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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Reducing Our Environmental Footprint
on the Planet

"An Action Response to the
2009 Annual Conference Green Resolution"

Every choice you make contributes to the health of the planet, for better or worse. Creation Care 2010 has been organized to point the way to living healthily, sustainably and with greater concern for other inhabitants of this world. In response to the Northern Illinois Conference's adoption of the "Green Resolution," DGFUMC has taken the lead to host a variety of keynote speakers to coach us to live more socially responsible.


Theological Reflection on the Creation and its Care
Rev. Jonathan Dean, Downers Grove First UMC
| Download Presentation (PDF 82KB) |
Current Climate Change Science and Politics
Jan Hessler, Ph.D., B.A.
| Download Presentation (PDF 18.5MB) |
Renewable Energy Futures Here and Abroad
Lee Schreiner, Rockford Urban Ministries
| Download Presentation (PDF 4.1MB) |
Disaster Preparedness
Christy Smith, UMCOR Disaster Consultant
| Download Presentation (PDF 5.3MB) |
Managing Our Waste by Reusing and Repurposing for a Greener Economy
Veronica Kyle, Faith in Place
Sustainable Food Production
Rev. Gary Hougen, Ravenswood Fellowship UMC
| Download Presentation (PDF 33.0MB) |
Optional Post Conference Cooking Demonstration and Food Sampling
Heather Bowler (chef)


8:15am Registration and light refreshments
8:45am Conference
1:00pm End of Program



NIC United Methodist Women
NIC Board of Church & Society
Rev. Gary Hougen, Pastor,
    Ravenswood Fellowship UMC
DGFUMC Church & Society &
    Environmental Stewardship
    Work Areas


First United Methodist Church

1032 Maple Avenue

Downers Grove, IL 60515

Phone: (630) 968-7120

Fax: (630) 968-4901

Email: dgfumc@dgfumc.org


Download the flyer of this event if you wish to publicize it in your church or neighborhood.

    Flyer — PDF 224kB

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