Choirs are starting up!

It's almost time for the start of choir rehearsals! I hope everyone saw the information in the Tower Bell or picked up a brochure from the kiosk at the entryway. Choir is a fun way for children to get used to coming to church -- and it gets the parents here and involved and getting to know one another too.

Choirs are not limited to children! We have the Chapel Choir for any interested high schoolers -- a wonderful way to get to know other high school youth . They tour every spring and fuse many friendships.

Chancel Choir is a fun loving, music loving group of adults who welcome new singers. If you have any inclination, give them a try! Diane Hires, the director, inspires and energizes every Thursday and Sunday morning.

Call the church office if you need any more information about any of our choirs! You are welcome to join them any time during the year.


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