It is our great privilege to be hosting Rev. Grace Imathiu, one of United Methodism's best preachers and storytellers. Grace is a pastor in Brown Deer, Wisconsin, and also enjoys a worldwide speaking ministry. Her interweaving of biblical material with insights from her native Kenya is unforgettable and beautiful. Don't miss this chance to hear the gospel stories brought alive by Grace with her characteristic warmth and wisdom. Invite your friends too: it will be a day to cherish long in the memory. Schedule
Rev. Grace ImathiuGrace was born in Kenya and grew up in the city of Nairobi. She was educated in Kenya, the U.S. and at Cambridge University, U.K.. She pursued doctoral research in New Testament at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. She is an ordained elder in the Methodist Church in Kenya and has served congregations there, and in the U.S. Grace is in demand as a preacher across the world, and has visited Europe, Australia, Asia and the Americas. Her sermons, bible studies and talks, laced with African wisdom and her own eloquence, intelligence and charm have captivated millions. She is the author of Words of Fire, Spirit of Grace, published by True North. Formerly the lead pastor of First United Methodist Church in Green Bay, Grace is currently pastor of Brown Deer United Methodist Church in Wisconsin. Words of Grace"Can you see the vision? Can you see us daring to live with each other in radical ways that overcome the ghosts of our past? Can you see it yet? Can you see us stirring up the system by daring to believe in subversive ideals of justice and mercy and God for all? Have you seen the vision that makes the hardships and loneliness and sadness and struggles and often pointless existence of isolation bearable? I am beginning to see God’s vision. I can see us, all God’s children, embracing and sitting down at the same table and looking each other in the eye in the presence of the one who calls each one of us 'Beloved'." "Jesus came to remind us who we are and to free us from the things that would cripple us, keep us bent double with shame or anger or fear, keeping our eyes fixed on the ground. Jesus came to call us to stretch, to grow, to stand up straight, to soar. Child of God, you are called for no less than this. This is your day to fly." "My theme is the overwhelming need and desire for conversation in our world." Praise for Grace Imathiu
"When you hear Grace Imathiu, you hear the word of God. To listen to Grace is to hear the words of the Holy Scripture come to life and become living words of faith and hope."
"When Grace Imathiu preaches, people listen and are changed. Perceptions about the world in which we live, about the Scriptures, and about God’s claim on the life of individuals and the community are challenged and transformed"
"In the cold days of Winter, a sermon by Grace Imathiu is sure to warm your soul."
"Grace is so vibrant, so enthusiastic, and her laugh is contagious!" |
RegistrationAdvance registration for the Saturday lectures includes lunch.
• Registration: $25 You can register either by downloading a registration form and mailing it with a check or by paying online with any major credit card. Mail-In RegistrationDownload the registration form and mail it to the Church Office. Online RegistrationRegister online through PayPal using any major credit card by clicking on one of the buttons below. You do not need to have your own PayPal account. You can register more than one person in a single transaction if you are all paying the same fee. Important! After completing the PayPal transaction, please click on the link to return to this web site where you will be asked to provide further registration details. If you don't, we will contact you to request the information. Adult: $25Student: $15Adult+Under-18: $30ChildcareTo arrange for childcare, please contact the Church Office by February 28. ContactFirst United Methodist Church 1032 Maple Avenue Downers Grove, IL 60515 DownloadsDownload the brochure and poster of this event if you wish to publicize it in your church or neighborhood. Brochure — PDF 623kB |