120 x 123) if you are interested in going.

    | More Details |

    PopcornFriday Afternoon at the Movies

    February 1, 2008 1:30pm

    Freedom Writers

    Erin Gruewell began her first teaching job at Wilson High School in long Beach, CA as an idealistic English Instructor. She struggled to teach Homer’s Odyssey to her class of disruptive students until one day she began to listen to them. Stunned, she changed her focus. Her students began to write and named themselves "The Freedom Writers."

    A true story.

    Church Movie Theater (Room 217).


    Sunday School Classes on Guatemala

    Starting January 27, 2008

    Come and learn about what life is like in Guatemala and about our connection with UPAVIM on Sundays, January 27, February 3 and February 10 and plan to attend this informative 3-session Sunday school class at 9:30am in Room 202.

    Each class will be different. Topics include the theological basis for our relationship with UPAVIM, what significant things are being done there, Guatemala's history, culture and current political climate as it relates to human rights, peace and justice. Jonathan Dean will teach two of the sessions and delegates who have traveled there will share accounts of their experiences and spiritual growth.

    A Precarious Peace

    Precarious PeaceSince there has been so much interest in this class, we have extended it by a week. We have obtained the documentary, A Precarious Peace, about the non-violent reform movement taking place in Guatemala. Narrated by Martin Marty, leaders in various faiths and activists are interviewed in the context of history and current cultural dilemma. Come view this dynamic piece with us on Sunday, February 17 at 9:30am in Room 202. Film length is about 72 minutes.

    |Guatemala Mission Trip Photos|

    Cross and FlameAd Council

    Sunday, January 27, 2008

    Due to our church’s budget shortfall, the December 16 meeting originally scheduled to approve the budget has been postponed to Sunday, January 27 at noon. The postponement was made in hopes that those who have not yet pledged their support for the church for 2008 will do so, and that those who have submitted pledges will consider increasing their commitment.

    Sunday, January 20, 2008

    Invisible ChildrenOn Sunday, January 20, 2:00-4:30pm, High School students are invited to the Movie Room, Room 217, to see Invisible Children. This movie is a documentary of the War in Uganda, particularly dealing with its impact on the children of Uganda.

    We will have discussion after the movie and will talk about steps that we might take to bring peace and comfort to these children.

    Friday Night at the Movies

    Spiritual Growth Class

    Wednesdays, starting January 16, 2008

    The Preaching LifeIn January, the Spiritual Growth Groups will be reading and discussing a book called The Preaching Life by Barbara Brown Taylor. BBT (as her many devoted fans call her) is one of the most prominent preachers in the US, and her words are cherished by Christians of all kinds. Though she has now left parish life (she’s an Episcopalian priest) to teach in a college in Georgia, she keeps preaching—and writing. Actually, her book is not really all about preaching, but about life, and faith, and vocation, and the issues all of us deal with as we grow in faith and understanding. After our sessions on interfaith dialog, many of us felt the need to return to some Christian spirituality to test out our new 'eyes'. I hope this book will help us to think again about why we’re Christians in a plural, diverse world.

    The groups begin on Wednesday, January 16th, at 10am and 6:30pm. Copies of the book are available in the office. Please come, even if you can’t make every session. Here’s some classic BBT to whet your appetite:

    "There is a chance that the Christian vocation is above all a vocation to imagine—to see what God sees when God looks at the world, and to believe that God’s dreams can come true"

    Chapel Choir Spring Break Tour
    Information Meetings

    Sundays, January 13 & 20, 2008

    This year, the Chapel Choir will be going on its 37th Annual Spring Break Tour from March 22-March 29, 2008.

    Destination New York!

    Both parents and Chapel Choir youth are invited to one of two informational meetings in the Chapel Hall at 11:30am on January 13 and 12pm on January 20. Full details of this year's itinerary are available in the link below.

    | 2008 Spring Break Tour |

    7th Annual LiFT Dinner

    Saturday, Januay 12, 2008, 5:00pm

    LiFT Join us for a family style Italian dinner in the Pope room at Buca di Beppo, Yorktown on Saturday, January 12th from 5:00-7:00pm. This is always a lot of fun, and one of LiFT’s most popular events. If you have never attended LiFT, this is a great chance to have some fun and learn more about the group.

    The cost will be approximately $20 per person. Child care will be provided at church. Seats are limited, so please RSVP to LiFT@dgfumc.org.

