Come Home

When people talk about Jesus, what do you hear? In my circles, we spend a lot of time talking about Jesus' ministry. Jesus was a preacher, teacher, and healer. He fed the hungry, spent time with marginalized people, and challenged the powers that be, in the political and religious realms. We talk too about his death and resurrection and the grace he offers all of us.

You know what else that scripture tells us about Jesus? Jesus loves a party. It's true! Think about it. In chapter 2 of the Gospel of John, Jesus, the disciples, and his mother are at a wedding in Cana, having a great time when he's approached by his mother who tells him the couple has run out of wine. What does he do? He transforms water into wine to keep the party going! He spends many an evening at dinner parties with Pharisees, Zacchaeus the tax collector, and so many others! This week, our text comes from chapter 15 of the Gospel of Luke. In all three parables found in this text, a party is thrown after what has been lost or left, has been found.

Our focus this Sunday will be on the third parable in chapter 15, often referred to as the Prodigal Son. While many like parties, when the father in this parable throws a large party for his youngest son who has returned home, the older son struggles to join in the fun. Is it fair that his brother, who left them and misbehaves is celebrated so much?

If we found ourselves in the older brother's shoes, what would we do? Would we be able to join in the celebration? Sometimes, if we are honest, what Jesus says, does, and celebrates challenges us. How do we reconcile what we have learned about fairness and working hard and Jesus' abundant grace?

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