Sunday Worship
Sunday, October 11, 2020
Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost
Worship Service
Maria Penrod
Please Take a Nap
Psalm 23
- 9:45am: Music Prelude
- 10:45am: Music Postlude
Messy Church
Pastor John
This month's Messy Church will take place in the church's pumpkin patch. Come to the north parking lot to sign-in and get your temperature taken. Then come to the empty lot next to the pumpkin patch for a story at about 11:15. After the story you can buy and decorate a pumpkin or two (proceeds support Habitat for Humanity), walk our pumpkin labyrinth, or chalk the parking lot. There will also be some extra stress balls and “Unless” masks to be given away. There may even be some other surprises!
Please register in advance if you plan to attend.