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United Methodist Church
General Conference 2004

Pittsburgh, April 27–May 7

General Board of Church and Society

Like other areas of the church, the General Board of Church and Society (GBCS) will introduce legislation and resolutions at the General Conference. There are nearly 2 dozen proposed disciplinary changes and more than 50 resolutions. It isn’t possible to go into detail on the proposals, but I’ll try and highlight a few. The full text of the proposed disciplinary changes and resolutions is available on the GBCS web site, or you can call me and I’ll send you the one in which you are interested.

The proposal topics include Rights of Persons with Disabilities; right to health care; trade and investment; rights of women; education; the death penalty; facilitating advocacy work; church and state relations; freedom and human rights; political responsibility; and human sexuality.

I’m lifting up 3 changes that are important to me regarding the death penalty, homosexuality and peace. The following is being proposed regarding the Death Penalty.

“We believe the death penalty denies the power of Christ to redeem, restore and transform all human beings. The United Methodist Church is deeply concerned about crime throughout the world and the value of any life taken by a murder or homicide. We believe all human life is sacred and divinely created by God and therefore, we must see all human life as significant and valuable. When governments implement the death penalty (capital punishment), then the life of the convicted person is devalued and all possibility of change in that person’s life ends. We believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and that the possibility of reconciliation with Christ comes through repentance. This gift of reconciliation is offered to all individuals without exception and gives all life new dignity and sacredness. For this reason, we oppose the death penalty (capital punishment) and urge its elimination from all criminal codes.”

The following changes are being recommended regarding human sexuality.

  • Delete -"Although we do not condone the practice of homosexuality and consider this practice incompatible with Christian teaching. “
  • Retain “Although faithful Christians disagree on the compatibility of homosexual practice with Christian teaching, we affirm that God’s grace is available to all.”

Regarding military service the following changes are being proposed.

  • Amend ¶ 164G – “The Political Community” G) Military Service- (after Christians in the first paragraph). We also acknowledge that most many Christians regretfully realize believe that when peaceful alternatives have failed, the force of arms may regretfully be preferable to unchecked aggression, tyranny and genocide.

Resolutions include (to name a few):

  1. God’s Creation and the Church
  2. The United Methodist Mental Illness Network
  3. Faithful Care For the Dying; Ministries in Mental Illness
  4. Principles of Welfare Reform
  5. Public Education and the Church
  6. Native American Economic Development
  7. Campaign Finance Reform
  8. Bioethics Task Force Report
  9. Gambling
  10. Homelessness in the US
  11. Humanitarian Impact of Sanctions
  12. Nuclear Safety
  13. Oppose Food and Medicine Blockades or Embargoes
  14. Ratification of UN Treaties
  15. Tobacco Marketing

The GBCS, like the United Methodist Women, General Commission on the Status and Role of Women, and the General Commission on Religion and Race, finds itself under attack from the conservative organization the Institute on Religion and Democracy (IRD). The IRD would like to abolish the GBCS, thus end the long Methodist tradition of social witness. The prime responsibility of the GBCS is to seek the implementation of the Social Principles and other policy statements of the General Conference on Christian Social Concerns. The IRD makes false claims against the GBCS that it "injects its own slanted political judgment."

I don’t envy the task of the Delegates to the 2004 General Conference. They are faced with so many decisions that will affect our Church. Let us pray that delegates are careful and generous in their consideration. And pray that each keep Love, as taught us by Jesus, as their goal.

Angela Loveless


UMC General Conference 2004

Pastor's Columns

May 17, 2004

Rev. Deborah Fisher

May 24, 2004

Rev. Deborah Fisher

June 14, 2004

Rev. Deborah Fisher

Guest Columns


Verla Boyle

The Book of Discipline

Verla Boyle

Moving Forward Under Fire

John Gillham

This Holy Mystery

Deborah Fisher

The Women's Division

Lenore Pitstick

Church and Society

Angela Loveless

War and Peace

Josh Paskiewicz

Church and Homosexuality

Nick Nicholas

Finance and Administration

Lonnie Chafin

Letter from the Pastor

Rev. Deborah Fisher
February 9, 2004


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