Biggest Carbon Loser: Week 1

Biggest Carbon Loser

Given the ever increasing impact of climate change caused by greenhouse gas emissions, we invite everyone to join in a program to reduce our energy consumption, save money and protect the health and well- being of people and our planet - all at the same time.

During this coming month, commit to as many actions as possible to reduce your energy consumption and in friendly competition see who can score the most points in moving you and your family toward a lower carbon footprint.

Here is the list of action items for week 1. Report your score using the DGFUMC Contact Form (choose 'Environmental Stewardship' as the category). More details can be found on the Going Green page.

Action Items

  1. Turn off lights, TV and other electronics whenever you leave the room for more than a minute - 2 pts.
  2. Clean or replace furnace air filter regularly - 2 pts.
  3. Reduce waste generation and recycle all aluminum, glass, plastic, paper, etc. (reducing half of a standard size garbage can per week can reduce about 2,000 lb/ yr. CO2 - 2 pts.
  4. Plant new trees to commemorate births of children/ grandchildren- they not only sequester carbon but also provide shade, retain water and purify the air - 5 pts.
  5. Tune-up furnace/ A/C at least every other year (saves 300 lb/ yr. CO2) - 3 pts.
  6. Replace attic fan with solar powered fan (free energy for life- easier installation) - 10 pts.
  7. Consider organic cleaning products such as vinegar, borax, baking soda - 1 pt.
  8. Eat less meat (for each day of the week switching to vegetarian can save 700 lb/ yr. CO2) - 5 pts.
  9. Buy foods locally - 2 pts.
  10. Remove unneeded heavy objects from trunk to improve mileage - 1 pt.
  11. Combine car trips while you’re out to reduce vehicle miles travelled (with planning most people can reduce VMT 20% saving 1,500 lb/ yr. CO2) - 3 pts.
  12. Use mass transit whenever feasible, especially commuting to work-  5 pts.

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