Justice for Genocide: A Survivor's Story

Rios-Montt TrialNISGUA (Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala) is an organization that provides support for justice in Guatemala, for example by providing "accompaniers", people who travel with potential trial witnesses to protect them from harm. They have organized a tour of the United States visiting Chicago this Friday, Nov. 8, when there will be a talk by the president of the Association for Justice and Reconciliation, Anselmo Roldán Aguilar, about his experience as a survivor of the genocide committed in the 1980s when Guatemala was under the rule of the dictator, Efraín Ríos Montt. This will be a wonderful opportunity to hear first hand what lay behind this year's trial for genocide and to understand the background to the formation of communities like La Esperanza and the UPAVIM cooperative. Ellen Moore, who looked after our church's delegation to UPAVIM in 2011, will be there.

They will be giving their presentation this Friday at 7:30pm in the Chicago University Church at 5655 S. University Avenue. A group of us will be attending. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Ray Osborn.

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