Tour Blogger's blog

Tour 2017

Day 1 - Manchester, Missouri


Tour 2017

Day 1 - Manchester, Missouri

Tour 2017

Day 1 - Manchester, Missouri

Tour 2016 - Day 6

Today we woke up in New York City. Some of us woke up a little earlier and went on a private tour of the Good Morning America control room. We saw where the directors and assistant directors talked with the television staff while they were live in air! Once everyone was packed and grabbed whatever breakfast, whethwr it was from the Starbucks on the same street as the hotel or food from the Dunham's, we headed out for Pennsylvania. We had a total of about 4 hours of driving, or in other words, 4 hours of exhausted New York kids sleeping on the bus.

Tour 2016 - Day 6

Today we woke up in New York City. Some of us woke up a little earlier and went on a private tour of the Good Morning America control room. We saw where the directors and assistant directors talked with the television staff while they were live in air! Once everyone was packed and grabbed whatever breakfast, whethwr it was from the Starbucks on the same street as the hotel or food from the Dunham's, we headed out for Pennsylvania. We had a total of about 4 hours of driving, or in other words, 4 hours of exhausted New York kids sleeping on the bus.

Day 4 & 5

After two days in NYC we are in the road for the return leg of our trip. According to our pedometers we walked more than 24 miles in two days and that doesn't include all the miles we spent on the subway. Our time in NYC started with a ride into Manhattan on the Staten Island Ferry after which we toured the 9/11 Memorial and One World Trade Center.

Tour 2016 - Day 2

In the morning we had the Easter service where we lit the candles and we're all participating in the service by reading scriptures individually. Afterwords we were able to have individualized omelets made by the boy scouts that were a part of the church for breakfast. Then we got on the bus and drove to get lunch. Pennsylvania's fast food does not taste the same as Chicago's. Then we got back on the bus to go to the nursing home and we were almost late. We had to cut some songs so that everyone could eat dinner on time but the performance still went well.

2016 Tour - Day 1

Day 1,
It was an early morning for us all, especially the seniors. We woke up at 3 or so to meet up at IHOP for pancakes.


After the bus was all loaded up, the journey started. We all slept for most of the ride and made it safe and sound to Ohio State University where Jill Loveless gave us a wonderful tour of her campus.

Pre-Tour Summary

Tour 2016 - Testify to Love

Testify to Love

2016 Chapel Choir Tour


Please Follow us on our daily blog as we give highlights of our adventures.  We will reveal interesting facts and highlights we learn each day.  Members of the Blog Crew this year are Kotomi Crabdree, Wes Davenport, Lily Dunn, and Sam Prazma.

Schedule for the 45th Annual Chapel Choir Tour

Pre-Tour Concert

March 20, 2016  -  Baker Memorial UMC - St. Charles, IL.

Tour Schedule


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