Children's Home Page

DGFUMC provides a range of educational opportunities for children of all ages, including nursery care provided during worship hours, Pathfinders (Sunday School), and midweek family fellowship that is linked to children's choir rehearsals. The goal is to help children grow in faith, and become familiar with the Bible through a variety of methods, including storytelling and drama, music, video, games, science, cooking and art.

Wacky Wednesday

Wacky WednesdayJune 15

School is out...let’s party!  Coach Josh from the Downers Grove Park District will be our DJ for the evening.   This will be a great way to start the summer!  There will be great music, fun games, lots of dancing, lemonade, and other treats!

Don’t forget your non-perishable food item!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011 - 6:30pm

Summer Sunday School

All the children going into 1st grade through 6th grade this coming fall are encouraged to attend a special Summer Sunday school program called "What's In The Bible?" Starting this Sunday, June 5th, the 1st-6th graders will go with me to room 217 following the children's sermon in worship. "What's In The Bible?" is a 12 week program where children will explore many important questions such as:

  • How is it (the Bible) put together?
  • Who wrote the Bible?
  • Who chose the books in the Bible?
  • What is salvation?
  • What is a "Pentateuch"?

along with many other questions. The curriculum offers a DVD segment followed by discussion and activities. It will be a fun and learning time for our children. I would also welcome any Junior High and High School students who would like to help. One change this summer is that there will be no Sunday school class for the preschool/kindergarten age children. There will of course be nursery care for infants through kindergarten children each week at 8:30 and 10:00.

Wacky Wednesdays

Wacky WednesdayWacky Wednesdays Are Back!

This is a summer program will begin on June 15 and is for children going into 1st grade through 6th grade! The mission of this program is to bring children together for a lot of fun and fellowship in a church community. Every child is welcome. Invite your children, grandchildren, children in your neighborhood, and children of friends---ALL CHILDREN ARE WELCOME! The program will meet on Wednesdays from 6:30PM to 8:00PM and there is NO cost! Parents are welcome to drop off their kids OR stay and enjoy the fun! Children are encouraged to bring one non-perishable food item each week to be donated to the Peoples Resource Center!

The only registration is for the trip to the firehouse on July 6, otherwise come to one Wednesday or come to them all—whatever fits in your schedule!  For more information contact John Smoke (630-968-7120).  See the link below for a full schedule of events.  Otherwise, watch for weekly updates below.


Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible SchoolIn this kid-friendly café full of chef's hats and aprons, pots and pans, and checkered tablecloths, kids explore the Bible as a cookbook filled with recipes for living out God's word. Through interactive lessons, that are easy for kids to apply to their lives today, boys and girls will celebrate biblical festivals that reveal ingredients for being a follower of God.

All children going into kindergarten through 6th grade are welcome to register for Vacation Bible School (VBS). The program will be Tuesday, Aug 2-Thursday, Aug 4 from 9:00 – Noon each day. Each day will include fun activities with the Bible story, crafts, sports, snack, computer and science. Cost is $10 a child and $25 for families that have 3 or more children. Please register by July 31st!

VBS Registration Details

Tuesday, August 2, 2011 - 9:00am

No Sunday School on May 1

This Sunday, May 1st, there will be NO Sunday school. There will be nursery care. Sunday is a special day in the life of our church. It is the annual children's cantata in worship. Many of the children will be singing in it. I am encouraging those who aren't singing to attend with their families.

Let us make this Sunday, a time to worship together as families!

Children's Activities on Palm Sunday

PalmsSpecial Opportunity for Children!

This Sunday, April 17, Palm Sunday, all children (3 year old through 6th grade) are invited to help decorate the wall between Fellowship Hall and Chapel Hall. Members of the Children and Family Work Area will be assisting children to put their handprint on the wall. We will be using different colors of water-based paint.

At 9:30 the 3 year old, 4 & 5 year old, and kindergarten class will begin in their regular classrooms. The 1st-4th grade classes will begin in the parlor. After the procession of palms in the sanctuary, the teachers and shepherds will lead the children down to the gym. The teachers and other adults will assist the children with their handprints on the wall. The 3 year old, 4 & 5 year old, and kindergarten classes will then return to their normal classrooms where parents can pick-up their children following the worship service. The 1st through 4th grade classes will remain in the gym where parents can pick them up.

At 11:00 the preschool through kindergarten class will start in their regular classroom. The 1st-6th graders will meet in the parlor. After the procession of palms in the sanctuary, all children will go to the gym for the handprint project. The preschool through kindergarten class will then return to their classroom. The 1st-6th will remain in the gym.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. I look forward to a wonderful Palm Sunday!

Children's Cantata

The Old Testament - Fast Forward

The Old Testmant, Fast Forward is another fun musical piece. It covers many Old Testament stories told with humor while preserving the overall theme of God’s unending love for us. The Connection, Chorister, Cherub, and Angel Choirs will take part in these performances during the 9:30 and 11:00am worship services.

Sunday, May 1, 2011 - 9:30am

DGFUMC 2011 Summer Camp

Got SpiritJune 27-July 1

Wesley Woods Camp, Williams Bay, Wisconsin

The First United Methodist Church of Downers Grove is offering a summer camp experience for children and youth.  There will be three camps this year:

  • Elementary Camp:  2nd-6th grade
  • Junior High Camp:  7th-8th grade
  • Leadership Camp:  9th-10th grade 

The grade listed is the grade the student will be entering in the fall of 2011. Space is limited for all three camps so please register as soon as possible. Registration for church members is now open. Registration for non-church members starts on April 1.

Note: All first time 2nd and 3rd grader campers will need a parent to attend camp (the parent will attend at no cost).

Camp will be held at Wesley Woods Conference Center in Williams Bay, Wisconsin. Wesley Woods is owned and operated by the Northern Illinois Conference.

For more information and registration forms, see the link below.

* If you are interested in being a camp counselor, please fill out the appropriate form that can be found at the links below.

Wesley Woods Camp, Williams Bay, Wisconsin
Monday, June 27, 2011 - 10:35am

5th Annual Free Throw Shooting Contest

Basketball Net10-10-1

$10 a Person 10 Free Throws-1 Life Saved

100% of your registration fee will go to buy a net to save a life by preventing malaria in Africa.

Registration forms are available in the church office, in the Sunday Bulletin or at the link below. If you cannot participate, consider sponsoring someone for the contest. The mission event is planned and run by the 5th and 6th grade Sunday school class!

Sunday, March 13, 2011 - 2:00pm

Family Meal Time

Wednesday Family Meals begin again on this Wednesday, Jan. 12, 2011, from 5pm to 6:30pm. Please contact the church office by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 10, if you will be purchasing a meal subscription (Jan. 12-April 13).

It is 12 meals total: $55/adult and $40/child. We need to know because we will only purchase meals for those persons who have signed up.


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