
Senior High Mission Trip to Atlanta Georgia

Our Senior High group is going on it's annual Mission Trip. This year we are going to Georgia to be a part of DOOR Atlanta (Discovering Opportunities for Outreach and Reflection). Through DOOR's Discover program, groups spend time serving with a variety of local agencies and ministries and learning through evening speakers and activities.

Atlanta, Georgia
Saturday, July 13, 2019 - 5:00am

Wash and Worship

A Wash and Worship youth car wash will take place Sunday morning, July 7 and Sunday, August 18 beginning at 8:00 a.m.

Have your car washed while you attend worship services! 

All donations received benefit youth ministries.

Parking Lot
Sunday, July 7, 2019 - 8:00am

Youth & Parents Summer Activities Meeting

Parents and youth are invited to an informational meeting on May 15 to learn about all the opportunities to stay connected with your friends, continue to grow your faith, and earn credits for tour and mission trips this summer.

There will be a chance to register for these activities, Including sign-ups for the Tent Program.

Open Door Youth Center
Wednesday, May 15, 2019 - 6:00pm

One Body with Many Parts

This week in worship, we will be focusing on togetherness. As we join for one service at 10:00 a.m. with both the Chapel Choir and Chancel Choir, we worship and walk together in faith with our confirmation class. It seems like more than ever before our culture is very divided!  In some instances, it is difficult to have meaningful conversations with people we love because our views may be polar opposite.

Adopt-a-Stream Annual River Clean-up

The Downers Grove First United Methodist Church has adopted a section of St. Joseph Creek located north of Curtiss Street and east of Walnut Avenue about two miles west of our church property. On Saturday, May 18, we’ll gather to clean up the creek by picking up trash along the banks. Please mark your calendar to come and volunteer!

The Adopt-a-Stream program is administered by DuPage County in partnership with The Conservation Foundation, a local nonprofit dedicated to preserving natural areas and rivers and promoting stewardship of the environment. The May 18 clean-up day will be part of their annual DuPage River Sweep.

All you’ll need to bring are waterproof boots (or shoes that you don’t mind getting muddy) and work gloves, if you have them. Tools, water, and snacks will be provided. This is a great activity for kids to participate in with a parent or guardian.

Sign-up sheets will be available in the parlor, or you can email Vera Miller at to RSVP.

See attached flyer for more information.

Saturday, May 18, 2019 - 9:00am

Wash and Worship

A Wash and Worship youth car wash will take place Sunday morning, July 7.

Have your car washed while you attend worship services! 

All donations received benefit youth ministries.

Parking Lot
Sunday, July 7, 2019 - 9:00am

Youth BBQ End-of-Year Celebration

Join us for a Youth BBQ End-of-Year Celebration! The Chapel Choir will sing and we'll play games! 

Please note that, due to the uncertain weather, this event is being held in the church gym.

Sunday, May 19, 2019 - 11:30am

Chapel Choir Tour Home Concert

Welcome home the Chapel Choir from the 2019 Choir Tour, God is Greater than the Waves. The choir spent Spring Break travelling to the Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas area asharing God's message through music and scripture. You are invited to share in their message at this special home concert in the Sanctuary. 

Sunday, March 31, 2019 - 4:00pm

United Church of Rogers Park Mission Trip

Join us for our annual trip to United Church of Rogers Park for youth entering grades 7 in the fall through graduating seniors. We will be helping with the Kids Club.

United Church of Rogers Park, 1545 West Morse Avenue, Chicago, IL 60626
Monday, July 29, 2019 - 9:00am

Never2Young Jr. High Youth Conference

May 3-4, 2019, Indiana Wesleyan University

For Youth in grades 6th-8th

More info at:

Departing from Upper Parking Lot:  Friday at 12:30 p.m. – youth will need to get out-of-school early that day

Returning: Saturday, approx. 7:00 p.m.

Fees and registration information will be coming soon. Make checks out to DGFUMC. Space is limited, first come first serve.   

Bring Registration forms to the church office or give them to Deacon Wes. 

Indiana Wesleyan University, Marion, IN
Friday, May 3, 2019 - 12:30pm


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