Tour 2016 - Day 6

Today we woke up in New York City. Some of us woke up a little earlier and went on a private tour of the Good Morning America control room. We saw where the directors and assistant directors talked with the television staff while they were live in air! Once everyone was packed and grabbed whatever breakfast, whethwr it was from the Starbucks on the same street as the hotel or food from the Dunham's, we headed out for Pennsylvania. We had a total of about 4 hours of driving, or in other words, 4 hours of exhausted New York kids sleeping on the bus. Finally, we had arrived at Bethany Retirement Village in Mechanigsburg, Pennsylvania! We were excited to see that we had the biggest crowd so far. Everyone had a wonderful performance, and all the speaking parts and solos sounded better than ever! After the performance, we all got the chance to speak to some of the people who live there. It was such a blessing and wonderful opportunity we had to get to know the audience and hear all their sweet compliments. We even got to hear stories about when some of the residents were in their own church choir at ourbon age!

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