    Chapel Choir Fundraiser

    Saturday, January 12, 2008

    1001 W. 75th St., Woodridge

    Menu includes: Bread, Caesar Salad, Chicken Marsala, Penne Pomodoro, Sogno di Cioccolata and a non-alcoholic beverage

    $20 per person

    Proceeds will help offset the cost of 2008 Spring Break Choir Tour to New York City. Tickets can be ordered from choir members or in the church office.

    Parenting Classes for Winter

    Shelly Zabielski, BSN, MAT, MCP, NBCC
    January-March, 2008
    Wednesday nights 7pm-8pm, Room 118

    Better ParentingJanuary 9: A Simple Principle
    People continue to behave in ways that pay off for them in the short term. What does that look like in your family?
    January 16: Peer Pressure
    The more a child's life is micro-managed, the more susceptible he/she becomes to peer pressure.
    January 23: Bullying and the Underlying Hurt
    (in Chapel Hall)
    January 30: Boundaries
    Help your children take ownership of their lives
    February 6: Don’t Pay Kids To Be Good
    Unless you want to keep paying and paying.
    February 13: Teaching Happiness
    What types of behaviors and emotions receive the most attention in our homes?
    February 20: What Comes Around Goes Around
    One of the best ways to get children to more frequently do something you want is to pay attention to them when they're doing it.
    February 27: Funny Family Stories for Leap Year
    At our house, we have hot fudge sundaes for breakfast on Leap Year morning! Bring your family’s tales to share!
    March 5: Raising Children Who Don’t Need Us
    Let's raise kids who want to be around their parents...but don't need to be around them.
    March 12: The Gift of Struggle
    Kids learn to feel good about themselves when they are allowed to struggle and experience the resulting pride of accomplishment.
    March 19: The Need for Nature
    Let's get back into the rhythm of nature with our kids. (This will be our last session.)

    Companion Animals
    and the Older Adult

    January 9, 2008

    Young at Heart A program, "Companion Animals and the Older Adult" will be given by Pat Gwozdz to our group of senior adults, on Wednesday, January 9, 2008. We will start with lunch from "Joyful's Cafe" at noon in Chapel Hall. Price: $10.00.

    AND — we will begin sign up for a trip to Marriott Theatre in Lincolnshire to attend the musical "Les Miserables." This event will be Wednesday, April 9. Reservations must be in by March 1. Cost of each ticket and bus is $40.00. Sign up in Parlor or office.

    Preschool Open Registration

    Tuesday, January 8, 2008
    3:00pm to 4:00pm in Room 101

    It is time to register your child for the First United Methodist Preschool for the 2008-09 school year. Our preschool serves children who will be either 3 or 4 years old by September 1, 2008. Classes meet on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings or afternoons from mid-September through mid-May.

    For further information, contact Deb Howard through the Church Office. A $100.00 non-refundable registration fee and completed application is required to secure a space.

    PopcornFriday Afternoon at the Movies

    January 4, 2008 1:30pm

    Keeping Up With The Steins

    Adam Fiedler wants to throw his son Benjamin the most elaborate bar mitzvah the neighbors have ever seen. Benjamin has other ideas. He secretly invites his divorced Grandfather who lives on an Indian reservation with his young girlfriend.

    1. Will Adam book Dodger Stadium?
    2. Will Benjamin master his Hebrew?
    3. Will Adam talk to his own father?

    Keeping up with the Steins took home the Best Feature Award at the U. S. Comedy Festival.

    Discussion Leader: Nick Nicholas

    Church Movie Theater (Room 217).


