Advantages for Purchasing Local Produce Year Round

Various local produce is alive and well and available during a large portion of the year here in Illinois. Most of the local produce that is available in one given month is typically available for a period of three to four months following. For example, local produce that is available in April is also available in May and June, and so forth. There are many advantages for purchasing local produce, such as: (a) Local produce tastes better (b) Local produce retains its nutrients longer (c) Local food preserves genetic diversity (d) Local farmers don’t have access to genetically modified seed (e) Local food provides support to local farm families (f) Local food builds community (g) Local food preserves open farm space (h) Our taxes are kept in check, since farms contribute more in taxes than they require in services (i) Local food supports a clean environment and benefits wildlife (j) Buying local food today ensures that there will be community farms tomorrow.

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