Rally Day 2012!!!

Come one, come all! Help us kick off the beginning of our new quarter and the return of the 8:15, 9:30, and 11:00 worship services and our Chapel and Chancel Choirs this Sunday, September 9!

Rally Day usually marks the beginning of Sunday school classes for all ages. This year, however, we are planning something a little different. Sunday school will not begin until September 16 because of a special Rally Day worship service for all ages. Following the worship service, we have other things planned as well. See the schedule below:

  • 8:15 - Rally Day Worship in the Chapel
  • 9:30 - Rally Day Worship in the Sanctuary
  • 11:00 - Rally Day Worship in the Sanctuary
  • 12:00 - Lunch - $5/adult, $3/child 12 and under, sign up for lunch by calling or emailing the church office
  • 12:45 - Help set up tables for Sweet Repeat, many hands make light work!
  • 2:00 - Movie at the Tivoli: The Lorax, doors open at 1:30 with the movie starting at 2:00. Movie is free to all. Children who attend worship will receive a coupon for a free Kiddie Combo at the Tivoli
  • 4:00 - Junior High Ignite
  • 6:00 - Senior High Ignite

Don't forget to bring your shopping bag full of food to help stock the PRC pantry for fall! A list of needed items is attached below.

Sunday, September 9, 2012 - 8:15am

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