Pastor's ColumnMay 17, 2004 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, During the next several weeks I am going to use this column to share with you some of the statements/actions that came from General Conference. The General Conference of the United Methodist Church meets every four years with 1000 lay and clergy delegates from around the world to consider resolutions and possible changes to the Book of Discipline. This year the Council of Bishops drafted this resolution: Whereas, the prophet Micah reminds us that God “shall judge between many peoples, and shall arbitrate strong nations far away,” and calls nations to “beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks,” that nations will no longer “lift up sword against nation, and neither shall they learn war any more” (Micah 4:3); and Whereas, The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church states that “we deplore war” and urge “peaceful settlement of all disputes” (para. 164 G); and Whereas, the continuing loss of Iraqi civilian lives, especially children and the increasing death toll among United States, coalition military and civilian personnel in Iraq grieves the heart of God; and, Whereas, the cycle of violence in which the United States is engaged has created a context for the denigration of human dignity and gross violations of human rights of Iraqi prisoners of war; Therefore, the Council of Bishops of the United Methodist Church: 1. Laments the continued warfare by the United States and coalition forces. 2. Prays for military personnel and their families who have sacrificed as a result of this war and for a swift end to the destruction and violence raging in Iraq. 3. Requests the United Nations to establish a legitimate transitional government of Iraq to maintain the peace and safeguard sustainable development efforts. 4. Calls for the rebuilding of Iraq and other nations in the Middle East through a multinational development plan that honors the participation of the peoples of the region and gives them hope for the future. 5. Invites United Methodists throughout the world to pray for a new era of peace and to advocate for public policies that promote justice, life, and reconciliation among adversaries.
Joy and Peace, |
Pastor's ColumnsMay 17, 2004Rev. Deborah Fisher May 24, 2004Rev. Deborah Fisher June 14, 2004Rev. Deborah Fisher Guest ColumnsIntroductionVerla Boyle The Book of DisciplineVerla Boyle Moving Forward Under FireJohn Gillham This Holy MysteryDeborah Fisher The Women's DivisionLenore Pitstick Church and SocietyAngela Loveless War and PeaceJosh Paskiewicz Church and HomosexualityNick Nicholas Finance and AdministrationLonnie Chafin Letter from the Pastor
Rev. Deborah Fisher