On Mothering

This Sunday is Mother's Day. Many will gather to celebrate the mothers in their lives. Stories will be shared, cards will be given, and hugs will happen. Yet, this won't be the case for everyone.

As much as Mother's Day and Father's Day are celebrations for some, they are days of great grief and sadness for others. Whether one had a negative relationship with their parents, has recently experienced a loss, or lives with infertility challenges or any one of other many challenges, this holiday can be anything but joyous. It's amazing how one day can be experienced in such incredibly different ways!

Navigating these holidays can be challenging in faith communities and in families, yet I truly believe it's important that we have these conversations. I do believe it is possible to celebrate those who have offered us incredible support and parented us in many ways, while also acknowledging the reality that not everyone has positive experiences associated with parenting or being parented.

I am excited to welcome Lara Vazquez to join us this Sunday in worship for a dialogue sermon. Lara encountered her own personal struggle with depression and anxiety during pregnancy and now advocates for awareness around all types of maternal mental health. She volunteers for several organizations, runs a local support group, and leads an annual event to raise funds for local resources. She is a proud mother of three and a member of the Downers Grove community.

Hopefully, together, in holding space for all of our truths, we can grow as a community and care for each other well on these days that bring up so many feelings, and each day, as we parent and are parented by one another. We hope you are able to join us this Sunday as we honor Mother's Day and also Maternal Mental Health Month!

Below are some resources to learn more:

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