Recent Blogs

Face Changing

Most of us are determined to speak, and or act when we deeply care for a person, group, ideology, or about our faith. That kind of determination can lead us into very uncomfortable and difficult circumstances as we defend, support, persuade, or put into practice advocating for a person, group, our world view, or as we embody our faith.

Faith, Law, and Grace

What do you think of when you think about your faith? What do you think of when you think about your father or father figure? These two questions have different foundations that we will pull from to answer, however, they have some interesting connective tissue that they share.

Not Wine but Wonder

Have you ever had a wild idea? One of those ideas that’s completely out of your comfort zone, but something seems to be pushing you towards it? When I think of this feeling, this movement towards something new and different, I think of the Holy Spirit. Each year when we honor Pentecost we honor the wild, unruly, intuitive whisper that brings us out of our comfort zones and away from actions of self-preservation towards community building that we might not otherwise have ever dreamed about.

God’s Curative Connection

There is an illness in our society that is clearly evident. Its symptoms center around a serious lack of healthy love flowing through it, and I have named that condition anemic love. "Anemia is a condition in which you lack enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to your body's tissues." (Mayo Clinic) We lack a healthy amount of God's love flowing through the cells that make up the fabric of our society.

For the Road Ahead

A week ago, I finished up my time as a trustee for Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in the best sort of way - with commencement! What a joy to celebrate the incredible students who graduate from the seminary and all of the faculty, staff, family, and friends who have supported them along the way! This year was particularly special. First, along with honoring the 2022 graduates, we also celebrated the class of 2020 and 2021 who were not able to have in-person celebrations at the time due to Covid.

On Mothering

This Sunday is Mother's Day. Many will gather to celebrate the mothers in their lives. Stories will be shared, cards will be given, and hugs will happen. Yet, this won't be the case for everyone.

Jesus Caught me Fishin’

The life we live is not easily understood. There are many situations that we find ourselves in that we feel are too much to handle. Either they have pushed us into relationships, whether personal or work-related, that are too stressful and complex for us to deal with, or too emotionally charged to stay balanced for any length of time. Or there are events in our lives that are unexpected like the loss of employment, lack of employment, financial instability, serious illnesses or deaths and we are unprepared or unable to manage the consequences that result after they happen.

Discerning Thomas

Answers. So often we are looking for answers. As a clergy person, I am often expected to be an expert on many things: what the Bible says; where to find different resources in our community; how to reach out to our neighbors; what is "cool" to youth and young adults; what happens to us when we die; and so much more. Many people are seeking answers. I think too, with those answers is a desire for certainty, for security, for a promise that things will be ok.

Restoration and Resurrection

"Why do you look for the living among the dead?" That is one of the most striking questions that is written in the Bible found in Luke 24:5. It was asked by two angelic beings of a very frightened Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and other women who came in search for their teacher, friend, and spiritual guide Jesus after his crucifixion, death, and entombment. Please read Luke 24:1-12.

Stones Will Shout

This Sunday is Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week. Together we'll worship, celebrating with a palm processional as we honor Jesus moving ever closer to the cross. Holy Week is an emotional week with ups and downs. We begin with this joyful parade, celebrating alongside the disciples and the people of Jerusalem until we make it to Thursday.


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