Joanna Circle No Longer Collecting Medicine Bottles

Due to the overwhelming response to the medicine bottle collection, Joanna Circle will no longer be collecting bottles. The Malawi Project, the organization that was receiving the bottles, posted the following notice on their website updating the status of the project.

UPDATE – DECEMBER 20, 2015 – AFTER REACHING MORE THAN 1 MILLION PILL CONTAINERS THIS PARTICULAR PROGRAM HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. The Malawi Project Board of Directors has turned its attention to (1) famine relief, (2) getting medical supplies, including 30 kidney dialysis machines, to Malawi as well as another shipment of over 500 wheelchairs and, (3) gaining the funds from contributors to build a new birthing center south of the capital city of Lilongwe. Thank you for your support of the pill container program and please continue with us on future projects.

To learn more about the Malawi Project, visit

Joanna Circle would like to thank the congregation for their support in making this project a success!

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