This work area provides and coordinates support for all worship related activities, through the work of coordinators, staff members, and volunteers. Responsibilities include organizing: acolytes, altar flowers, communion stewards, lay readers, liturgical dancers, organists, parking lot attendants, audio/visual attendants, as well as both regular and special music programs (three children’s choirs, Connection Choir (5-7 grade students), Chapel Choir (8th grade and high school students), Chancel Choir, and two Bell Choirs).
Members: Beverly Binder, Gwen Clore, Dave Donahue, Judy Diver, Kay Miller, Mary Scale, Patti Staley
Sanctuary Organist and Handbell Director: Pattie Barnes
Chapel Organist: Elizabeth Vaughan
Chancel Choir Director: Diane Hires
Chapel Choir Director: Nick Loos
Connection & Chorister Choir Director: Nick Loos
Angels and Cherub Choir Director: Debbie Phillips
Music Coordinator: Judy Hanley
Choir Board President: Cindy Conger
Usher Coordinator: Bill Gray
Audio/Visual Coordinator: Jim Gracey
Communion Stewards: TBD, Kay Miller
Parking Lot Coordinator: Mark Pitstick
Acolyte Coordinator: Andi Voinovich
Staff Representative: Claude R. King
God, as known to us in Jesus Christ, welcomes all.
We welcome people of any race, national origin, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, social or economic status, employment status, or life situation; including people with physical or mental illness or disability.
We practice loving acceptance of each person and respectful discussion
of our differences.
Affiliated to Reconciling Ministries Network
Work Areas
Chair: Lenore Pitstick
Chair: Matt Klepper
Chair: Tom Roose
Chair: Jim Gracey and Sandy Mitchell
Chair: Debbie Gray
Chair: John Smoke and Andi Voinovich
Chair: Mike Roth
Chair: Joy Doran and Amy Smetana
Chair: Claude R. King
Chair: Stacy Klepper
Chair: Dave Donahue