Faith In Action

Poverty has increased in DuPage County and continues to impact our neighbors in many communities throughout the county. Demographics are changing. Human Services organizations cannot handle the overload. But YOU can help make a difference. Please see the list of resources below where you can lend a hand to help address the needs of our neighbors.

All Church Community Hour - Creating Blessing Bags

This summer, we're offering a monthly All-Church  Community Hour after the 10:00 a.m. service to provide new ways for our congregation members to gather in community.

This Sunday, we will make Blessing Bags for the homeless and learn about how our church provides shelter for homeless individuals in our community by hosting PADS once a week. You will be able to sign up to volunteer too!

Join us in the parlor and, together, everyone will make up ziplock bags full of items for homeless individuals. The idea is to keep a ziplock bag in your car so that you can hand it out when you see someone in need.

Sunday, August 25, 2019 - 11:15am

Almost Home Kids

Almost Home KidsAlmost Home Kids (AHK) provides short-term transitional and respite care in a home-like setting to medically fragile children with complicated health needs, as well as training for their families. Many client families rely on financial donations and state aide in order to receive services. The children are often depending on a ventilator for breathing support, a feeding tube for nutrition and the use of other hi-tech devices. Family members are taught how to operate the equipment before the child goes home.

The facility in Naperville is the only model of its kind in Illinois. Volunteers spend time with the children and represent the organization at special events.  Almost Home Kids welcomes those that are at least 16 years of age to join their volunteer team to help enrich the lives of the children at AHK.  You will need to attend one of the monthly Volunteer Orientations, have a current TB test and seasonal Flu shot. 

Please visit the AHK website and click on the tab How to Help to see a page dedicated to the Volunteer Program.  You can also support AHK by donating items on the Wish List which is also located on the website.

Care Packages for the Homeless

Unsure how to help when you see homeless individuals at traffic lights or at the train station? On May 21, our congregation will be making homeless care packages that may be kept in cars and handed to people at intersections. Pizza will be served as we enjoy a time of fellowship in the Gym, starting at 6pm, and assemble Ziploc bags full of helpful items.

During May we will collect the following items in the church parlor:

  • Care PackageGallon size Ziplock storage bags
  • Socks (Men and women)
  • Rain Poncho
  • Chapstick
  • Comb
  • Individual Kleenex packets
  • Non-perishable foods such as Tuna Salad with pop-tops
  • Fruit cup or applesauce snack
  • Crackers with peanut butter or cheese
  • Granola or cereal bar
  • Juice boxes

Look for the Homeless Care Kit collection box at the UMW table in the parlor.

Please register below so we know how many supplies are needed. If you need any more information, contact: Ina Osborn

Wednesday, May 21, 2014 - 6:00pm

Care Packages for the Homeless

Join us as we make care packages for the homeless on Wednesday, March 23rd, in the gym. Pizza will be served at 6:00 p.m. and bag assembly will begin at 6:30 p.m. All ages welcome! No cost! Don't miss this incredible opportunity to impact the lives of homeless individuals in our community. The bags contain personal hygiene and nonperishable food items. They may be kept in cars and handed to people at intersections.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016 - 6:00pm

Community Adult Day Center

Community Adult Day Center (CADC) is a not-for-profit organization serving DG and surrounding communities. The center provides a dignified and pleasant environment for any adult needing daytime care and is an alternative to full-time in-home care. Clients enjoy a warm, supportive atmosphere, creative program, nutritionally-balanced meal, and an opportunity to share with others of the same age group, as well as social activities, including physical exercise, field trips and current events programs.

For more information, contact the center by phone 630.968.1060 or email

DuPage United

DuPage UnitedDuPage United, founded in 2003, is an inclusive, non-profit, non-partisan organization whose members are civil society institutions: churches, mosques, synagogues, non-profit agencies, and associations. They have come together to form public relationships and to act together to improve the quality of life for individuals, families and communities. DuPage United engages in democratic action in the public arena.

A group of clergy and lay leaders founded the organization in order to build the capacity to sit at the table with decision-makers to change systems and structures that were unjust. DGFUMC is a member of DuPage United.  For more information, please contact Rachel Brooks (703-955-6401).

Helping Kids in Our Community

healthy snacksAccording to recent data, nearly nine percent of children in DuPage County are living in poverty. The figures are alarming, but you can help. The Missions Work Area is coordinating with Downers Grove elementary school social workers to support school-age children. Stop by the Purchase with a Purpose table in the Parlor during January to donate money for the purchase of gift cards for social workers to use to obtain healthy snacks and to assist children with specific needs. Every dollar directly benefits children in Downers Grove.

Hope's Front Door

Hope's Front DoorFormerly known as the Walk-In Ministry of Hope, Hope's Front Door  provides emergency assistance to those in desperate need who include the unemployed, underemployed, homeless, seniors and disabled…nearly 15,000 individuals and their families in Downers Grove and five neighboring villages. After determining their immediate needs through compassionate conversation, clients are helped with either food, medical, dental and/or transportation vouchers, plus a clear pathway into the network of social agencies that can assist them with the long-term restructuring of their lives. 

For more information, contact Janell Robinson, Executive Director, or Diane Ray, Program Director, or phone 630-241-0187.

