October 13, 2012 - 8:21am
I haven’t, and as far as I know neither has John Smoke. Unfortunately for us, that is all about to change! You may have heard us engaging in some good-spirited competitive conversations or seen the posters on the church walls with pies surrounding our faces. This Sunday, pies will be thrown. But what’s it all about?
This Sunday, October 14th, First UMC is teaming up with churches and organization all around the area to walk in the annual CROP Walk. This walk drums up financial and moral support for a variety of organizations that seek to fight hunger in our local communities, our nation, and around the world. After hearing about the walk, I immediately knew I wanted to help out and was positive that others would, too. I talked to John and found out that he was positive others would want to help as well. We were both SO positive that we decided to enter into a friendly challenge between our ministries. So, this Sunday, whoever has more students from his or her ministry (for John that’s Kindergarteners-5th Grade, for me it’s 6th-12th graders) walking alongside him or her in the walk, gets to throw pies in the other person’s face.