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Leap Before You Look

Our flesh, our earthly bodies, are the most common way that we experience this world. We do so specifically through our sensory perceptions. Human DNA made from the physical union of two people, over a nine-month gestation period will produce a baby made of extremely cute and cuddly baby skin and baby bones. But, it only happens once in a lifetime. Our spiritual self is the most common way that we experience the extraordinary connections that we all know, or can possibly know, and depend on to inform us about who we are intuitively in God's love.


What are those things in life that you had to memorize and recite? For many, there's the "Pledge of Allegiance." Often students in schools start their day off reciting this. For Christians, there's The Lord's Prayer which we say every week. Maybe you are in Scouts or another group that has a law or oath that you state at every meeting. You might not have it memorized, but if you are in worship on the first Sunday of the month, you're probably pretty familiar with the communion liturgy. As Methodists, we participate in communion at least once a month because it is sacred.

Seeking Transformation

This week we prepare for Ash Wednesday and the end of Epiphany season. However, we first must stop to consider what the transfiguration of Jesus, in front of his disciples, on the high mountain does and consider the words that came from God in Matthew 17:5 that reads, "from the cloud a voice said, 'This is my Son, the Beloved; with him I am well pleased; listen to him!'"

Need, Want, and Learning the Way

Throughout my life, I have been fortunate to have some truly incredible teachers. Each of these teachers had their own gifts. My elementary music school teacher? So very fun and able to connect with children in a way that had us all wanting to participate. My critical thinking professor in college? He cared enough to see the talents and needs of each student and support them in living out their potential, and through personal crises. My seminary Old Testament professor?

The Presence of Salt and Light

We all know that salt and light are essential to our daily life. We cannot live very long without either salt or light. What are the first images that come to your mind when you have heard or read that we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world? Do you see images that show food, healing, warmth, and illumination, amongst other positive benefits, all of which give or sustain life?

Justice, Kindness, and Journeying Humbly

Change happens in so many ways and often change includes some discomfort and tension. Even when that change isn't a conflict, this can be the case. When I was going through my growth spurt as a child, I remember those uncomfortable moments when I would be in-between sizes. One size was a little too snug and I'd find myself constantly pulling at my clothes. The next size up would require adjustments in length or wouldn't look quite right either.

Unity in Diversity

God loves us and wants us to realize we are all a precious creation, God's children, and partners with Jesus in the caring, healing, teaching, and saving of this world. Identifying us as partners with Jesus is not how most of us see ourselves when we think about the work Jesus is doing to love and save humanity.

Cared For And Called

Would you be surprised if I told you that many of the longest and loudest conversations I have are in my head? Maybe you can empathize. My guess is some of you may share this experience, where our brains are constantly moving, constantly assessing every situation, and imagining 1,001 different ways in which we could engage with each moment and what the consequences of that engagement might be. This can be exhausting! And, if I'm honest, I wouldn't say these conversations increase my confidence with myself or the world I live in.

A Calling to Fulfill Righteousness

"O God, you made of one blood all nations, and, by a star in the East, revealed to all peoples him whose name is Emmanuel. Enable us to know your presence with us so to proclaim his unsearchable riches that all may come to his light and bow before the brightness of his rising, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen." - Laurence Hull Stookey (#255 UMH).

Finding the Star and Following it too

Happy New Year! How will you celebrate this weekend? Tis' the time for New Year's resolutions! Throughout your life, what kinds of resolutions have you made . . . and have you been able to keep them? It's always interesting to hear what goals people set for themselves this time of year. I wonder when I hear over and over again goals about getting to the gym or eating healthier if people make goals that matter to them or that they feel like they need to make to better be accepted by others.


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