Check Free Giving

Cancelled checkIf you don’t like to write checks or keep forgetting to bring your envelopes to church on Sunday, there is another way to maintain your giving to the church. 

You can make your tithe/pledge/offering directly to the church through a direct debit to your checking/savings account. The advantages to you are that you won’t have to write checks, you will never get behind on your pledge due to vacations, etc. The advantages to the church are an improved cash flow especially during the summer!

If you are interested in this program, please download the ACH Debit form from the link below and fill it out with your banking information (most of which comes from the bottom of one of your checks). Fill out the necessary dollar information and include a voided check.

Direct debits will only be made MONTHLY to your account. (Sorry can’t do weekly!)

If you have any questions, regarding this program, please contact Carolyn Donnelly (630-968-7120 x 208).

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