Youth Home Page

The Youth Ministry Program of First United Methodist Church in Downers Grove seeks to provide opportunities to grow in faith, connect with others, and nurture service oriented individuals to live out Christ's love in the world. We provide a number of opportunities for youth in the community.

Chapel Choir Welcome Supper and First Rehearsal

ATTENTION: High School Students and Parents!

You are cordially invited to attend the Chapel Choir kick-off dinner and informational meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 31 in the DGFUMC gym. Our FIRST REHEARSAL will follow from 7-8:15pm.

This annual event signals the start of another exciting year for Chapel Choir, highlighted by the 2017 Spring Break Tour to New Orleans.  Weekly rehearsals begin Wednesday, September 7 at 7:00 p.m.

We encourage you to invite friends to share a meal and learn about plans and activities for the coming year.  All 9th-12th grade students are welcome. There will be registration cards and permission/medical forms to complete, as well as several volunteer sign-up sheets.  The tentative calendar will be discussed and pertinent information distributed. There will also be ample opportunity to have your questions answered. 

To assist with logistics, please let Sheila ( know how many will be attending by Monday, August 29.

Church Gym
Wednesday, August 31, 2016 - 6:00pm

Youth End of Summer Lock-In

Bring a Snack and/or 2-Liter of Soda to Share!

ALSO: Bring sleeping bag/pillow and sleeping mat/air mattress as we will be going horizontal by 3am

PERMISSION FORM attached!  (Permission Form is not needed if we have a 2015-2016 Ignite Permission form already on file for you)


Open Door Youth Center
Friday, August 19, 2016 - 8:00pm

Youth Laser Tag Outing

LaserTag Outing!  (Adventure Real’s Knight’s Quest Laser Tag), Wednesday, July 20th, Meet at the church at 3:30pm, back around 7:00pm. $10 for 3 games, bring extra money if you would like concessions or more games. $4 for additional games.


Sign-up HERE:


Wednesday, July 20, 2016 - 3:30pm

Ignite Youth Group

Youth Group for youth entering grades 7th through 12th in the Fall


Open Door Youth Center
Sunday, July 17, 2016 - 6:00pm

Ignite Youth Group

Youth Group for youth entering grades 7th through 12th in the Fall

Featuring 9 Squire in the Air

Visit Cocomero afterwards - bring $5 or so

Open Door Youth Center
Sunday, June 26, 2016 - 6:00pm

Campbell UMC Youth Choir Summer Tour Concert

Join us as we welcome the Campbell United Methodist Church Youth Choir from Springfield, MO as they present their Summer Choir Tour 2016 concert, Fearless.

Sunday, June 12, 2016 - 7:00pm

Crossflame Youth Choir Summer Tour Concert

Be sure to join us as we welcome the Crossflame Youth Choir for a Saturday night concert. Crossflame is an active youth choir from St. Luke's United Methodist Church in Hickory, North Carolina, with students representing five counties in western NC. 

This award-winning ensemble will present a worship concert based upon the theme Blessed are the Peacemakers, featuring music by Dan McClure, John Rutter, Mark Miller, Caldwell and Ivory and Dan Goeller

We hope you will join us!.

Saturday, June 18, 2016 - 7:00pm

Wash and Worship

The final Wash and Worship youth car wash of summer 2016 will take place Sunday morning, August 21.

Have your car washed while you attend worship!

All donations received benefit youth ministries.

Sunday, August 21, 2016 - 8:00am

Wash and Worship

The first Wash and Worship youth car wash of summer 2016 will take place Sunday morning, June 12.

Have your car washed while you attend worship!

All donations received benefit youth ministries.

Sunday, June 12, 2016 - 8:00am

Sr. High Youth Mission Trip to Cincinnati, Ohio

Our Sr. High Mission Trip this year will be going to Cincinnati to work with Group Missions' Week of Hope.

Teenagers learn Christ-like empathy and compassion as they meet the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of disadvantaged children, youth, and adults. Five days of service. A lifetime of rewards.

Scholarships are available. Participation in Car Washes, Pancake Breakfast and the In-Tent Ministry can drastically off-set the cost. Trip will include a couple excursions to be determined later.

Cincinnati, Ohio
Sunday, July 24, 2016 - 7:30am


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