Justice for Our Neighbors

JFONJustice for Our Neighbors, a United Methodist immigration ministry, provides free, high quality legal services for immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers. Volunteers help complete forms, do child care and provide welcoming hospitality on the first Saturday of the month at Fourth Street United Methodist Church - 552 South Fourth Street, Aurora, IL

For more information contact 773.609.4401 or visit the website at:

Kids Hope USA

Kids Hope USAKids Hope USA develops one-on-one relationships through the creation of church-school partnerships that pair church members with at-risk kids in supportive, mentoring relationships. Mentors spend just one hour per week, reading, talking, playing and listening to a child at school. By helping the child feel loved and valued, they help that child to learn, grow and succeed.

Literacy DuPage

Literacy DuPageLiteracy DuPage serves over 30 communities in DuPage County by providing accessible and customized tutoring in reading, writing, speaking, and understanding English to help adults achieve independence. Trained volunteer tutors provide customized, learner-centered English language instruction in one-on-one or small group settings at a mutually convenient time and location for both tutors and students.  For further information, call 630-416-6699, send an e-mail to or visit the website at  You can complete the 'Contact Us' form on the website.

Northern Illinois Food Bank

Northern Illinois Food BankThe vision of the Northern Illinois Food Bank is for no one to be hungry in northern Illinois and to lead the community in solving hunger by providing nutritious meals to those in need. Across 13 northern Illinois counties, food manufacturers, local groceries, corporations, foundations, and individuals come together to donate food and funds, and evaluate and repack food for distribution to more than 600 network partners – the food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters and youth and senior feeding programs that serve more than 60,000 different people each week.

For more information, contact Jenny Orlando (630-443-6910 x 129).

PADS Giving Tree

The PADS Giving Tree is now up in the Parlor. Gifts for PADS families will be collected throughout December. Pick a tag from the tree, buy the gift, and return the unwrapped gift back under the tree to help make a PADS client warm and cozy this holiday season.

Gifts will be collected throughout December. 

PADS Homeless Shelter

The mission of DuPage PADSDuPage P.A.D.S. (Public Action to Deliver Shelter) is to end homelessness in DuPage County.  Building on years of experience, DuPage Pads believes the solution is housing, coupled with support services and employment.   Over the years, the agency has grown to be the largest provider of services to those who are homeless in the county, last year serving 1,451 individuals including 245 children in 140 families.

Our church hosts individuals and families every Tuesday night from October to May. DGFUMC volunteers coordinate the program and work on the first Tuesday of each month, while other churches work on the remaining weeks.  

For more information about DuPage Pads, contact Will Salmon (630-682-3846). For information about the DGFUMC PADS program, contact Sheila Ochoa (630-968-7120 x 205). 

People's Resource Center

People's Resource CenterPeople's Resource Center (PRC) meets basic needs, including food, clothing, and rent assistance, and offers skill-building resources, such as literacy classes, job assistance, computer training and art. Nearly 30,000 DuPage residents rely on PRC for help each year. More than 2,600 volunteers work with the small PRC staff offering time, skills, and resources to help their neighbors. Donors contribute food, clothing, books, art supplies, computers, and money to support the PRC’s work. 

DGFUMC volunteers staff the Westmont Food Pantry to assist clients in their grocery selection on Thursdays.

Contact the DGFUMC PRC coordinator, Julie Stone (630.985.9217), or PRC Volunteer Coordinator at 630-682-5402 or Fill out a volunteer application at

Sharing Connections

Sharing ConnectionsSharing Connections Furniture Bank provides donated furniture and household items to low-income families, most of whom are coping with crisis like domestic violence, job loss, or financial hardship and include the previously homeless, unemployed and working poor, veterans, victims of domestic violence, immigrants, individuals with mental or physical disabilities, victims of fire, flood and natural disasters, etc. Clients have housing, but are faced with the harsh reality that their “home” is empty or severely under-furnished. The goal of the organization is “tonight, everyone eats at a table and sleeps in a bed.”  The average salary of a client family of four is approximately $12,400 a year. After basic expenses are paid, there’s little if anything left for the common household furnishings most take for granted. 

For more information, call 630-971-0565 or visit the Sharing Connections website.

The Giving Tree

This holiday season we are again partnering with several organizations to provide gifts for those in need! Stop by the parlor when you are at church and choose a "giving ornament" from the tree!

You can choose to:

  • purchase gifts for PADS families who stay at DGFUMC. These gifts will be collected throughout December.
  • pick up a "giving ornament" for a $25 Jewel gift card for those served by United Church of Rogers Park this year. You can visit the Purchase with a Purpose table in the parlor on Sundays to buy Jewel gift cards (due by December 15).

Thank you for giving generously!

United Church of Rogers Park

United Church of Rogers ParkThe United Church of Rogers Park (UCRP)  has been our Sister Church for several years. Helping with the Summer Camp for neighborhood children has been a week-long mission of the DGFUMC junior high youth for more than 10 years. The Missions, Justice and Community work area has provided financial support to UCRP through the Rainbow Covenant and other financial donations.

One of the benefits of being United Methodist is the way we work together to be in mission all around the world. The first, foundation level of mission outreach is through the “apportionment” giving that is a part of our regular church budget. The second, “extra” level of mission giving is through the “Rainbow Covenant” which allows us as a congregation to select specific ministries and mission projects for our congregation’s support. The Rainbow white band is for a Sister Church of our choosing, which is UCRP.  

In the summer, our youth group went to UCRP to assist with Summer Camp. Adult members of DGFUMC can also be of service to UCRP. Always, our sister church needs financial contributions to help with overdue building repairs and to support its extensive community outreach programs. Watch DGFUMC communications for specific dates and times as opportunities to help at UCRP are announced. Here are some projects our church members have completed in recent years: 

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