PADS Sign-Up for 2017-18 Season

The PADS season this year will begin on September 19, 2017 and run through May 19, 2018. DGFUMC is responsbile for providing food and volunteers on the first Tuesday of each month beginning October 3. Volunteer duties are split in half for the year with the Loaves team responsible for October, December, February and April and the Fishes team for November, January, March and May. Each team has opportunities for volunteers for set-up, dinner, overnight, and clean-up the following morning as well as for food donations.

To sign-up to volunteer or to learn more about the PADS program, visit the parlor starting Sunday, September 3. If you are not available on the first Tuesday of the month, we do host every Tuesday and have volunteer opportunities available.

Please contact Sheila in the church office at 630.968.7120 or for details. 

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