Work Areas

Work areas are the roots which are at the foundation of a Methodist church. They are comprised of many church and staff members that meet in various groups to budget, plan, and help oversee everything from church finance to music programs; mission activities outside the church to the lighting of the candles in worship services. Members of these committees enjoy fellowship, spiritual enrichment, and get firsthand experience at the inner workings of a thriving, growing church.

If you are interested in becoming involved in any of our work areas or need more information about the work areas, please contact the church office at 630.968.7120 ext. 205.

Administrative Council

According to the Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church, the Administrative Council is the group that "shall provide for planning and implementing a program of nurture, outreach, witness, and resources in the local church. It shall also provide for the administration of its organization and temporal life. It shall envision, plan, implement, and annually evaluate the mission and ministry of the church."

The membership of the Ad Council at DGFUMC includes the pastors, officers (chair, vice-chair, secretary, treasurers), lay members to annual conference, chairpersons of each work area, directors (staff members), UMW president, and members-at-large. All other church members are invited to attend the meetings and participate in discussion, although only the Ad Council members can vote.

Lenore Pitstick

Adult Education

The Adult Education work area provides and promotes regular, special, and unique educational opportunities that challenge the mind, enliven the spirit and lead to a deeper understanding of God, as revealed in Jesus Christ, through a personal and faith community commitment to faithful witness and compassionate service.

Matt Klepper

Board of Gifts and Bequests

The purpose of the Board of Gifts and Bequests is to support the life and mission of the First United Methodist Church of Downers Grove. The Board promotes the growth of the church's endowed funds, in support of its ministry within the community. Through prudent administrative and investment policy, the Board strives to ensure the church's endowed funds remain a vital force for the church and its congregation for generations to come.

Members may not be members of any other committees or work areas.

Tom Roose

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the church buildings and other properties.

At least one-third of total members must be women.
At least two-thirds members are members of DGFUMC.
All members must be over 21 years of age.

Jim Gracey and Sandy Mitchell

Bridge Work Area

The Bridge Board at First United Methodist Church is a partner with Bridge Communities, a non-profit organization with offices in Glen Ellyn whose mission is to:

  • Inspire and effect change by advocating for homeless families.
  • Provide services and opportunities that connect families to a better future.
  • Collaborate with faith-based partners, community groups and businesses to leverage resources and create long-term solutions.
  • Lead by example through our innovative programs and grassroots involvement.

The DGFUMC Bridge Board currently sponsors three families in partnership with Bridge Communities.

Debbie Gray

Children, Youth, and Family Ministries

This area carries the overall responsibility for the children’s ministries, birth through grade 6 and family ministries within the church, as well as youth ministries for grades 7 through 12. 

John Smoke and Andi Voinovich

Environmental Stewardship

The Environmental Stewardship Work Area helps us become responsible stewards of God's creation, and care for humankind. We

  • Provide environmental education
  • Encourage individual and corporate green living habits
  • Help the church take steps to make our facilities more energy efficient and earth friendly
  • Provide avenues for environmental social action


This work area is responsible for providing other work areas with annual budget planning and guidelines. The work area develops the Stewardship campaign budget. They develop and implement plans with will raise sufficient income to meet the budget adopted by the Administrative Council.

Mike Roth

Membership Development

This work area’s goal is to maintain and increase membership by serving and moving our congregation’s ministry forward.

Missions, Justice and Community

We encourage prayer, study, and action in the areas of world peace and order, human welfare, political and human rights, social, economic, and environmental justice, and survival. We share in missions that serve locally, nationally and extend around the globe. We support ministries that benefit children, youth, and adults, as well as the work of missionaries.

Joy Doran and Amy Smetana


The Nominations Committee identifies people who are willing to be in leadership positions in the congregation. We welcome volunteers or recommendations of people to serve in the open areas.

Claude R. King

Staff Parish Relations

The Staff-Parish Relations Committee is the administrative unit in a local church where staff and congregational interests are integrated to focus on the mission of the church. Specific tasks for the SPRC include:

  • explaining the nature and function of ministry to the staff and the congregation
  • conferring with the congregation and the staff/pastor about ministry direction
  • assessing the ministry of the congregation and the staff/pastor at least annually
  • conferring and consulting with the district superintendent
  • supporting lifelong learning for all staff (continuing education)
  • identifying and supporting individuals from the congregation whom God seems to be calling for ordained ministry
  • making recommendations regarding compensation, travel, benefits, and housing to the church council
  • recommending needed staff positions and developing written job descriptions and titles for associate pastors and staff

All must be members of DGFUMC, one must be a young adult.

Stacy Klepper


This work area provides and coordinates support for all worship related activities, through the work of coordinators, staff members, and volunteers. Responsibilities include organizing: acolytes, altar flowers, communion stewards, lay readers, liturgical dancers, organists, parking lot attendants, audio/visual attendants, as well as both regular and special music programs (three children’s choirs, Connection Choir (5-7 grade students), Chapel Choir (8th grade and high school students), Chancel Choir, and two Bell Choirs).

Dave Donahue

Youth Ministries

This work area is comprised of leaders from all youth programs from 7th grade to post high school.

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