Administrative Council

According to the Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church, the Administrative Council is the group that "shall provide for planning and implementing a program of nurture, outreach, witness, and resources in the local church. It shall also provide for the administration of its organization and temporal life. It shall envision, plan, implement, and annually evaluate the mission and ministry of the church."

The membership of the Ad Council at DGFUMC includes the pastors, officers (chair, vice-chair, secretary, treasurers), lay members to annual conference, chairpersons of each work area, directors (staff members), UMW president, and members-at-large. All other church members are invited to attend the meetings and participate in discussion, although only the Ad Council members can vote.

Per the Discipline, we are required at the minimum to organize into such a church council, as well as a committee on staff-parish relations, a committee on finance, a board of trustees, and a committee on lay leadership. Modifications and additions to this structure to support the needs of our ministry are allowed. Currently, DGFUMC has several other committees (or "work areas") to do the work of our local church: Adult Education, Board of Gifts and Bequests, Children and Family Ministries, Church and Society, Counseling Center, Environmental Stewardship, Health and Wellness, Membership Development, Missions, Worship, and Youth Ministries. Except for staff, all other members of Ad Council and work areas are US, members of our church who want to serve and move our congregation's ministry forward!

Ad Council and work area participants are nominated by the Nominations Committee for a typical term of three years. Each work area's membership rotates in classes so that the entire committee doesn't turn over at once. Participation in a work area is a great way to meet people and get connected into our daily church life. If you are interested in finding out more about a particular work area, you may contact the church office for the chairperson's name and they will get in touch with you (at this time of the year, some of the chairs are/will be changing, so the list is in flux). If you are interested in serving on a work area or Ad Council, please contact Rev. Claude King who chairs the Nominations Committee.

Lenore Pitstick
Mike Davenport

Pastors: Claude R. King, Andi Voinovich 
Deacon: John Smoke

Treasurer: Bill Crowther
Assistant Treasurer: Sally DeBraal
Assistant Treasurer: Sandy Kreps
Secretary: Lee Ann Clark

Lay Members to Annual Conference
Cami Koptik, Ina Osborn, Ray Osborn, Leah Ostwald, Don Safford, Phil Segrest (Lay Leader)

Child Advocate: John Smoke 
Church Historian: Carrie Flory

United Women in Faith President: Shelly Davenport

Members-At-Large: Patrick Donnelly, Kay Frank, Don Rose, Patti Rose, Don Safford, Leroy Pickett

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