The Rainbow Covenant

Rainbow CovenantOne of the benefits of being United Methodist is the way we work together to be in mission all around the world.

The first, foundation level of mission outreach is through the “apportionment” giving that is a part of our regular church budget. Through apportionments, a portion of our offerings are used throughout the year to minister through the World Service and Conference Benevolence Funds. The World Service Fund enables our church’s world-wide mission outreach. All United Methodist churches share together in contributing to the World Service Fund. The Conference Benevolence Fund directs a portion of our offerings to mission and ministries within our Northern Illinois Conference, from the inner city neighborhoods of Chicago to the rural areas of western Illinois. All the United Methodist Churches in our Conference in our Conference share financially in our Conference Benevolences.

The second, “extra” level of mission giving is through the “Rainbow Covenant.” The Rainbow Covenant allows us as a congregation to select specific ministries and mission projects for our congregation’s support. There are nine color “bands” of the Rainbow Covenant. To be a Rainbow Covenant church, a congregation first needs to pay its apportionments in full, and then give at least $25 to a mission in each of the color “bands” of the Rainbow.

The various colors each support an area of mission. They are:

  • Burgundy— International
  • Red—U.S.A
  • Orange—United Methodist Committee of Relief
  • Yellow—Children and Youth
  • Green—Northern Illinois Conference
  • Blue— District
  • Indigo—Missionary Support
  • Purple—Local Benevolences and Special Sundays
  • White—Sister Church Relationships.

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