Recent Posts by John Smoke


Working with the UMW, the theme for this year’s Children’s Sabbath Sunday is the idea of Unless. I think we all could come to some agreement that the world is struggling with some issues around caring for the environment; systemic racism; inequalities with health care and education, hunger, and homelessness; and the COVID-19 pandemic; along with many other issues that keep us from the world of love, peace, justice, and mercy that God desires for us.

Children's Sabbath Sunday

The United Methodist Women's group have planned the annual celebration of children and blessing of the backpacks for Sunday, August 23. On this special Sunday, our YouTube music before and after worship will feature children. Then, at the 10:00 a.m. Zoom worship service, we will include messages from children and the clergy about things that we can do to make the world a better place keeping with the theme from The Lorax by Dr. Seuss in mind.

Pastor John also will provide a blessing of the backpacks, so children should have their bags handy! We invite all to join us for this important and inspirational worship service as we think together what each one of us can do to care for the world.

Children’s Activities in the Park

As part of celebrating Children's Sabbath Sunday, there will be children's activities in Fishel Park from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. where we will follow our church's established health and safety guidelines for outdoor gatherings to help protect everyone. Read those guidelines here.

Registration is required and space is limited. Three time slots will be available: 3:00 - 3:30 p.m., 3:30 - 4:00 p.m., and 4:00 - 4:30 p.m. Please click on this link to sign-up for the event using the Eventbrite program.

Children will receive a number of special treats including a cookie baked especially for us by Julie Stone, a church member, a special face mask provided by the UMW, a stress ball, and a number of other activities like singing without singing and a photo booth!

More Than a Dream!

A few weeks ago, the air conditioner in our home broke down. It was a very hot weekend and not a great time for this to happen. So, I called a service person to come out to look at it and hopefully fix it. After about 15 minutes, the repair person came to me and said, “I have some bad new and I have some good news.”

Messy Church

Pastor John

Messy Church

Pastor John


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