Recent Blogs

Fulfilling God's Beloved Plan

This is the time when we focus on the appearance and public expression of Christ in this world. We have understood and joyfully celebrated the birth of Jesus on Christmas. Now, we center on how Jesus' presence is made known to the world, not only to the believers in God who watch for Jesus and prepare for his second appearing.

God’s Call Using Spiritual Gifts

We should be aware that God is calling us into ministry through the numerous ways that the Spirit of God is revealed in and through us. Yes, we can see evidence of God's calling of others in the Bible, but also we can see evidence of God's call of our fellow members of God's family through the spiritual gifts that they exhibit. There are many kinds of spiritual gifts expressed in many ways because God has made us to be the conduits of the various spiritual gifts that God gives for the building up of God's people.

Troubling Waters, Healing Waters

There are some things in life that are both terrifying and utterly appealing, as in dangerous and essential for life. Can you think of any such things? For me, one that immediately comes to mind is fire. Fire provides heat and warmth. Fire helps us cook. It lights the way when the power goes out. Fire is helpful. And also, fire can be dangerous. We've seen it recently ravage homes in Colorado and beyond.

More than Myself

Here we are in January at the beginning of a new year! Often in this time, people find themselves reflecting on the year that's been and considering what their hopes are for the year to come. How was your year? What do you celebrate? Is there anything you find yourself grieving? As you look at a new year, are you making resolutions? Do you have exciting plans?

Out of Darkness into Joy

I am looking forward to worshiping and celebrating the balance of Advent and the beginning of the Christmas seasons this year. We have all been filled with great anticipation of a more physically connective Advent and Christmas this year. Even if you may not be a "huggy" type of person, there are other blessed ways to enjoy our family and friends in person when we gather.

Acting on Christ’s Love Promise

In this Advent season, be reminded that we are to act out of love as Jesus did when he promised to return for those who love him. How are we preparing to live as loving children of the One who loves all people equally and act out Jesus' love promise? What happens when we act out of Christ's promise of love for us?

Deck the Halls

Did you have an opportunity to enjoy the Christmas Cantata last week? Wow! What a treat! Whether you were present in the sanctuary or enjoyed the cantata on our YouTube channel, I hope it was as meaningful for you as it was for me. The Christmas Cantata has always been a special experience for me, but after a year without one due to the pandemic, this felt particularly special. It felt like a shift, a naming of difference, a movement towards joy in the midst of such a dreary time. I find myself now a little more in the holiday spirit.

Winter Lent

What should we be doing during Advent? The best place to start is by understanding what Advent means. I want to give you an excerpt from an article that I read in Christianity Today on that subject:

"God of hope, I look to you with an open heart and yearning spirit.
During this Advent season, I will keep alert and awake,
listening for your word and keeping to your precepts.
My hope is in you." ~ Matthew Kelly

Redemption: Hope Over Hate

What would you say that you center your hope in as we enter the season we call Advent? What is Advent and why should we talk about hope during Advent? Isn't Advent an old word that people do not use much anymore outside of the church? We send out annual invitations for people to come to our worship services during Advent because it means something important to us.

Kin-dom Come

As a clergy person, I spend a lot of time meeting new people. Whether it's in the church building or out in the community, getting to know my neighbors is a big part of what I do. I love getting to know people, hearing their stories, and exploring the ways we can grow in connection. As an introvert, though I truly love these connections, it takes energy to put myself out there. Believe it or not, I am a little shy and after a day full of people and meetings, there's nothing more I want to do than hide at home with a good book and my cats.


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