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United Methodist Church
General Conference 2004

Pittsburgh, April 27–May 7

The Women's Division

The following information has been taken from the Women’s Division web site, <http://gbgm-umc.org/umw/> and the book United Methodism @ Risk: A Wake-up Call by Leon Howell.

The Women’s Division (the national mission agency of United Methodist Women) has been an integral structural and administrative entity within the mission board of the denomination since 1940. The Women’s Division’s authority, responsibilities, structure, and placement in the “mission agency” of the church have been determined by the General Conference and set forth in The Book of Discipline. The “Pledge to Mission,” undesignated gifts given by members of the UMW, is the primary source of funds for the mission program administered by the Women’s Division through the Board of Global Ministries. These gifts are not general church funds.

The Good News/Renew Network, unofficial organizations of the denomination, are bringing several petitions to General Conference that are meant to undermine the work of United Methodist Women and the Women’s Division. There are 4 petitions:

  1. Women’s Division subject to the “Discipline”:
    The Women’s Division is already governed by The Book of Discipline. This proposal is designed to limit women’s voice by making the Board of Global Ministries have final approval over Women’s Division’s activities.
  2. Purpose of the Women’s Division:
    Renew Network is critical of Women’s Division’s support of interfaith dialogue that seeks to enhance understanding between faith groups. Renew would end such dialogue, shifting focus only to converting people to Christ.
  3. Women’s Division Membership:
    This proposal would require 5 of the 50 members of the Women’s Division to be elected by nominations from the floor of General Conference. The Women’s Division does not relate to the total church membership or to total church structures in the same manner as other general agencies of the church. Rather, the division relates directly to those women who have joined the organization of UMW and are committed to its Purpose.
  4. Women’s Division Financial Accountability:
    This proposal would call for changes in the spending patterns of UMW/Women’s Division. Currently, they are allowed by the Discipline to raise and spend their own money. Under this proposal, the Women’s Division would become a place for women to add to the coffers of the denomination without a leading say in how the money is spent.

These petitions may sound benign, but they are intended to gut the Women’s Division of the role they have held since its inception.

While the Women’s Division is busy responding to the Good News/Renew Network petitions, it is also busy carrying out its purpose.

The purpose of the Women’s Division is mission—mission that affirms the wholeness of the gospel of Jesus Christ and our commitment to proclaiming that gospel in its many forms. Some of these forms are reflected in the new resolutions submitted by the Women’s Division to General Conference. These include Compensation for “Comfort Women”; Global Racism and Xenophobia: Impact on Women, Children and Youth; Greed; In Defense of International Law and Cooperation; Protection of Water; and Teen Sexual Identity and Suicide Risk. Please refer to the Women's Division web site for further details on these resolutions.

Lenore Pitstick


UMC General Conference 2004

Pastor's Columns

May 17, 2004

Rev. Deborah Fisher

May 24, 2004

Rev. Deborah Fisher

June 14, 2004

Rev. Deborah Fisher

Guest Columns


Verla Boyle

The Book of Discipline

Verla Boyle

Moving Forward Under Fire

John Gillham

This Holy Mystery

Deborah Fisher

The Women's Division

Lenore Pitstick

Church and Society

Angela Loveless

War and Peace

Josh Paskiewicz

Church and Homosexuality

Nick Nicholas

Finance and Administration

Lonnie Chafin

Letter from the Pastor

Rev. Deborah Fisher
February 9, 2004


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