2014 Myrtle Beach Tour - Day 1

The Choir members and adults met at the church shortly after 4AM (AM-that means the sun has not woken up yet).  We are learning quickly to become flexible in our planning process.  A mis-communication has us expecting the bus 30 minutes before the correct arrival time.  But we adjusted and had our group meeting and prayers prior to loading the bus.  The bus arrived just as we were finishing our prayers.  We loaded the bus and said final goodbyes to the family members present.  Other parts of the country also have the 5th season, Construction Season.  Our 8 hour drive to Nashville was quickly slowing down.  Everyone adjusted and left the driving to the Bus Driver and grabbed another snack.  Just north of Nashville, traffic backed up and was at a complete standstill for 3 hours due to a trafic accident that closed the highway.  We made it to Brentwood United Methodist Church and gave a short concert to the families that prepared dinner and were housing the children for the night.  Overall it was a good day and we did make new friends in Nashville/Brentwood.

Bob Walters

ps.  More blogs and pictures will be posted tomorrow night.

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