40th Annual Chapel Choir Tour

The Chapel Choir started their 40th Annual Spring Break Tour on Sunday evening at Gary Memorial UMC in Wheaton. It was a great night. The youth group at Gary Church greeted us warmly with a pizza dinner. They sat at table with our students and strangers became friends. It felt like we were really on tour.

On Saturday, March 26 we will pack two 45 passenger motor coaches, the technical term for buses, and head east!

  • First stop the University of Michigan for lunch and tee shirts. Then to the Pontiac MI area, a concert at Waterford Central UMC Saturday evening.
  • Worship at both Grace & Peace UMC and Four Towns UMCs on Sunday and an afternoon at the Henry Ford Museum.
  • Monday we cross the border at Sarnia ON, Lunch in London and singing at St Paul’s United Church in Oakville ON.
  • Tuesday we play in Niagara Falls.
  • Wednesday we arrive in Toronto for a concert at Humber Valley United Church.
  • For years, the choir has wanted a beach, so on Thursday we’ll goback to Niagara Falls and spend the morning at an indoor water park. A concert at First Baptist Church of London ON Thursday evening will be our last in Canada.
  • On Friday, we enter the USA at Port Huron MI. Our last tour concert will be at First UMC Birmingham MI.

Watch for updates on the DGFUMC web site!!

Come see the Chapel Choir perform their tour concert here at home on Sunday, April 3 at 4:00pm and 7:00pm.

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