Ermalou Roller's blog

An Inspiring Preacher

Amy DeLong and Ermalou RollerLast October 11, I heard the Rev. Amy DeLong preach an inspiring, dynamic sermon at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary. The chapel was full of people who had traveled far and wide to the seminary to hear her preach and to support this champion who is fighting for the rights of gay clergy in the United Methodist Church. I’m excited that our whole church will be able to hear her talk with us at our church seminar on Friday and Saturday, February 24 and 25 and to preach on Sunday, February 26. Amy’s church trial last June set a precedent for our denomination and she has become a celebrated, national figure.

Don’t miss out; sign up today for Speaking Out, Stepping Up, Risking All: The Journey to Authentic Living on the church website or at the church office.

Follow-up to the Amy DeLong trial

After the Amy DeLong trial victory, some pastors have written to our Council of Bishops urging them to take a reactive, negative stance against gay/lesbian pastors. In response to these letters, on September 27, Rev. Scott Campbell, Defense Counsel for the Amy DeLong trial, wrote the following open letter to our Council of Bishops.

An Open Letter to the Council of Bishops

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I write to you as one who has recently participated in the trial of the Rev. Amy DeLong as Counsel for the Respondent and as one who has signed a pledge to offer the full ministry of the church to all persons without regard to their gender or sexual orientation. I am also writing in response to the recent letters from a group of United Methodist pastors and lay persons urging the Council of Bishops to adopt a proactive threatening and punitive stance in an attempt to intimidate those whose pastoral consciences have long been violated. I offer this letter with the deepest respect for the office of bishop and an inkling of the heart-rending conflicts experienced by human beings called to such ministry on behalf of the church. It is out of such an understanding that I humbly offer what follows.

DeLong Trial Results Send a New, Joyous Message to GLBTs

Pentecost happened again at Kaukauna, Wisconsin on June 24 at the trial of Rev. Amy DeLong. Amy, her trial team and supportive witnesses, gathered from many states, felt the loving wind of the Spirit as the trial court (jury) found Amy innocent of the charge of being a self-avowed, practicing homosexual by a vote of 12 to 1.

Amy DeLong Trial

Since the death of Jesus, the Church often speaks of his blood saving us. I don’t use this language much because it has been hijacked by religious conservatives who take it to mean that they, individually, and those who are just like them have been elevated to a privileged position in God’s sight, which is odious heresy. However, this morning I’m thinking that the blood language might still be useful if we think about it in terms of being open to receiving a spiritual transfusion of the life-force, aka blood, of Jesus.

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