Children's Activities on Palm Sunday

PalmsSpecial Opportunity for Children!

This Sunday, April 17, Palm Sunday, all children (3 year old through 6th grade) are invited to help decorate the wall between Fellowship Hall and Chapel Hall. Members of the Children and Family Work Area will be assisting children to put their handprint on the wall. We will be using different colors of water-based paint.

At 9:30 the 3 year old, 4 & 5 year old, and kindergarten class will begin in their regular classrooms. The 1st-4th grade classes will begin in the parlor. After the procession of palms in the sanctuary, the teachers and shepherds will lead the children down to the gym. The teachers and other adults will assist the children with their handprints on the wall. The 3 year old, 4 & 5 year old, and kindergarten classes will then return to their normal classrooms where parents can pick-up their children following the worship service. The 1st through 4th grade classes will remain in the gym where parents can pick them up.

At 11:00 the preschool through kindergarten class will start in their regular classroom. The 1st-6th graders will meet in the parlor. After the procession of palms in the sanctuary, all children will go to the gym for the handprint project. The preschool through kindergarten class will then return to their classroom. The 1st-6th will remain in the gym.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. I look forward to a wonderful Palm Sunday!

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