Children's Home Page

DGFUMC provides a range of educational opportunities for children of all ages, including nursery care provided during worship hours, Pathfinders (Sunday School), and midweek family fellowship that is linked to children's choir rehearsals. The goal is to help children grow in faith, and become familiar with the Bible through a variety of methods, including storytelling and drama, music, video, games, science, cooking and art.

Family Dinner Meal Subscription

If you are interested in signing up for the Wednesday Family Dinners, Winter/Spring registration forms and payment are due January 5, 2014. Forms can be found in the church office, dinners resume January 8.

Piece of Peace

PeaceParents, what would you do with 3 hours of free time during the hectic holiday season?  Get a massage, shop, read, nap, watch football?  The Children and Family Ministries Work Area would like to invite children (infant through 11 years old) to come to the church on Sunday, December 1st for an afternoon of Christmas activities and fun! 

Pizza dinner will be provided. Cost is $5 a child or $10 for 2 or more children. Please contact the church office (630-968-7120) to register.

Chapel Hall
Sunday, December 1, 2013 - 3:00pm

The Giving Tree

The Giving TreeThe Giving Tree, which is now in the Parlor, gives you the opportunity to purchase  gifts for needy children, youth, and adults in our township and across the Northern Illinois Conference.  This year, we are supporting ChildServ, PADS, and the Peoples Resource Center. Just choose a tag marked with the name or initials of these agencies.

The gifts for all the agencies other than PADS should be returned with the tags firmly attached NO LATER THAN NOON ON SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1st. Gifts for PADS will continue to be collected into December. Contact Nancy Bifulco if you have any questions.

The Children and Family Ministries Work Area and the Church and Society Work Area sponsor the Giving Tree project. We hope that you will be able to help.

Thank you!

Preschool Registration

PreschoolChurch members (those who have taken the Membership Class and joined First United Methodist Church) can take advantage of early registration for next year's Preschool on December 1 and 3. Children must be either three or four years old by September 1 of 2014, with the classes beginning in early September and ending in the mid-May. 

Advent Family Workshop to Feed My Starving Children

Serving at Feed My Starving ChildrenGive the Gift of Life this Holiday Season

On December 14, as our Advent Family Workshop, we are inviting families to join us at  Feed My Starving Children in Aurora. This Christian organization runs high-energy sessions where we pack food for the neediest children around the world. As well as being a lot of fun, these sessions are really effective. Each volunteer packs an average of 216 meals - in 2012, FMSC sent 163 million meals to starving families. 

Sign up below or contact Sharon to RSVP (630.968.7120). No children under 5.

Sponsored by Children & Family Ministries

555 Exchange Court, Aurora, IL 60504
Saturday, December 14, 2013 - 2:00pm

Rally Day - September 8, 2013

Rally Day Worship

Today, September 8, we return to three services (8:15 in the chapel, 9:30 and 11:00 in the sanctuary). The 9:30 and 11:00 services will be special family worship for all ages. There will be no Sunday school but there will be nursery care at all three services. Regular Sunday school will begin on September 15.

Rally Day Lunch

At noon everyone is invited to come to the gym to enjoy a box lunch (sandwich, chips, dessert, and drink). Cost will be $5/adult and $3/child (12 and under). Please sign up by calling 630.968.7120 or emailing the church office by September 5. 

Rally Day Service Project

At about 12:45, after lunch, it would be greatly appreciated to have people help set up tables for the Sweet Repeat which is the United Methodist Women’s annual sale.

Rally Day Movie

The Children & Family Work Area has reserved the Tivoli Movie Theater for our Rally Day celebration. Everyone is invited to attend the movie The Muppet Movie (The original movie from 1979) that will be shown at 1:30 p.m. The movie is about a frog, Kermit, who travels to Hollywood to pursue a career in show business. Along the way, he picks up some others who become great friends and together they find success and become The Muppets! Each child (12 and under) who attends church on September 8 will receive a coupon for a Kiddie Combo (box with popcorn, snack and drink). The concession stand will also be open for anyone wanting to purchase snacks. The doors open at the Tivoli at 1:00 p.m. The movie is free for ALL (you don’t need a ticket) so please invite your friends and neighbors to come to church in the morning and to the movie in the afternoon!

Sunday, September 8, 2013 - 8:15am

United Methodist Women Observe Children's Sabbath - Blessing of the Backpacks

BackpackSunday, August 25, 2013 United Methodist Women will observe Children's Sabbath at the 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. worship services. Watch for children of all ages as they lead our worship services. They will be your greeters, ushers, lay readers, and special music providers. The message will be about children and John Smoke will provide the "blessing of the backpacks" during the time for children.

Please join us as we celebrate the youth in our congregation on this special Sunday.

2013 Vacation Bible School

Everywhere Fun Fair: Where God's World Comes Together!

Everywhere Fun Fair takes children to a global celebration with the look and feel of a world's fair. Children will make friends with neighbors around the world and discover that God's love can be found everywhere, including their own neighborhoods!

All children going into kindergarten through 6th grade are welcome to register for Vacation Bible School (VBS). The program will be Tuesday, Aug 6 - Thursday, Aug 8 from 9:00 – Noon each day. Each day will include fun activities with the Bible story, crafts, sports, snack, computer and science. Cost is $10 a child and $25 for families that have 3 or more children.

Please register by July 31st!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013 - 9:00am


Wacky Wednesdays is back!  This is a summer program for children going into 1st grade through 6th grade!  The mission of this program is to bring children together for a lot of fun and fellowship in a church community. Every child is welcome. Invite your children, grandchildren, children in your neighborhood, and children of friends---ALL CHILDREN ARE WELCOME! The program will meet on Wednesdays from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM starting on June 12 and there is NO cost! Parents are welcome to drop off their kids OR stay and enjoy the fun! Children are encouraged to bring one non-perishable food item each week to be donated to the Peoples Resource Center!      

Wednesday, June 12, 2013 - 6:30pm

Rescue in the Night - Children's Cantata

Connection, Chorister and Cherub Choirs



The Story of
Daniel in the Lions’ Den

Sunday, May 5 at the 9:30 & 11:00 Worship Services

Please come to worship on Sunday, May 5 to hear our children sing about the story of Daniel in the Lions' Den (with the Cherubs being the ferocious lions!). You are guaranteed to enjoy this lighthearted but faithful performance of the Biblical story of courage and obedience.


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