God, as known to us in Jesus Christ, welcomes all.
We welcome people of any race, national origin, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, social or economic status, employment status, or life situation; including people with physical or mental illness or disability.
We practice loving acceptance of each person and respectful discussion
of our differences.
Affiliated to Reconciling Ministries Network
To the woman...
Who finds meaning in her church and is drawn to its fellowship,
Whose life is packed full of activity and obligations,
Who struggles with loneliness or a sense of failure,
Who juggles jobs and family, and tries to be faithful to both,
Who wants to combine classroom study with significant fellowship and outreach opportunities,
Who seems overburdened with the traditional woman's role of caregiver,
Who feels she has gifts which are wasted or undeveloped,
Who wants to be accepted for who she is,
Who need a supportive community to affirm her own sense of purpose and commitment to God.........