175th Anniversary

Display of Project 175Q Quilts

Project 175Q QuiltsMany thanks to all the members of our church who have supported Project 175Q during the past year. We have over 160 quilts to be donated to local charities.

Please join us in the sanctuary when the quilts will be displayed.

Sunday, February 12, 2012 - 1:30pm

Second Sunday Quilters Thank You

Guatemala QuiltsMany thanks to all the members of our church family who have supported Project 175Q, during this 175th Anniversary Year.

Your support has enable us to send 12 quilts to Guatemala City with our mission delegates and be able to donate 152 quilts to local charities.

Please join us on Sunday, February 12, when the quilts will be displayed in the Sanctuary from 2 to 4pm.

November Exhibit Case

The November exhibit case in the parlor features the Heartt Bell, which has rung every Sunday since being installed in November 1905. It was moved to this church from the Welcome Church and guaranteed to ring for 20 years.

175th Celebration Commemorative Items

175th Anniversary LogoThere is only a limited supply still available of the church’s 175th Celebration Mugs and Ornaments. Remember these are great gifts ideas for any occasion. They will be available in the parlor on the three Sundays prior to Christmas and at other times you may purchase them in the church office.

Emphasizing our long history of worship in Downers Grove, the black and white mugs come alive with rich colors when hot liquid is added. Like magic, scenes of the early log cabin in the woods along with a full view of the current church are revealed.

The custom designed etched glass ornament can also be used as a sun catcher. The church’s bell tower is featured along with the 175th theme of “Celebrating Our Past; Committed to Our Future.” It is a special keepsake of historic significance.

Each of these Commemorative items is a lasting gift for only $10.00. If paying by check, please make payable to First United Methodist Church with the designation of 175th Celebration.

There are also 175th Commemorative historical booklets still available. A $2-$5 donation is requested to cover printing costs. 

175th Anniversary Church Choir Festival

Church Choir Festival

Choirs from First Congregational United Church of Christ, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, and St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, will join with our own Chancel Choir to present an evening of choral and organ music. Choirs from each church will sing their own favorite anthems, organists will present selections, and all choirs will join their voices in two massed anthems, “Fairest Lord Jesus” arranged by Mark Hayes and “The Promise of Living” by Aaron Copland.

Plan to be a part of the audience to welcome your friends in these guest choirs and to celebrate the strong music tradition of the Downers Grove area and the 175th Anniversary of our own church.

This choir festival, hosted by other churches in past years, is the first hosted by FUMC. The concert will begin at 7:30 in the Sanctuary and a Reception will follow.

DGFUMC - Sanctuary
Sunday, November 13, 2011 - 7:30pm

175th Celebration Banquet

175th Celebration Banquet

Alpine Banquets, 8230 Cass Avenue, Darien, IL 60561
Sunday, August 28, 2011 - 12:00pm

Recognition Sunday

Welcoming Back Our Former Pastors!

To help us celebrate our 175th anniversary, we’ve invited all the former pastors and associate pastors of our congregation to attend the 10:00am service. Please come and help honor their service to our congregation over so many years.

Pastor Greta will preach on "Reaching for Heaven".

Sunday, July 17, 2011 - 10:00am

All Church Picnic

Picnic BasketThere will be an All Church Potluck Picnic on Sunday, June 12 immediately following the 10:00 Hymn Sing service. We will set up tents on the vacant lot next to the parking lot,and we will be cooking hot dogs and brats. Sign up in the Parlor beginning Sunday, May 22. We ask that each family bring a salad, side dish or dessert to share. We will try to be as earth-friendly as possible, so please bring your own plates and silverware. Lemonade and water will be available to drink. If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Bifulco.

Sunday, June 12, 2011 - 11:00am

Long Time Members Sought

The 175th Anniversary Committee is compiling a list of everyone who has been a member of DGFUMC for at least 50 years. If you or someone you know joined the church before 1962, please contact Don Dunham.

Old Fashion Hymn Sing and Potluck

175th AnniversaryAs part of the celebration of our 175 years as a church we will be having an Old Fashion Hymn Sing and Potluck on Sunday, February 27 starting at 4pm in the Sanctuary.
During the old fashion hymn sing, we will be singing some of the hymns that have been sung during the 175 years at special services and dedications and are still pertinent to our day. We will also hear some historical facts and figures of the 175 years of service to our community. Our song leader will be Brett Goad and Diane Hires will be the accompanist on the piano.

One of the things the Methodist Church has been known for is to get together for a potluck. So following the hymn sing, we will have a potluck in the gym. Each one attending will be asked to bring a side dish to serve 10- 12. Chicken and drinks will be provided.

So we may know how many to prepare, please sign up in the church parlor on Sunday mornings or by contacting the church office, 630.968.7120 to make a reservation.

Sanctuary and Gym
Sunday, February 27, 2011 - 4:00pm


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