Onward Bound 2008-2009Onward Bound is our Youth Ministry for Junior High students. Through OB we hope to lead and support the students as they explore and develop of their faith and their relationships with God, with each other and with their community of faith. We do this through our Wednesday night meetings, Sunday School, special fellowship events and service to our church and the community throughout the year. For most students this leads to joining Downers Grove First United Methodist Church at the end of their 8th grade year. Goals of Onward BoundWe feel it is important for young people to work on developing their faith in such a way that it will become a solid resource for coping with the challenges of life, during the teenage years and, ultimately, for the rest of their lives. The goal of our Junior High Ministry is to build these resources and, in the process, make Disciples for Christ.
Church relationships are different from our other friendships because the tie that binds us together as a Church community is the spirit of God. You have only to see the Senior High Chapel choir sing on a Sunday morning one time to know that what holds that group of young people together is more than friendship. UMYF and Chapel Choir are both built on a long history of shared faith that began forming when they started "OB" in 7th Grade. Responsibility of ParentsPlease think seriously about enrolling your son or daughter in “Onward Bound” this year and, with him or her, make a commitment to work on your faith. As parents, you are a crucial part of your child’s journey. The 2007-08 OB year is going to be a big one. We will have 90+ students in the program. We need your help. As we live into our Safe Sanctuaries policy we need a "Shepherd" as well as a teacher in each room. Periodically there will be field trips and we will need drivers. We need someone to coordinate the acolyte schedule and parents to help with the acolytes on Sunday mornings also. Most importantly, have your child at Onward Bound every Wednesday evening, come with her or him to Worship and Sunday School, and be positive and supportive about our Church and the Onward Bound program. Onward Bound ProgramOnward Bound is comprised of a variety of activities which take place each week; these include the Wednesday evening service/class time, Sunday School, and Worship. We also have several other expectations that the youth will accomplish in order to successfully participate in and complete the Onward Bound program. Along with Wednesday evening attendance, all Confirmands will be expected to
Each Wednesday consists of the following:
There will be no “OB” dinner this year because of the kitchen and gym renovation. We know that this is an important part of the program and it will return as soon as the repairs are finished. Please feed your students before they come to choir or "OB". Important DatesOnward Bound meets most Wednesday evening from September 19, 2007 through March 19, 2008, with the exceptions listed below.
Sunday SchoolSunday School will be offered during the 9:30am hour in the Youth Lounge. We encourage youth to attend both worship and Sunday School on a regular basis. Opportunities for ServiceThe Connection ChoirThe Connection Choir offers service to the Church community by sharing in some of the Sunday morning worship services, the Ash Wednesday Worship Service and through the Spring Cantata. Wednesday Work CrewA small number of youth may participate as the work crew on Wednesdays. The work crew performs a variety of tasks related to preparing building areas for usage. Some activities include moving chairs and tables, shoveling snow, crushing cans, cleaning in the Sanctuary, replacing name tags and some office tasks. Youth who are interested must have a second choice as there are only three or four spots available on the work crew. Sunday School HelperHelpers are needed during the 9:30 or 11:00am Sunday School hour in the Nursery Suite or Preschool-Kindergarten rooms. Youth will be assigned to a one month session. AcolyteAcolytes process in with the ministers at the beginning of Worship, light the altar candles, sit on the pews to the sides of the altar, extinguish the candles at the end of Worship and recess out with the ministers following Worship. There is a training session and they will be able to choose 9:30am or 11:00am services. They will acolyte approximately 4 times during the year and may choose a partner with whom to acolyte. | Service Opportunities (PDF) | Acolyte Registration (PDF) | FeesAs we are not having dinner until the Gym and Kitchen renovation is complete there are no fees for Onward Bound at this time. However, there will be a fee of $10 to participate in the Connection Choir. Registration and Orientation SessionWednesday, September 12, 2008All youth who will be participating in Onward Bound must be registered, including returning students. Registration for 7th and 8th graders and Orientation for 7th Graders and new 8th Graders, will take place on Wednesday, September 12, 2007 from 6:30-8:00pm.
Please bring payment and forms, completed, to the Registration/Orientation on September 12th. If you are unable to attend on September 12th, you may mail or bring your registration to the Church Office before that date. |
Important DatesRegistration & OrientationSeptember 12, 2007 Ash WednesdayFebruary 6, 2007 Confirmation DinnerApril 5, 2007 Confirmation SundayApril 6, 2007 Forms
Service Opportunities (PDF) QuestionsIf you have any questions concerning the Onward Bound program, please contact the Youth Pastor:
Rev. Nick Nicholas |