New Year Services

December 28, 2008

Christmas Eve

December 24, 2008

Blankets for the Homeless

December 21, 2008

Koinonia Carols

December 21, 2008

Chapel Choir Christmas Concert

December 14, 2008

YAH: Christmas Celebration

December 10, 2008


December 9, 2008

Preschool Registration

December 7, 2008

Chancel Choir Cantata

December 7, 2008

Care and Share

December 6, 2008

Peace and Pizza

December 6, 2008

Alternative Gifts

November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Service

November 25, 2008

The Hanging of the Greens

November 22, 2008

All Church Charge Conference

November 16, 2008

The Nuclear Energy Option

November 16, 2008

Childhood Exercise and Nutrition

November 16, 2008

Giving Tree

November 16, 2008

YAH: Model Trains

November 12, 2008

Fall Blood Drive

November 10, 2008

For the Bible Tells Me So

November 6, 2008

All Saints Sunday

November 2, 2008

Invisible Children

October 26, 2008

Harvest Festival

October 26, 2008

Bible Sunday

October 26, 2008

Commitment Sunday

October 26, 2008

Crazy Closet

October 24, 2008

CROP Hunger Walk

October 19, 2008

Dine Away Hunger

October 15, 2008

Haunted Corn Maze

October 12, 2008

Feed My Starving Children

October 11, 2008

YAH: Hindu Temples

October 8, 2008

Men's Huddle

October 7, 2008

Candidate Forum

October 5, 2008

Stewardship Class

September 25, 2008

Wednesday Faith Forum

September 24, 2008

Max and Erma's Fundraiser

September 23, 2008

Introduction of District Superintendent

September 21, 2008

Lisl Heymans-Paul

September 21, 2008

Jesus in the 1st and 21st Century

September 12, 2008

Rally Day

September 7, 2008

OTT: The Mousetrap

September 6, 2008

Handbell Explosion

July 27, 2008

Youth Mission Trip

July 20, 2008

Blessing of the Animals

July 13, 2008

Junior High Mission Trip

July 13, 2008

YAH: Lewis and Clark Adventure

July 9, 2008

7th Annual Youth Car Wash

July 6, 2008

Mission to Guatemala

July 1, 2008

Youth Choir, Plano, TX

June 29, 2008

Church Work Day

June 21, 2008

Adult Education Survey

June 16, 2008

Father's Day Ice Cream Social

June 15, 2008

Summer Blood Drive

June 2, 2008

Senior Recognition Sunday

June 1, 2008

UMW General Meeting

May 21, 2008

Spring Ring XVI

May 18, 2008

All-Church Picnic

May 18, 2008

FNM: Talk to Me

May 16, 2008

High School Youth Information Meeting

May 14, 2008

YAH: Theatre of Western Springs

May 14, 2008

Rejoice in the Lamb

May 4, 2008


May 3, 2008

Offering of Letters

April 27, 2008

Bucket Sunday

April 27, 2008

Women's Retreat: Seeking the Light

April 19, 2008

NIC Climate Change Event

April 19, 2008

FNM: The Queen

April 18, 2008

Max and Erma's Fundraiser

April 15, 2008

Children's Cantata

April 13, 2008

General Conference Forum

April 13, 2008

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum

April 12, 2008

Fiction Book Group

April 10, 2008

April All-Church Conference

April 8, 2008

Chapel Choir Post-TourConcerts

April 6, 2008

Bean Bag Toss Contest

April 5, 2008

FAM: Sweet Land

April 4, 2008

Guatemala Informational Meeting

April 2, 2008

Spiritual Growth: Leaving Church

April 2, 2008

Holy Week

March 20, 2008

Chapel Choir Pretour Show

March 16, 2008

FNM: Divided We Fall

March 14, 2008

Invisible Children

March 9, 2008

Missions Sunday

March 2, 2008

Easter Eggstravaganza

February 24, 2008

Junior High Skating

February 24, 2008

Mother-Daughter Tea

February 23, 2008

Oscar Movie Festival

February 18, 2008

Rich Rubietta in Lisle

February 17, 2008

FNM: Venus

February 15, 2008

UMW General Meeting

February 14, 2008

YAH: Game Day

February 13, 2008

Lenten Sermon Series

February 6, 2008

Feeding the Beast

February 3, 2008


February 3, 2008

High School Ski Retreat

February 1, 2008

FAM: Freedom Writers

February 1, 2008

Guatemala Sunday School Class

January 27, 2008

January Ad Council

January 27, 2008

Invisible Children

January 20, 2008

FNM: Painted Veil

January 18, 2008

Spiritual Growth

January 16, 2008

Chapel Choir Tour Information Meetings

January 13, 2008

LiFT:Annual Dinner

January 12, 2008

Chapel Choir Fundraiser at Carrabbas

January 12, 2008

Winter Parenting Classes

January 9, 2008

YAH: Companion Animals

January 9, 2008

Preschool Open Registration

January 8, 2008

FAM: Keeping Up With The Steins

January 4, 2008

Copyright © 2008 First United Methodist Church, Downers Grove. Please report any problems to webmaster@dgfumc.org.