Chancel Choir Christmas Cantata - Stella Natalis

Sunday, December 14
9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Worship Services

The Chancel Choir will present an unusual and enticing piece entitled STELLA NATALIS by British composer Karl Jenkins, on Sunday, December 14 at the 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. services. The 12 parts of Stella Natalis (“star of birth”) celebrate different aspects of Christmastide - winter, the sleeping child, tidings of peace, thanksgiving - with wide ranging texts which take the listener on surprising journeys to childhood, seasons past, and anticipation of Christmas times to come. Jenkins, one of the most prolific, popular and performed composers in the world today, uses musical ideas and texts which suggest a "Star Wars" world turned toward the spiritual.

The cantata includes Downers Grove First United Methodist Church's fine Chancel Choir under the direction of Diane Hires and accompanied by Pattie Barnes. The orchestra features virtuoso trumpet (Tom Tait), string orchestra and two percussionists.

Please plan to attend one of these inspiring services with family and friends to celebrate joys of the Christmas season together.

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