In Solidarity

An Anti-Racism Workshop for Faith Communities

Presented by Rev. Joan Crawford

Workshop Days and Times

  • Friday, Sept. 22 - 6:30 - 8:30 PM
  • Saturday, Sept. 23 - 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM


Register using the DGFUMC donation page using the Solidarity Workshop  tab. The cost is $25 per person including lunch on Saturday.

Perspectives on Race and Racism

Learn some of the ways African Americans experience and cope with racism daily – from unintentional personal insults to the life-altering consequences of systemic racism. Participants will be challenged to shift their perspectives on race by gaining a deeper understanding of implicit bias, white privilege, white fragility, and critical race theory.

Systemic Racism

You may not be racist but if you remain silent because you don’t recognize systemic racism then you are contributing to the injustice. Learn how various forms of systemic racism continue to be obstacles for African Americans because most people fail to realize how it remains embedded in our society. In addition, the facilitator shares her parents’ stories of growing up in the Jim Crow south and then migrating to the north only to confront racism in Chicago.

Working in Solidarity

This unit provides strategies on how individuals can improve their interpersonal communication skills in one on one or small group sessions to build honest and collaborative relationships. A list of Do’s and Don’ts is provided to help participants avoid awkward conversational moments and microaggressions. Options for addressing systemic racism are presented and discussed.

African American Spirituality, History and Culture

Black History is celebrated each February, but in most communities, the same Black s/heroes are recalled and applauded. To gain a better understanding of African American history and the cultural distinctives that emanate from that history, a multi-media presentation will be shared – highlighting music, art, dance, literature, and African American spirituality.

About Workshop Presenter Joan Crawford

The Reverend Joan Crawford is a Spiritual Director, Deacon and Benedictine Oblate. Joan has an ecumenical background and inclusive vision. She received a Master of Theology from Northern Baptist Theological Seminary in Lombard, Illinois; and a Certificate in Spiritual Guidance from the Siena Dominican Center in Racine, Wisconsin. Her ministry now includes workshops to promote interracial healing and dialogue. Joan brings spiritual awareness, insightful humor, and tender seriousness to her presentations. Her candor, sensitivity, and deep listening will help instill the building blocks for better understanding between the African American and Anglo-American communities.


"Joan is an educator and minister who serves from a heart of hope while sitting comfortably with the complex set of issues facing our world. She values and recognizes the importance of engaging across differences."

"... deeply emotional material. Hard to walk away without being touched."

"It was great. Thank you...for opening your heart and life to us. I never realized the depth of fear, pain, death and danger in the history of African Americans."

"Marvelous, meaty, intelligent and fearless."

"...honest, transparent, open, generous Thank you so much."

"I especially liked the integration of music and the arts!"

"...participants felt a personal connection and warmth while hearing challenging things..."

"Joan was an excellent presenter and engaged could feel the energy in the room open up."

"Words are inadequate to express appropriate appreciation and respect for Joan's service and vulnerability in presenting these amazing sessions."

Friday, September 22, 2023 - 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 9:00am to 3:30pm

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