Tour Blogger's blog

Saturday arrival

We are anticipating arrival tomorrow around 9:00 AM

Saturday arrival

We are anticipating arrival tomorrow around 9:00 AM

2015 Tour - Day 5

On the 5th day of tour we went to the beach and had a concert! In the morning we got to the church after a great first night with our host families. After our daily morning routine of the annocments and Howie's verse of the day we opened letters from our families. It was a very emotional time for us because we miss our families. Than we got on the bus and went to the beach and it was the perfect day for the beach. We laid our stuff down as soon as we could and got in the water. The water was cold when you first got in but after awhile it was nice.

2015 Tour - Day 4

Today our host families drove us back to their church at 7:30am in order for our group to gather up. After talking about the day's scripture and reading the day's letter from previous seniors on tour, we started the drive toward the zip lining course& conuing/kayaking place. A good portion of the group went zip lining, but also another went kayaking/conuing instead. The zip lining course reached over 60ft high at times, and the grand finale line was a good 900feet long. Everybody seemed to love the three hours of zipping over the beautiful woods, and a clear river at the end!

2015 Tour- Day 3

Today is day 3 of tour.  We all had to leave Tallassee to head off to Pascagoula, MS.  The bus ride wasn't too long but not the shortest ever.  When we stopped at the mall for lunch, a good number of us rented and raced animal scooters around the halls. 

Then we sang at our concert and ate some delicious food at the Church.  It was Hunter's birthday so naturally we all sang Happy Birthday as slowly as possible. And it was off to our host families for the night!

2015 Tour- Day 2

March 29th.

Yesterday we sang at the 8 and 10am services at the First United Methodist Church in Murfreesboro, AL.  It was an early morning after having a performance the previous night.  The church was huge with a lot of cool glasswork.  We sang four songs each service and then packed up.

We then arrived at the First UMC in Tallassee, AL with about 20 minutes until the concert started. We had to all change quick and review where we were seating.  We put on a great show & added in a skit to our performance.  

2015 Tour: Day 1

Wow! It has been an amazing tour so far! It has only been one day and so much has happened! After an early start yesterday and a long bus ride full of snacks, movies, sleeping, and laughs, it was good to be able to get off the bus and stretch our legs in Murfreesboro, TN.

2015 Chapel Choir Pre-Tour Concert

March 22-  The Chapel Choir performed their pre-tour concert at Lemont First United Methodist Church.   Great job everyone!   Great way to start the 2015 "We Believe" Tour!


2015 Chapel Choir Tour - Pensacola

Tour Schedule:

March 28: Murfreesboro , TN

March 29: Tallassee , AL

March 30: Pascagoula , MS

March 31: Pensacola, FL

April 2: Tuscaloosa, AL

April 3: Paducah, KY

April 4: Arrive at Church

Tour 2014 Connections - Part 2

Tour 2014 Connections: We continued our DG connection in Frankfort last night. We met Mrs. Crowe last night. She has 2 grandchildren in the DG school system in junior high and grade school.

Please join us for our complete home concert Sunday at 4:00 PM.


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