
In support of the ongoing life and mission of the FUMC

Where there is no vision, the people perish. Proverbs 29:18

Securing Our Vision is the theme that identifies the effort to build a significant endowment fund for First United Methodist Church. With your help, the Board of Gifts and Bequests will seek to ensure the church's endowed funds remain a vital force for the church and its congregation for generations to come. A well-funded endowment will not only provide security, but help to fund programs and outreach that would otherwise not be possible.

We encourage you to consider how your special gift can allow our congregation to reach beyond what is possible in our general operating budget. Explore the difference your generosity can make in the life of our church. Explore today…and help in Securing Your Vision for the future of FUMC.

Special Giving Opportunities

Special giving opportunities at FUMC open the possibility for you to help secure the vision, life, and mission of our great church. The FUMC Board of Gifts and Bequests seeks to facilitate your desire to ensure we can not only maintain, but also expand upon our ministry well into the future.

FUMC Funds

Endowment Fund

The Endowment Fund provides special flexibility for the congregation to respond in significant ways to the greatest needs of tomorrow. The fund receives special gifts or bequests through the wills of FUMC members and friends, who wish to support the church's work beyond their lifetimes. These gifts are to be used over time to support special projects, programs, and initiatives that advance the ministry goals of FUMC. The Board of Gifts and Bequests, with the supervision of the Senior Pastor and Administrative Council, work collaboratively to determine meaningful allocations from this fund.

Kay Bequest Mission Fund

The Kay Bequest Mission Fund offers an opportunity for gifts to support mission projects and people in need far into the future. Much of the outreach support provided by the Board is facilitated through the earnings from this fund.

Memorial Fund

The Memorial Fund receives gifts to honor the memory of loved ones, to express thanksgiving, or to commemorate life's special events. Memorial gifts are put to work as needs of the church arise and are not invested with long-term funds. Gifts are acknowledged in a Memorial register.

Frequently Asked Questions about Endowment Giving

Who manages the Fund? How are the assets invested and managed?

The Board of Gifts and Bequests manage the Fund assets, supported by a Portfolio Manager Professional. The Senior Pastor and church Administrative Council oversee the activities of the Board. The Board has developed a conservative Investment Policy, which details investment standards and asset mix.

What is an appropriate gift in order to participate in this valuable ministry?

The amount of your gift is a very personal decision, best determined through the advice and council of an attorney and/or financial advisor. For example, you may choose to give an amount sufficient to allow the earnings to maintain your current annual giving. Or you may choose to base your gift on 10%, 20%, or some other percentage of your estate.

What if I would like my gift used for a specific purpose?

The Board will consider requests for your gift to be designated for a specific purpose. However, we strongly recommend that the gift be allowed to carry the additional value of being undesignated, providing for the flexibility to be used in ways unforeseen today.

Will the principle of the fund remain in place?

It is the intention of the Board to expend only a portion of the investment return and leave the principle untouched. Only in extraordinary circumstances, through action of the church Administrative Council, would the principle be reduced.

I am interested in supporting the church through the Endowment Fund. How do I notify the church of my intention to provide a gift, either today, in my will, trust, or from my estate? 

Making a contribution to the Endowment Fund can be as easy as writing a check to the church and sending it to the office. In other cases, such as making a bequest through your will, donating an insurance policy, appreciated securities or property, you will likely choose to first meet with your legal or financial advisor. There are a wide variety of ways in which gifts can be structured to meet your financial, estate, and tax planning goals. A member of the Board will gladly meet with you to answer additional questions regarding the Endowment Fund and to assist in completion of the gift form.

Board of Gifts and Bequests

The Board was chartered in May 1986 as an action by the FUMC Administrative Council. The purpose of the Board of Gifts and Bequests is to support the life and mission of the First United Methodist Church of Downers Grove. The Board promotes the growth of the church's endowed funds, in support of its ministry within the community. The Board plans to encourage an ongoing commitment to endowment-based giving within the congregation by identifying long-term needs within the church. The Board will serve as a thoughtful steward of the funds to which it is entrusted. Through prudent administrative and investment policy, the Board strives to ensure the church's endowed funds remain a vital force for the church and its congregation for generations to come.

Below are links to the form used to declare your intentions to participate in the Endowment Program, and to the Gift Acceptance Policy:

For more information, contact Carolyn Donnelly, DGFUMC Financial Secretary at 630.968.7120, x 208 or carolyn@dgfumc.org.

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