Tour Blogger's blog

Tour 2014 Connections

Tour 2014 - Connections:  Downers Grove is a small suburb of Chicago that has sent it's ambassadors out to many places in the world.  We are giving this tour a nickname - The Ambassador Tour.  We have been introduced to at least one person at each of our concert locations.  Many of these connections are through members of our church.  

1 Brentwood
Lauren Dortwegt Wilson

2 Hendersonville
Lillian Ficht
Teri Quaintance
Cindy Roselieb
Angela Loveless

3 Seneca
George Feuerschwenger

4 Clemson
Mrs. Williams graduated in 59

Tour 2014 Day 6 & 7

June 18. We have completed 2 fantastic days in Myrtle Beach and are traveling to Hickory N.C.  Tuesday was spent at the Atlantic Ocean and Water Park.  A few made brief excursions into the water park for the tube and slides but quickly retreated to the waves.  After 5 or so hours, I don't think any of us will need salt added to our diets for at least a month.

Day 2 Choir Tour

At the end of Day 2, we recall a multitude of accomplishments that we did not foresee.   Our bus driver received the nickname, Mr. Wonderful, a few years ago from another choir ensemble.  They were traveling in the New England area during a series of winter snowstorms, Jeff made them a promise that they would not have to have to suffer walking through a storm while dressed in their long black gowns.  The week of storms took pause each time they gave their concerts.   Mr. Wonderful travels took us through 5 different states and some heavy rain storms.  Just as his name promised, the rains would stop for each of our travel and lunch breaks.

Day 1 Choir Tour

Kick off at DGFUMC with introduction of bus driver Jeff, goodbyes to family and blessing of the tour by Katie Kiss.  All the luggage, equipment and food were packed on the bus for departure at 6 AM.  We toured Southern Illinois University campus upon arrival in Carbondale.  Dinner was provided by members of the Carbondale United Methodist Church.  They served the world’s best smoked barbeque baked beans, pulled pork, salad and many fresh vegetables.  Red velvet cake and brownies were served to celebrate birthdays for Kelsey, Leah, Luke and Rebecca.  Then we left with our host families and had a great time. I know from my first experience that the families were fantastic.  I slept well and woke up to eggs and bacon.  It doesn’t get much better than that.  The church showed us great hospitality and we all are truly grateful to be a part of their service this morning.

Tour 2013 - Telling Our Story

A Journey to Grace

Saturday morning, March 23, parents, grandparents and friends will be sending a wonderful group of young people to the city of New Orleans.  These young men and women will share their voices and the word of God each day until they return on March 30.  We will communicate with you each day with short messages about the activities we have participated in during the day.  In the past, we found that the ability to post a blog entry each day may be technically challenged.  This year we are adding Facebook and Twitter to our communication tools.  I am not very savvy with these newer electronic forms of communication, so wish us luck.Grant Dunderman and Wes Davenport will be coordinating our communications with you during our tour.  We hope our stories entertain and inform as we travel across the country.  We will be transported into a new world as we enter the Bayou country of south Louisiana.


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