Sunday Worship
Worship Service
This service, which is in the intimate setting of the Heartt Memorial Chapel, consists of hymns, prayers, scripture readings, and a sermon. There is no Sunday School during this service.
Worship Service
Chancel Choir performing their Spring Cantata featuring "Songs of Faith" by Paul Basler and "A Little Jazz Mass" by Bob Chilcott, directed by Diane Hires and accompanied by Pattie Barnes. Special guests include: Gary Greene on horn, Nils Higdon on drums, Tim Ipson on bass, and Stuart Seale on piano.
This service of hymns, prayers, scripture readings, and a sermon is held in the Sanctuary, with special music usually performed by the high school Chapel Choir. Once a month, the service has music of a more contemporary flavor provided by the Worship Band. All children from Kindergarten through 6th grade are invited to go straight to Sunday School before the service begins.
Worship Service
Chancel Choir performing their Spring Cantata featuring "Songs of Faith" by Paul Basler and " A Little Jazz Mass" by Bob Chilcott, directed by Diane Hires and accompanied by Pattie Barnes. Special guests include: Gary Greene on horn, Nils Higdon on drums, Tim Ipson on bass, and Stuart Seale on piano.
This service of hymns, prayers, scripture readings, and a sermon is held in the Sanctuary, with special music usually performed by the Chancel Choir. Children from Kindergarten through 6th grade are invited to attend the beginning of the service to hear a special children's sermon, after which they leave to join Sunday School.