About Last Sunday...

Those of you who were in worship last Sunday know the service had some eventful aspects.

Some of them were planned.  It was a Together @ 10 Sunday, so the 10:00 service was blessed with an abundance of choirs - the Cherubs, the Choristers, the Connection, the Chapel and the Chancel Choirs all shared music!  On top of that, when you walked into the church building, the aroma of pancakes greeted you and lured you into a time of food and fellowship, before or after the service, with the youth-hosted Pancake Breakfast.  And one of the highlights of the morning was the receiving of new members into our congregation - what a delight to have Sue and Ian Imrie, and Amanda and Chase Bonnell, along with daughters Brynlee and Sloan, join with us in living out the call of Christ through this congregation!

Some of the eventful aspects were not so planned.  You may have noticed that both co-pastors were "missing in action."  My absence was expected - I had taken four ½ vacation days to be with our grandchildren while their parents were on a work trip.  Jim's absence was a surprise - even to him.  Though he managed to lead the 8:15 service, during the morning a health problem surfaced and he had to head to the hospital, asking John Smoke, with about 50 minutes' notice, to lead the 10:00 service.

John did a great job, reading the intriguing children's book "Old Turtle" as the message of the day, receiving the new members along with Membership Chair Judy Hanley, and melding your joys and concerns into a community prayer.  I've heard feedback from "he did a magnificent job!" to "we had a fun time together."  So - in ways not expected, the hope of every worship service was realized - a sense of being together in the presence of God, in wonder, fellowship, growth, and joy.  Thank you, John!

Jim was admitted to the hospital Sunday, had surgery early in the week, and was able to come home on Thursday.  The recuperation will take a while, and he'll be missing worship this coming Sunday as well.  But we thank you for your prayers and expressions of concern - he should be fine soon.

Ironically, the scripture for this coming Sunday is about what Jesus does when there is an unexpected turn of events during a worship service where he was doing some guest speaking.  His message gets completely sidetracked -- but the way he responds to that unwanted, "eventful moment" demonstrated to everyone there that they were in the presence of God, causing them to see each other more deeply, grow in their awareness of God's transforming power, and leave that place of worship filled with wonder.

Come to the 8:15, 9:30, or 11:00 service this Sunday and see what happens in Mark 1:21-28 "When Christ is in the Room."

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