Children's Home Page

DGFUMC provides a range of educational opportunities for children of all ages, including nursery care provided during worship hours, Pathfinders (Sunday School), and midweek family fellowship that is linked to children's choir rehearsals. The goal is to help children grow in faith, and become familiar with the Bible through a variety of methods, including storytelling and drama, music, video, games, science, cooking and art.

Super Saturdays

Super SaturdayDid you have fun at Wacky Wednesdays over the summer? If you did, then you will love Super Saturdays during the school year!

The Children and Family Work Area has planned five Super Saturdays!

The first one will be Saturday, November 5th from 6:30-8:00 in the church gym. This is for all children in 1st-6th grade. Just like with Wacky Wednesday there is no cost and EVERYONE is welcome.

The program for Nov. 5th will be Minute-To-Win-It games along with fun prizes. All children need to be signed-in and signed-out from Super Saturday events. Please invite friends from school, neighbors, family, friends, and anyone else you can think of!

Please help us to get the word out about this fun program by forwarding this email to all of your friends! Thank You! 

Sunday School Registration on Rally Day

On Rally Day, September 11, we invite all families to register for Sunday School over the coming year. We will have tables set up specially to receive registration cards and to direct you to the correct locations for your children. Every family needs to register annually; this is how we collect emergency contacts and allergy information for each child.

Yellow registration cards have been sent out to families who have already registered. If you would like to receive one, please contact the church office.

Rally Day Lunch

At noon, everyone is invited to the gym to enjoy lunch together. The menu will be hot dogs, fries, fruit, cookies, and lemonade. Cost will be $4/adult and $2/child (12 and under). Please sign up in the Parlor or by contacting the church office by September 4th.

Sunday, September 11, 2011 - 12:00pm

Rally Day Movie

Despicable MeThe Children and Family Work Area has reserved the Tivoli Movie Theater for our Rally Day celebration. Everyone that attends church and/or Sunday School on Rally Day, September 11th, will receive a ticket to the movie Despicable Me that will be shown at 1:30pm.

This movie is about a guy who wants to be the greatest villain of all time but in the process discovers a greater purpose for his life. In the words of the United Methodist Bishop, Rev. Sharon Rader, "God's surprises are better than our best laid plans."

The doors open at the Tivoli at 1:00pm. The concession stand will be open for anyone wanting to purchase snacks. 

Please invite your friends and neighbors to come to church in the morning and to the movie in the afternoon!

Tivoli Theater, Downers Grove
Sunday, September 11, 2011 - 1:00pm

Children's Sabbath

BackpackThe United Methodist Women of this church will celebrate an annual event, the Children's Sabbath, on August 28. It is appropriate that this takes place on the Sunday the congregation will be hearing about John Wesley. Mr.Wesley worked to improve the lives of children in England during his ministry. He was opposed to children working in the mines and other dangerous employment. He wanted children to be educated. Over the years, United Methodist Women and the church have been committed in missions and ministry to improving the lives of children and youth. Children will participate in the service. They may bring their school backpacks as there will be a Blessing of the Backpacks during the service.

Vacation Bible School

RaccoonIn this kid-friendly café full of chef's hats and aprons, pots and pans, and checkered tablecloths, kids explore the Bible as a cookbook filled with recipes for living out God's word. Through interactive lessons, that are easy for kids to apply to their lives today, boys and girls will celebrate biblical festivals that reveal ingredients for being a follower of God.

All children going into kindergarten through 6th grade are welcome to register for Vacation Bible School (VBS). The program will be Tuesday, Aug 2-Thursday, Aug 4 from 9:00 – Noon each day. Each day will include fun activities with the Bible story, crafts, sports, snack, computer and science. Cost is $10 a child and $25 for families that have 3 or more children. Please register by July 31st!

Wacky Wednesday

Wacky WednesdayJuly 27

Let’s finish off the season of Wacky Wednesdays with some fun with water!  There will be a variety of activities involving water including a water slid!!!  Families are encouraged to come and join in the fun!

Don’t forget your non-perishable food item!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011 - 6:30pm

Wacky Wednesday

Wacky WednesdayJuly 20

“Bonjour” – “Hola” – “Bon Giorno” – “Guten Tag”  --  “Zdravstvuite!”   Do you know what those words mean?  Each word means “Hello” in different language.  Come this evening to be with Language Stars and have fun learning and speaking a variety of different languages.  It will be a fun and educational event all at the same time!!!

Don’t forget your non-perishable food item!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011 - 6:30pm

Wacky Wednesday

Wacky WednesdayJuly 13

What do you get when you put together a magician, a ventriloquist, and a bunch of carnival games?   You get a crazy, fun, and magical evening evening!  Peter Krouwer, a magician and ventriloquist will be performing for us.   There will also be some carnival games and prizes!

Don’t forget your non-perishable food item!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011 - 6:30pm

Wacky Wednesday

Wacky WednesdayJuly 6

FIELD TRIP!!!  Let’s go on a trip to the firehouse on Main Street.  We will meet at the church and walk to the firehouse together.  This is the only Wednesday for which you need to sign-up because we can only take 30 children.  There will be a sign-up sheet in the church office.

Don’t forget your non-perishable food item!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011 - 6:30pm


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